Judge has assessed an item in Issue #175 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
L-02 Initial values for GovernorSettings are very low
ODGovernor is a OZ Governor with some plugins. It sets up its parameters in the constructor:
File: src/contracts/gov/ODGovernor.sol
41: GovernorSettings(1, 15, 0)
These are in turn, initialVotingDelay=1, initialVotingPeriod=15 and initialProposalThreshold=0.
These values are very low, and initialProposalThreshold=0 can invite to spam. initialVotingPeriod=15 is very short as optimism uses L1 blocks with are just 12 seconds.
I assume these are test chain values, similar to the factories in uniswap and camelot relayers.
Do not forget to change these values before going live.
Judge has assessed an item in Issue #175 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
L-02 Initial values for GovernorSettings are very low ODGovernor is a OZ Governor with some plugins. It sets up its parameters in the constructor:
File: src/contracts/gov/ODGovernor.sol
41: GovernorSettings(1, 15, 0) These are in turn, initialVotingDelay=1, initialVotingPeriod=15 and initialProposalThreshold=0.
These values are very low, and initialProposalThreshold=0 can invite to spam. initialVotingPeriod=15 is very short as optimism uses L1 blocks with are just 12 seconds.
I assume these are test chain values, similar to the factories in uniswap and camelot relayers.
Recommendations Do not forget to change these values before going live.