code-423n4 / 2023-10-wildcat-findings

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Function WildcatMarketController.setAnnualInterestBips allows for values outside the factory range #196

Open c4-submissions opened 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

When a WildcatMarketController is created, it is hardcoded with a MinimumAnnualInterestBips and MaximumAnnualInterestBips ramge that cannot be changed; these values come from WildcatMarketControllerFactory where they are specified by the protocol owners.

When a market is created at the borrower's request, the annual interest requested by the borrower is validated to sit within these bounds.

However, the borrower is also allowed to change this value at a later point through the WildcatMarketController.setAnnualInterestBips function. This entry point does not offer any validation, except for the downstream WildcatMarket.setAnnualInterestBips that checks for the value not to exceed BIPS.


After the creation of a market, the borrower is allowed to change its annual interest outside the bounds allowed by the protocol.

Proof of Concept

    function testArbitraryInterestRate() public {
        WildcatArchController archController = new WildcatArchController();
        SanctionsList sanctionsList = new SanctionsList();
        WildcatSanctionsSentinel sentinel = new WildcatSanctionsSentinel(

        // the protocol mandates a 10% annual interest
        WildcatMarketControllerFactory controllerFactory = new WildcatMarketControllerFactory(
            address(archController), // _archController,
            address(sentinel), // _sentinel,
            MarketParameterConstraints( // constraints
                uint32(0), // minimumDelinquencyGracePeriod;
                uint32(0), // maximumDelinquencyGracePeriod;
                uint16(0), // minimumReserveRatioBips;
                uint16(0), // maximumReserveRatioBips;
                uint16(0), // minimumDelinquencyFeeBips;
                uint16(0), // maximumDelinquencyFeeBips;
                uint32(0), // minimumWithdrawalBatchDuration;
                uint32(0), // maximumWithdrawalBatchDuration;
                uint16(10_00), // minimumAnnualInterestBips;
                uint16(10_00)  // maximumAnnualInterestBips;

        address borrower = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256("borrower"))));


        MockERC20 token = new MockERC20();

        WildcatMarketController controller = WildcatMarketController(

        // the borrower creates a market with 10% annual interest - all good till now
        address market = controller.deployMarket(
            address(token), // asset,
            "3d", // namePrefix,
            "3", // symbolPrefix,
            type(uint128).max, // maxTotalSupply,
            10_00, // annualInterestBips
            0, // delinquencyFeeBips,
            0, // withdrawalBatchDuration,
            0, // reserveRatioBips,
            0 // delinquencyGracePeriod

        // now, the borrower is allowed to change the interest below 10%
        // which is not allowed by the protocol config
        controller.setAnnualInterestBips(market, 5_00);

        // and get away with it
        assertEq(5_00, WildcatMarket(market).annualInterestBips());

Tools Used

Code review, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider introducing the validation of the new interest rate:

  // WildcatMarketController.sol:468
  function setAnnualInterestBips(
    address market,
    uint16 annualInterestBips
  ) external virtual onlyBorrower onlyControlledMarket(market) {
+   assertValueInRange(
+     annualInterestBips,
+     MinimumAnnualInterestBips,
+     MaximumAnnualInterestBips,
+     AnnualInterestBipsOutOfBounds.selector
+   );
    // If borrower is reducing the interest rate, increase the reserve
    // ratio for the next two weeks.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-pre-sort commented 10 months ago

minhquanym marked the issue as duplicate of #443

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

MarioPoneder marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

MarioPoneder marked the issue as selected for report

laurenceday commented 10 months ago

Mitigated by, adjusted to proposed solution by

MarioPoneder commented 10 months ago

Selected because of PoC, discussion and mitigation steps.

c4-sponsor commented 10 months ago

laurenceday (sponsor) confirmed