code-423n4 / 2023-10-zksync-findings

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`refundCurrentL2Transaction` does not check if there is enough gas to cover the computational overhead for the `ZKSYNC_NEAR_CALL_callPostOp` #259

Open c4-submissions opened 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The gas provided to the ZKSYNC_NEAR_CALL_callPostOp may not be enough to cover the computational overhead, as it is not checked, so the operator may use his computational resources without being fully reimbursed for them.

Proof of concept

In bootloader, function checkEnoughGas, it is clearly stated that, before doing nearCalls, the current frame must have enough gas to pay for the computation overhead:

bootloader, lines 1781 to 1790

            /// @dev Checks whether the current frame has enough gas
            /// @dev It does not use 63/64 rule and should only be called before nearCalls. 
            function checkEnoughGas(gasToProvide) {
                debugLog("gas()", gas())
                debugLog("gasToProvide", gasToProvide)

                // Using margin of CHECK_ENOUGH_GAS_OVERHEAD gas to make sure that the operation will indeed
                // have enough gas 
                if lt(gas(), safeAdd(gasToProvide, CHECK_ENOUGH_GAS_OVERHEAD(), "cjq")) {
                    revertWithReason(NOT_ENOUGH_GAS_PROVIDED_ERR_CODE(), 0)

and if we go to all occurrences of nearCalls, we see this recurrent pattern:

    let gasBefore := gas()
    checkEnoughGas(gasLeft) // from the function arguments

    let gasUsedInNearCall := sub(gasBefore, gas())

so that the operator does not incur in a cost the caller is not able to pay. However, the function refundCurrentL2Transaction does not call checkEnoughGas(gasLeft) before executing the ZKSYNC_NEAR_CALL_callPostOp (although it does check that gasLeft > 0, removing the possibility of sending all the gas from the parent frame, so the Medium instead of the High)

Recommended Mitigation steps

bootloader, lines 1425 to 1438

                    if gt(gasLeft, 0) {
+                       checkEnoughGas(gasLeft)
                        let nearCallAbi := getNearCallABI(gasLeft)
                        let gasBeforePostOp := gas()
                            // Maximum number of gas that the postOp could spend
                            // Since the paymaster will be refunded with reservedGas,
                            // it should know about it
                            safeAdd(gasLeft, reservedGas, "jkl"),
                        let gasSpentByPostOp := sub(gasBeforePostOp, gas())

                        switch gt(gasLeft, gasSpentByPostOp) 
                        case 1 { 
                            gasLeft := sub(gasLeft, gasSpentByPostOp)
                        default {
                            gasLeft := 0

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 10 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-pre-sort commented 10 months ago

141345 marked the issue as sufficient quality report

miladpiri commented 10 months ago

I don’t see a clear path to exploiting it (as it has been already checked in the execution step of the tx), but we should add it. So, Low.

miladpiri commented 10 months ago

The duplicates indicated by the pre-sorter are irrelevant to this issue. They should be judged seperately.

c4-sponsor commented 10 months ago

miladpiri marked the issue as disagree with severity

c4-sponsor commented 10 months ago

miladpiri (sponsor) confirmed

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

GalloDaSballo changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

GalloDaSballo commented 9 months ago

Agree with lack of impact, downgrading

nethoxa commented 9 months ago

I'm ok with QA but I would like to highlight the idea I had back then for completeness. My idea was that checkEnoughGas checked for the current frame to have gas() >= gasToProvide + overhead. However, between that check before the execution step and the postOp one, there are many operations in between, so the "parent transaction" gas() is being reduced by those operations too (I think I did read somewhere in your docs that the gas constants in your config files were taken experimentally, so, if that's true, then this comment does not make sense and you do not have to keep reading). Anyway, it would be possible that

The reason behind is because the "gas hierarchy" looks like


so if the bootloader frame reverts, everything reverts. It could be used by anyone to censor batches by placing a flawed transaction at the end of the batch through sending it with enough gas to get picked the last one (high impact, low likelihood BUT high complexity leads to QA, indeed).

Please, note that the check wouldn't fix this, although, if I were in charge of writing the server code, I would put a hook to reorder the last transaction of the failed batch with a new one or even remove it and put that transaction in the next batch if this situation did occur.

miladpiri commented 9 months ago

We do anyway reorder the batch in case the last transaction gets picked up last (i.e. we remove the last transaction and put into the next batch). The last trasaction leads to the bootloader being OOG, so we basically already do what the warden suggests.

nethoxa commented 9 months ago

Perfect, then. Thanks!