Fee calculations depends on shareData[_id].tokenCount, which is updated AFTER doing the transfer of token. That means, if the token is an ERC777 compatible token, users can reenter the function paying, for example, less fees on a buy operation.
Proof of Concept
NOTE --> I'm gonna work on top of the buy operation, the others are kind of the same
When users call Market, function buy, the fee they are gonna pay is retrieved by calling getBuyPrice
function getBuyPrice(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256 price, uint256 fee) {
// If id does not exist, this will return address(0), causing a revert in the next line
address bondingCurve = shareData[_id].bondingCurve;
(price, fee) = IBondingCurve(bondingCurve).getPriceAndFee(shareData[_id].tokenCount + 1, _amount);
After that, Market pulls price + fee tokens from the user and AFTER that, it updates shareData[_id].tokenCount. That means, if token is an ERC777 token with the given hooks on transfers, it can reenter the function and buy far more tokens just by paying the same amount of fees, which leads to a theft of fees from the Market
SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, address(this), price + fee);
// The reward calculation has to use the old rewards value (pre fee-split) to not include the fees of this buy
// The rewardsLastClaimedValue then needs to be updated with the new value such that the user cannot claim fees of this buy
uint256 rewardsSinceLastClaim = _getRewardsSinceLastClaim(_id);
// Split the fee among holder, creator and platform
_splitFees(_id, fee, shareData[_id].tokensInCirculation);
rewardsLastClaimedValue[_id][msg.sender] = shareData[_id].shareHolderRewardsPerTokenScaled;
shareData[_id].tokenCount += _amount;
Lines of code
https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-canto/blob/335930cd53cf9a137504a57f1215be52c6d67cb3/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol#L206 https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-canto/blob/335930cd53cf9a137504a57f1215be52c6d67cb3/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol#L229 https://github.com/code-423n4/2023-11-canto/blob/335930cd53cf9a137504a57f1215be52c6d67cb3/1155tech-contracts/src/Market.sol#L153
Vulnerability details
Fee calculations depends on
, which is updated AFTER doing the transfer oftoken
. That means, if thetoken
is an ERC777 compatible token, users can reenter the function paying, for example, less fees on abuy
operation.Proof of Concept
NOTE --> I'm gonna work on top of the
operation, the others are kind of the sameWhen users call Market, function buy, the fee they are gonna pay is retrieved by calling
Market, line 152
whose implementation is
Market, lines 132 to 136
which depends on
, used as the argument tolog2
in LinearBondingCurve, function getFee.After that,
pullsprice + fee
tokens from the user and AFTER that, it updatesshareData[_id].tokenCount
. That means, iftoken
is an ERC777 token with the given hooks on transfers, it can reenter the function and buy far more tokens just by paying the same amount of fees, which leads to a theft of fees from theMarket
Market, lines 153 to 161
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Just make
those functions.Assessed type