code-423n4 / 2023-11-kelp-findings

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Arbitrary Code Execution in LRTDepositPool.depositAsset. #217

Closed c4-submissions closed 10 months ago

c4-submissions commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


depositAsset function allows an arbitrary address to be passed in as the asset parameter. This opens up the contract to be exploited if a malicious contract address is passed in.

Specifically, the problem lies in this line:

if (!IERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount)) {
  revert TokenTransferFailed(); 

Here transferFrom is called on the address passed as asset. If a malicious contract is passed in, its transferFrom function could execute arbitrary logic, which could steal funds, manipulate state, etc.

This is possible because:

Proof of Concept

The depositAsset function in the LRTDepositPool.

    /// @notice helps user stake LST to the protocol
    /// @param asset LST asset address to stake
    /// @param depositAmount LST asset amount to stake
    function depositAsset(
        address asset,
        uint256 depositAmount
        // checks
        if (depositAmount == 0) {
            revert InvalidAmount();
        if (depositAmount > getAssetCurrentLimit(asset)) {
            revert MaximumDepositLimitReached();

        if (!IERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount)) {
            revert TokenTransferFailed();

        // interactions
        uint256 rsethAmountMinted = _mintRsETH(asset, depositAmount);

        emit AssetDeposit(asset, depositAmount, rsethAmountMinted);

This is dangerous because it trusts the asset address to be a valid ERC20 token contract. However, an attacker could provide a malicious contract address that executes arbitrary code in its transferFrom function. There is no validation on the asset parameter before calling transferFrom on it. This allows a malicious contract address to be provided.

// LRTDepositPool.sol

function depositAsset(address asset, uint amount) external {

  IERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);


This is dangerous because it trusts the asset address to be a valid ERC20 token contract. However, an attacker could provide a malicious contract address that executes arbitrary code in its transferFrom function.

If exploited, this would enable an attacker to execute arbitrary code inside transferFrom. This could allow them to:

Attackers could steal potentially unlimited funds that are approved to the LRTDepositPool contract.


An example exploit:

  1. Attacker deploys MaliciousToken contract
  2. User approves LRTDepositPool to transfer 100 tokens
  3. Attacker calls depositAsset with MaliciousToken address
  4. transferFrom in MaliciousToken is executed
  5. transferFrom drains funds to the attacker

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

modifier notContract(address addr) {
  require(!addr.isContract(), "No contracts");

function depositAsset(
  address asset, 
  uint256 amount
) external notContract(asset) {
  // ...
function depositAsset(
  address asset,
  uint256 amount  
) external {

  require(!Address.isContract(asset), "No contracts");

  // ...
(bool success, ) ="transferFrom(address,address,uint256)", msg.sender, address(this), amount));
require(success, "Transfer failed");

The key is to validate asset is not a malicious contract before calling any of its functions. Checking !Address.isContract(asset) or maintaining a whitelist are safer ways to do this.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as insufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as primary issue

raymondfam commented 11 months ago

The user will be minted 0 RSETH if the call ever succeeds atomically because lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset) will be 0 for a non-existent/supported asset:

        rsethAmountToMint = (amount * lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset)) / lrtOracle.getRSETHPrice();

Moreover, it's being denied by the modifier onlySupportedAsset(asset).

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid