code-423n4 / 2023-11-kelp-findings

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The price of rsEHT could be manipulated by the first staker #42

Open c4-submissions opened 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The first staker can potentially manipulate the price of rsETH through a donation attack, causing subsequent stakers to receive no rsETH after depositing. The first staker can exploit this method to siphon funds from other users.

Proof of Concept

The mining amount of rsETH is calculated in function getRsETHAmountToMint which directly utilizes the total value of the asset divided by the price of a single rsETH.

    function getRsETHAmountToMint(
        address asset,
        uint256 amount
        returns (uint256 rsethAmountToMint)
        // setup oracle contract
        address lrtOracleAddress = lrtConfig.getContract(LRTConstants.LRT_ORACLE);
        ILRTOracle lrtOracle = ILRTOracle(lrtOracleAddress);

        // calculate rseth amount to mint based on asset amount and asset exchange rate
        rsethAmountToMint = (amount * lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset)) / lrtOracle.getRSETHPrice();

Subsequently, the price of rsETH is related to its totalSupply and the total value of deposited assets.

    function getRSETHPrice() external view returns (uint256 rsETHPrice) {
        address rsETHTokenAddress = lrtConfig.rsETH();
        uint256 rsEthSupply = IRSETH(rsETHTokenAddress).totalSupply();

        if (rsEthSupply == 0) {
            return 1 ether;

        uint256 totalETHInPool;
        address lrtDepositPoolAddr = lrtConfig.getContract(LRTConstants.LRT_DEPOSIT_POOL);

        address[] memory supportedAssets = lrtConfig.getSupportedAssetList();
        uint256 supportedAssetCount = supportedAssets.length;

        for (uint16 asset_idx; asset_idx < supportedAssetCount;) {
            address asset = supportedAssets[asset_idx];
            uint256 assetER = getAssetPrice(asset);

            uint256 totalAssetAmt = ILRTDepositPool(lrtDepositPoolAddr).getTotalAssetDeposits(asset);
            totalETHInPool += totalAssetAmt * assetER;

            unchecked {
//@audit the price of rsETH is calculated based on the asset and totalSupply
        return totalETHInPool / rsEthSupply;

The total value of deposited assets comprises three parts: the assets in LRTDepositPool, the assets in NodeDelagator, and the assets in the eigenlayer. Anyone can directly contribute asset tokens to LRTDepositPool or NodeDelegator to augment the total value of deposited assets.

    function getAssetDistributionData(address asset)
        returns (uint256 assetLyingInDepositPool, uint256 assetLyingInNDCs, uint256 assetStakedInEigenLayer)
        // Question: is here the right place to have this? Could it be in LRTConfig?
        assetLyingInDepositPool = IERC20(asset).balanceOf(address(this));

        uint256 ndcsCount = nodeDelegatorQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < ndcsCount;) {
            assetLyingInNDCs += IERC20(asset).balanceOf(nodeDelegatorQueue[i]);
            assetStakedInEigenLayer += INodeDelegator(nodeDelegatorQueue[i]).getAssetBalance(asset);
            unchecked {


Therefore, the price of rsETH is susceptible to manipulation by the first staker, considering the following scenario:

Moreover, there is no check on the actual amount of rsETH received by the user, and the execution continues even if this amount is zero.

    function _mintRsETH(address _asset, uint256 _amount) private returns (uint256 rsethAmountToMint) {
        (rsethAmountToMint) = getRsETHAmountToMint(_asset, _amount);

        address rsethToken = lrtConfig.rsETH();
        // mint rseth for user
        //@audit sender could receive 0 token
        IRSETH(rsethToken).mint(msg.sender, rsethAmountToMint);

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

It is recommended to pre-mint some rsETH tokens to prevent price manipulation or ensure that the rsethAmountToMint is greater than zero.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as primary issue

raymondfam commented 11 months ago

Could have used one of the LST's in the POC instead of USDC.

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as high quality report

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

gus-staderlabs marked the issue as disagree with severity

gus-stdr commented 11 months ago

We agree this is an issue. We also agree that it should be of a MEDIUM severity as it is an edge case that happens on the first protocol interaction.

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

manoj9april (sponsor) confirmed

fatherGoose1 commented 10 months ago

Judging as HIGH. While it is an edge case, the potential loss of funds is present. Vault donation attacks have been judged as high in the majority of contests where no safeguards are implemented.

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as selected for report

manoj9april commented 10 months ago

Initial minting is a way of mitigating this issue. And this mitigation could be done after deployment. Hence no safeguard were added in contract. Hence request to decrease to medium.

fatherGoose1 commented 10 months ago

Initial minting is a way of mitigating this issue. And this mitigation could be done after deployment. Hence no safeguard were added in contract. Hence request to decrease to medium.

Based on the implementation, this issue will remain HIGH. Funds are at risk until Kelp takes subsequent action to mitigate.