Judge has assessed an item in Issue #702 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
[L-03] Different price feeds decimals can cause accounting issues in LRTDepositPool::getRsETHAmountToMint
As of now, all of the supported assets have priceFeeds with 18 decimals. However, there is always a chance that in the future, there might be a new supported asset with a price feed with decimals =! 18. The calculation of the tokens to mint will be wrong as user will lose funds if decimals < 18. Context :
function getRsETHAmountToMint(
address asset,
uint256 amount
returns (uint256 rsethAmountToMint)
// setup oracle contract
address lrtOracleAddress = lrtConfig.getContract(LRTConstants.LRT_ORACLE);
ILRTOracle lrtOracle = ILRTOracle(lrtOracleAddress);
// calculate rseth amount to mint based on asset amount and asset exchange rate
@> rsethAmountToMint = (amount * lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset)) / lrtOracle.getRSETHPrice();
The (future) withdraw functionality will also be impacted.
Judge has assessed an item in Issue #702 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
[L-03] Different price feeds decimals can cause accounting issues in LRTDepositPool::getRsETHAmountToMint As of now, all of the supported assets have priceFeeds with 18 decimals. However, there is always a chance that in the future, there might be a new supported asset with a price feed with decimals =! 18. The calculation of the tokens to mint will be wrong as user will lose funds if decimals < 18. Context :
@> rsethAmountToMint = (amount * lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset)) / lrtOracle.getRSETHPrice(); } The (future) withdraw functionality will also be impacted.