The add(int256,int256) function in the LeftRight library is designed to return the addition of two int256 numbers. However, due to incorrect implementation, it returns erroneous values in specific edge cases, resulting in precision loss.
This function is used multiple times in the SemiFungiblePositionManager contract, and its incorrect behavior can cause heavy financial losses.
Proof of Concept
This function has lot of issues:
when both x and y are negative there addition will give weird result
LeftRight.add(-19,-19) -> -340282366920938463463374607431768211494
when either x or y is negative then there is this condition that results in bug, lets say x = -3 and y = 2
we have to assume both are positive (3,2) and if the negative sign is assigned to
larger number(-3,2) then it is not bug but if the negative sign is assigned to smaller number (3,-2) then it will give weird result
-3,2 -> -1
3,-2 -> -340282366920938463463374607431768211455
Here is a Foundry POC, run inside test/foundry with command forge test --match-test heist -vvv
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {LeftRight} from "@types/LeftRight.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract LRTest is Test {
using LeftRight for int256;
using LeftRight for int128;
// when either x || y < 0 ; assume both positive, if smaller number has '-' it will be bug
// lets take two examples
// -3 and 2 ; 3 and - 2
// here we will assume both are positive
// then we will verfiy if the smaller number is negative it is a bug
// in -3,2 its addition would be normal since larger number is negative
// in 3,-2 its addtion would be buggy since smaller number is negative
function test_32_case1_normal_heist() public {
console.logInt(int256(-3).add(int256(2))); //normal
function test_32_case2_bug_heist() public {
console.logInt(int256(3).add(int256(-2))); //buggy
// returns -340282366920938463463374607431768211455
// bug: when x < 0 and y < 0
function test_xy_both_negative_heist() public {
// -340282366920938463463374607431768211494
// -340282366920938463463374607431768211566
// -340282366920938463463374607431768211599
This add() function also gives fake overflow on int128 max but in other case doesn't revert on int256 overflow (timeUp, couldn't write poc for this one)
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The add(int256,int256) function in the LeftRight library is designed to return the addition of two int256 numbers. However, due to incorrect implementation, it returns erroneous values in specific edge cases, resulting in precision loss.
This function is used multiple times in the SemiFungiblePositionManager contract, and its incorrect behavior can cause heavy financial losses.
Proof of Concept
This function has lot of issues:
Here is a Foundry POC, run inside test/foundry with command forge test --match-test heist -vvv
This add() function also gives fake overflow on int128 max but in other case doesn't revert on int256 overflow (timeUp, couldn't write poc for this one)
Tools Used
Echidna, foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Assessed type