code-423n4 / 2023-12-initcapital-findings

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Liquidations can be prevented by frontrunning and liquidating 1 debt (or more) due to wrong assumption in POS_MANAGER #42

Open c4-bot-2 opened 8 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 8 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Users can avoid being liquidated if they frontrun liquidation calls with a liquidate call with 1 wei. Or, they may do a partial liquidation and avoid being liquidated before the interest reaches the value of the debt pre liquidation. The total interest stored in __posBorrInfos[_posId].borrExtraInfos[_pool].totalInterest would also be wrong.

Proof of Concept

The POS_MANAGER stores the total interest in __posBorrInfos[_posId].borrExtraInfos[_pool].totalInterest. Function updatePosDebtShares() assumes that ILendingPool(_pool).debtShareToAmtCurrent(currDebtShares) is always increasing, but this is not the case, as a liquidation may happen that reduces the current debt amount. This leads to calls to updatePosDebtShares() reverting.

The most relevant is when liquidating, such that users could liquidate themselves for small amounts (1) and prevent liqudiations in the same block. This is because the debt accrual happens over time, so if the block.timestamp is the same, no debt accrual will happen. Thus, if a liquidate call with 1 amount frontruns a liquidate call with any amount, the second call will revert.

A user could still stop liquidations for as long as the accrued interest doesn't reach the last debt value before liquidation, if the user liquidated a bigger part of the debt.

Add the following test to TestInitCore.sol:

function test_POC_Liquidate_reverts_frontrunning_PosManager_WrongAssumption() public {
    address poolUSDT = address(lendingPools[USDT]);
    address poolWBTC = address(lendingPools[WBTC]);
    _setTargetHealthAfterLiquidation_e18(1, type(uint64).max); // by pass max health after liquidate capped
    _setFixedRateIRM(poolWBTC, 0.1e18); // 10% per sec

    uint collAmt;
    uint borrAmt;

        uint collUSD = 100_000;
        uint borrUSDMax = 80_000;
        collAmt = _priceToTokenAmt(USDT, collUSD);
        borrAmt = _priceToTokenAmt(WBTC, borrUSDMax);

    address liquidator = BOB;
    deal(USDT, ALICE, collAmt);
    deal(WBTC, liquidator, borrAmt * 2);

    // provides liquidity for borrow
    _fundPool(poolWBTC, borrAmt);

    // create position and collateralize
    uint posId = _createPos(ALICE, ALICE, 1);
    _collateralizePosition(ALICE, posId, poolUSDT, collAmt, bytes(''));

    // borrow
    _borrow(ALICE, posId, poolWBTC, borrAmt, bytes(''));

    // fast forward time and accrue interest
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 seconds);

    uint debtShares = positionManager.getPosDebtShares(posId, poolWBTC);

    _liquidate(liquidator, posId, 1, poolWBTC, poolUSDT, false, bytes(''));

    // liquidate all debtShares
    _liquidate(liquidator, posId, 1000, poolWBTC, poolUSDT, false, bytes('panic'));

Tools Used

Vscode, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Update the user's last debt position __posBorrInfos[_posId].borrExtraInfos[_pool].totalInterest on _repay().

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 8 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 8 months ago

fez-init (sponsor) confirmed

hansfriese commented 8 months ago

After discussing internally with the sponsor/warden, we've confirmed the issue. Here is a part of the discussion.

when it frontruns the liquidation with 1 share, it removes 1 share and 2 debt
when it calculates the amount again in the following liquidation, the shares will be worth 1 less
and it reverts

As a mitigation, we can update extraInfo.totalInterest only when debtAmtCurrent > extraInfo.lastDebtAmt.

hansfriese commented 8 months ago


hansfriese commented 8 months ago

High is appropriate as the main invariant might be broken temporarily while repaying.

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as selected for report