code-423n4 / 2024-01-opus-findings

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ERC4626 inflat issue mitigation is not sufficient #179

Open c4-bot-9 opened 7 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 7 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Both absorber and gate use the same mitigation for ERC4626 first depositor front-running vulnerability, but current implementation is not sufficient. By abusing the flaw, even though malicious attacker can't benefit from the mitigation, he can cause other normal users lose asset.

Proof of Concept

Because of absorber and gate use the same mitigation, I will take gate as example.

Suppose the yang's decimals is 18

When sentinel.add_yang is called to add yang to shrine, initial_yang_amt is passed to shrine.add_yang as mitigation to the inflat issue. And initial_yang_amt is set as INITIAL_DEPOSIT_AMT which is const INITIAL_DEPOSIT_AMT: u128 = 1000;

In sentinel.cairo#L204-L206, yang_erc20.transfer_from is called to transfer 1000 wei yang_erc from caller to gate

And then the code flow will fall into shrine.add_yang, when the function is called, initial_yang_amt is still 1000

In shrine.add_yang, the yang_total will be set to 1000 in shrine.cairo#L591

So when the admin(which is the first depositor) calls sentinel.add_yang, he will transfer 1000 wei yang_asset and he will recevie 1000 yang_amt yang. After that, when the second user calls abbot.open_trove, gate.convert_to_yang_helper will calculate his yang_amt by gate.cairo#L220

        fn convert_to_yang_helper(self: @ContractState, asset_amt: u128) -> Wad {
            let asset: IERC20Dispatcher =;
            let total_yang: Wad = self.get_total_yang_helper(asset.contract_address);

            if total_yang.is_zero() {
                let decimals: u8 = asset.decimals();
                // Otherwise, scale `asset_amt` up by the difference to match `Wad`
                // precision of yang. If asset is of `Wad` precision, then the same
                // value is returned
                fixed_point_to_wad(asset_amt, decimals)
            } else {
                (asset_amt.into() * total_yang) / get_total_assets_helper(asset).into() <<<--- the second user calcuates the `yang_amout` using this code

And gate.get_total_assets_helper is using asset.balance_of.

    fn get_total_assets_helper(asset: IERC20Dispatcher) -> u128 {
        asset.balance_of(get_contract_address()).try_into().unwrap() <<<--- balance_of is used here

So to sum up, in current implementation: 1) the first depositor(which is also the admin) will depost 1000 wei ERC, and will receive 1000 yang_amt 2) the second depostor will get his yang_amt based of (asset_amt.into() * total_yang) / get_total_assets_helper(asset).into()

Suppose in a case that the asset is DAI(18 decimals) 1) when yang_dai is created, the admin calls add_yang to add DAI into the protocol, and he will transfer 1000 wei DAI to gate, and will receive 1000 yang_amt 2) a malicious tranfers (100000 1e18 - 1000 wei) DAI(which is worth 100000 USD) to gate 3) Alice a normal user deposit 199 1e18 DAI(which is worth 199 USD) by calling abbot.open_trove, based on gate.cairo#L220, Alice will get 199 1e18 1000 / (100000 1e18) = 1 wei 4) If Alice wants to close her trove, gate.convert_to_assets will be used to calculate the asset amount, according to gate.cairo#L191-L204, gate.cairo#L202 will be used: `((yang_amt get_total_assets_helper(asset).into()) / total_yang).val, because alice has 1 wei yang_amout, andget_total_assets_helper()is __(100000 + 199) * 1e18__,total_yang` will be 1001 So Alice will get 1 (100000 1e18 + 199*1e18) / (1000 + 1) = 100.0989010989011 1e18, which is 100 USD. And the remaining 991e18 DAI will be in the gate.

In the above case, there will be two issue:

  1. Alice will lose her asset
  2. After Alice's close her trove, the system's balance will be (100000 + 99)*1e18, which is becoming larger. And the balance will keep growing with time going, which will cause users losing more asset.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

In gate.get_total_assets_helper, don't use balance_of to calculate the amount, instead, define a new variables and record the deposited asset amount by the variables

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 7 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 7 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as duplicate of #196

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory

alex-ppg commented 6 months ago

The submission does not adequately focus on the Absorber vulnerability that #200 highlights, rendering it a duplicate of only #196.

alex-ppg commented 6 months ago

This submission details the vulnerability with a greater impact than #196, and has thus been selected as primary.

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as selected for report