code-423n4 / 2024-01-salty-findings

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Persistent Contract Call revert prevents finalizing a ballot #1009

Open c4-bot-9 opened 5 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The DAO._executeApproval function does not handle an external contract call error:

else if (ballot.ballotType == BallotType.CALL_CONTRACT) {
    // @audit-issue unhandled revert

    emit ContractCalled(ballot.address1, ballot.number1);

Given an approved CALL_CONTRACT ballot that can be finalized, the ballot won't be marked as finalized if the external contract call (from above) reverts.

function _finalizeApprovalBallot(uint256 ballotID) internal {
    if (proposals.ballotIsApproved(ballotID)) {
        Ballot memory ballot = proposals.ballotForID(ballotID);

    // @audit-issue the line below won't be executed if `_executeApproval` reverts


A permanent revert leaves the ballot unfinalized, and the user that posted it with an active proposal (in the _userHasActiveProposal mapping); a state that prevents the user account from creating a new proposal. At this point the user has two options to sort out the situation:

A. Unstake and transfer its SALT into a new account. B. Convince the other users to reach quorum on NO and finalize the ballot without calling the external contract.

Proof Of Concept

New contract to be created in /src/dao/tests:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL 1.1
pragma solidity =0.8.22;

import "../interfaces/ICalledContract.sol";

contract TestCallReceiverFaulty is ICalledContract {
    uint256 public value;

    function callFromDAO(uint256 n) external {
        value = n;
        revert("callFromDAO() unexpectedly reverted");

Add the following test in DAO.t.sol:

function testCallContractApproveReverted() public {
    // Arrange
    staking.stakeSALT(1000000 ether);

    TestCallReceiverFaulty testReceiver = new TestCallReceiverFaulty();

    uint256 ballotID = proposals.proposeCallContract(
        "Ballot not correctly created"

    proposals.castVote(ballotID, Vote.YES);
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 11 days);

    vm.expectRevert("callFromDAO() unexpectedly reverted");

    // Act

    // Assert
        "Ballot not correctly finalized"
        testReceiver.value() != 123,
        "Receiver shouldn't receive the call"
        "Alice proposal is not active"

Tools Used

Test and manually reviewed.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

A trivial solution is to handle the reverted external contract call with a try..catch and allow to always mark the approved ballot as finalized. A new ballot can always be created if the desired effects of the call were not applied on the first call.

Amend the CALL_CONTRACT case in the DAO._executeApproval function:

else if (ballot.ballotType == BallotType.CALL_CONTRACT) {
    try ICalledContract(ballot.address1).callFromDAO(ballot.number1) {
        // NB: place the emission outside if it must be emitted no matter the external call outcome
        emit ContractCalled(ballot.address1, ballot.number1);
    } catch (bytes memory) {}

Add the following test in DAO.t.sol:

    function testCallContractApproveRevertHandled() public {
        // Arrange
        staking.stakeSALT(1000000 ether);

        TestCallReceiverFaulty testReceiver = new TestCallReceiverFaulty();

        uint256 ballotID = proposals.proposeCallContract(

        // Act
        _voteForAndFinalizeBallot(ballotID, Vote.YES);

        // Assert
            testReceiver.value() != 123,
            "Receiver shouldn't receive the call"
            "Alice proposal is not active"

Assessed type


Picodes commented 5 months ago

Related to #622

c4-judge commented 5 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 4 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) confirmed

othernet-global commented 4 months ago

callFromDAO now wrapped in a try/catch

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

fnanni-0 commented 4 months ago

I think this is a duplicate of #362.

From Code4rena docs:

Similar exploits under a single issue

Findings are duplicates if they share the same root cause.

More specifically, if fixing the Root Cause (in a reasonable manner) would cause the finding to no longer be exploitable, then the findings are duplicates.

The vulnerabilty's root cause of both #362 and #1009 is that proposals don't expire. It's not a problem in itself that proposals might not reach quorum or that they might revert. Both things are expected behaviors of most governance contracts and simply adding an expiration/cancelling mechanism fixes them.

Note that at least one submission (#490) mentioned both ramifications of the issue but was split in two.

On the other hand, I'm not convinced that adding a try/catch and finalizing failed proposals is a good idea. If a proposal's execution could be DoS by making the target call unavailable even for just a block, the proposal would end, though it would be a lot harder to DoS it during a long time. Look at other governance systems and probably most won't bother with transactions reverting. A few examples: OpenZeppelin Governor, Zodiac's RealityModule, Kleros Governor. IMO proposals not expiring should be fixed, not transactions failing.

Picodes commented 4 months ago

@fnanni-0 thanks for your comment. I still think there are 2 distinct issues here although as you're correctly pointing out we could wrap them in a larger one.

Most reports discuss only one of these 2 things, so to me it's fair to consider there are 2 separate issues.