code-423n4 / 2024-01-salty-findings

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When borrowers repay USDS, it is sent to the wrong address, allowing anyone to burn Protocol Owned Liquidity and build bad debt for USDS #137

Open c4-bot-9 opened 9 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 9 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When a user repays the USDS he has borrowed, it is taken from him and kept for burning. The Liquidizer contract is updated with the new amount repaid. The USDS is burnt whenever the performUpkeep function is called on Liquidizer by the Upkeep contract during upkeep.

The USDS collected is sent to the USDS contract which can be burned whenever burnTokensInContract is called. The amount of USDS to be burnt in the Liquidizer contract is also increased by the incrementBurnableUSDS call. This increases the usdsThatShouldBeBurned variable on the Liquidizer.

     function repayUSDS( uint256 amountRepaid ) external nonReentrant{
       usds.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(usds), amountRepaid);

       // Have USDS remember that the USDS should be burned
       liquidizer.incrementBurnableUSDS( amountRepaid );

During upkeep, the Liquidizer first checks if it has enough USDS balance to burn i.e usdsBalance >= usdsThatShouldBeBurned. If it does it burns them else it converts Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) to USDS and burns it to cover the deficit. Burning POL allows the protocol to cover bad debt from liquidation.

function _possiblyBurnUSDS() internal{
    uint256 usdsBalance = usds.balanceOf(address(this));
    if ( usdsBalance >= usdsThatShouldBeBurned )
        // Burn only up to usdsThatShouldBeBurned.
        // Leftover USDS will be kept in this contract in case it needs to be burned later.
        _burnUSDS( usdsThatShouldBeBurned );
            usdsThatShouldBeBurned = 0;
        // The entire usdsBalance will be burned - but there will still be an outstanding balance to burn later
        _burnUSDS( usdsBalance );
        usdsThatShouldBeBurned -= usdsBalance;

        // As there is a shortfall in the amount of USDS that can be burned, liquidate some Protocol Owned Liquidity and
        // send the underlying tokens here to be swapped to USDS
        dao.withdrawPOL(salt, usds, PERCENT_POL_TO_WITHDRAW);
        dao.withdrawPOL(dai, usds, PERCENT_POL_TO_WITHDRAW);

Since the usdsThatShouldBeBurned variable will always be increased without increasing the Liquidizer balance, it will always sell POL to cover the increase.

If the POL is exhausted, the protocol cannot cover bad debt generated from liquidations. This will affect the price of USDS negatively.

An attacker can borrow and repay multiple times to exhaust POL and create bad debt or it could just be done over time as users repay their USDS.


This will affect the price of USDS negatively.

Proof of Concept

This test can be run in CollateralAndLiquidity.t.sol.

    function testBurnPOL() public {
        // setup
        usds.mintTo(address(dao), 20000 ether);

        salt.transfer(address(dao), 10000 ether);

        dai.transfer(address(dao), 10000 ether);
        // create Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL)
        collateralAndLiquidity.depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare(salt, usds, 10000 ether, 10000 ether, 0, block.timestamp, false );
        collateralAndLiquidity.depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare(dai, usds, 10000 ether, 10000 ether, 0, block.timestamp, false );

        bytes32 poolIDA = PoolUtils._poolID(salt, usds);
        bytes32 poolIDB = PoolUtils._poolID(dai, usds);
        assertEq( collateralAndLiquidity.userShareForPool(address(dao), poolIDA), 20000 ether);
        assertEq( collateralAndLiquidity.userShareForPool(address(dao), poolIDB), 20000 ether);

        // Alice deposits collateral
        wbtc.approve(address(collateralAndLiquidity), type(uint256).max);
        weth.approve(address(collateralAndLiquidity), type(uint256).max);
        collateralAndLiquidity.depositCollateralAndIncreaseShare(wbtc.balanceOf(alice), weth.balanceOf(alice), 0, block.timestamp, true );

        // Alice performs multiple borrows and repayments, increasing the 
        // usdsThatShouldBeBurned variable in Liquidizer
        for (uint i; i < 100; i++){
            uint256 maxUSDS = collateralAndLiquidity.maxBorrowableUSDS(alice);
            collateralAndLiquidity.borrowUSDS( maxUSDS );
            uint256 borrowed = collateralAndLiquidity.usdsBorrowedByUsers(alice);

        // perform upkeep multiple times to cover bad debt
        // breaks when POL is exhausted
            (, uint reserve1) = pools.getPoolReserves(dai, usds);
            if(reserve1 * 99 / 100 < 100) break;

        assertGt(liquidizer.usdsThatShouldBeBurned(), usds.balanceOf(address(liquidizer)));

Tools Used

Manual Analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Send the repaid USDS to the Liquidizer.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 8 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #618

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 8 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) confirmed

othernet-global commented 8 months ago

The stablecoin framework: /stablecoin, /price_feed, WBTC/WETH collateral, PriceAggregator, price feeds and USDS have been removed: