code-423n4 / 2024-01-salty-findings

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changeWallets() can be confirmed immediately after proposalWallets() by manipulating activeTimelock beforehand #49

Open c4-bot-2 opened 8 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 8 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


ManagedWallet.sol states that:

// A smart contract which provides two wallet addresses (a main and confirmation wallet) which can be changed using the following mechanism:
// 1. Main wallet can propose a new main wallet and confirmation wallet.
// 2. Confirmation wallet confirms or rejects.
// 3. There is a timelock of 30 days before the proposed mainWallet can confirm the change.

However, the current 30-day wait period can be bypassed.

The expected order by the protocol is:

  1. proposeWallets() is called by mainWallet.
  2. To confirm the proposal, confirmationWallet sends at least 0.05 ether and causes the receive() function to trigger. This sets the activeTimelock to block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION i.e. 30 days into the future.
  3. proposedMainWallet calls changeWallets() after 30 days and the new wallet addresses are set.

To bypass the 30-day limitation, the following flow can be used:

  1. Even with no propsal for a change existing, confirmationWallet sends at least 0.05 ether and causes the receive() function to trigger. This sets the activeTimelock to block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION i.e. 30 days into the future.
  2. Just as 30 days pass,
    • proposeWallets() is called by mainWallet
    • Immediately, with no delay whatsoever, proposedMainWallet calls changeWallets()
  3. The new wallet addresses are successfully assigned.

Impact: Although the users believe that any changes to wallet address is going to have a timelock of 30 days as promised by the protocol, it really can be bypassed by the current admins/wallet addresses. This breaks the intended functionality implmentation.

Proof of Concept

Add the following inside 2024-01-salty/src/root_tests/ManagedWallet.t.sol and run with COVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url --mt test_ManipulateActiveTimeLockBeforeProposingNewWallets:

    function test_ManipulateActiveTimeLockBeforeProposingNewWallets() public {
        // Set up the initial state with main and confirmation wallets
        address initialMainWallet = alice;
        address initialConfirmationWallet = address(0x2222);
        ManagedWallet managedWallet = new ManagedWallet(initialMainWallet, initialConfirmationWallet);

        // Set up the proposed main and confirmation wallets
        address newMainWallet = address(0x3333);
        address newConfirmationWallet = address(0x4444);

        // @audit : Even before any proposal exists, prank as the current confirmation wallet and send ether to start the TIMELOCK_DURATION 
        uint256 sentValue = 0.06 ether;
        vm.prank(initialConfirmationWallet);, sentValue);
        (bool success,) = address(managedWallet).call{value: sentValue}("");
        assertTrue(success, "Confirmation of wallet proposal failed");

        // Warp the blockchain time to the future beyond the active timelock period
        uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
        vm.warp(currentTime + TIMELOCK_DURATION);

        // Prank as the initial main wallet to propose the new wallets
        managedWallet.proposeWallets(newMainWallet, newConfirmationWallet);

        // @audit : With NO DELAY, immediately prank as the new proposed main wallet which should now be allowed to call changeWallets

        // Check that the mainWallet and confirmationWallet state variables are updated
        assertEq(managedWallet.mainWallet(), newMainWallet, "mainWallet was not updated correctly");
        assertEq(managedWallet.confirmationWallet(), newConfirmationWallet, "confirmationWallet was not updated correctly");

        // Check that the proposed wallets and activeTimelock have been reset
        assertEq(managedWallet.proposedMainWallet(), address(0), "proposedMainWallet was not reset");
        assertEq(managedWallet.proposedConfirmationWallet(), address(0), "proposedConfirmationWallet was not reset");
        assertEq(managedWallet.activeTimelock(), type(uint256).max, "activeTimelock was not reset to max uint256");

Tools used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Inside receive() make sure an active proposal exists:

    receive() external payable
        require( msg.sender == confirmationWallet, "Invalid sender" );
+       require( proposedMainWallet != address(0), "Cannot manipulate activeTimelock without active proposal" );

        // Confirm if .05 or more ether is sent and otherwise reject.
        // Done this way in case custodial wallets are used as the confirmationWallet - which sometimes won't allow for smart contract calls.
        if ( msg.value >= .05 ether )
            activeTimelock = block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION; // establish the timelock
            activeTimelock = type(uint256).max; // effectively never

Assessed type

Access Control

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #637

c4-judge commented 7 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 7 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 7 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) confirmed

othernet-global commented 7 months ago

Managed wallet has been removed: