There is no way to propose a new main wallet and confirmation wallet if the previous wallet proposal is rejected.
Proof of Concept
The mainWallet of ManagedWallet can propose a new main wallet and confirmation wallet:
// Make a request to change the main and confirmation wallets.
function proposeWallets( address _proposedMainWallet, address _proposedConfirmationWallet ) external
require( msg.sender == mainWallet, "Only the current mainWallet can propose changes" );
require( _proposedMainWallet != address(0), "_proposedMainWallet cannot be the zero address" );
require( _proposedConfirmationWallet != address(0), "_proposedConfirmationWallet cannot be the zero address" );
// Make sure we're not overwriting a previous proposal (as only the confirmationWallet can reject proposals)
require( proposedMainWallet == address(0), "Cannot overwrite non-zero proposed mainWallet." );
proposedMainWallet = _proposedMainWallet;
proposedConfirmationWallet = _proposedConfirmationWallet;
emit WalletProposal(proposedMainWallet, proposedConfirmationWallet);
The confirmationWallet of ManagedWallet can confirm the proposal by sending a minimum of 0.05 ether to ManagedWallet; otherwise, it is rejected:
receive() external payable
require( msg.sender == confirmationWallet, "Invalid sender" );
// Confirm if .05 or more ether is sent and otherwise reject.
// Done this way in case custodial wallets are used as the confirmationWallet - which sometimes won't allow for smart contract calls.
if ( msg.value >= .05 ether )
activeTimelock = block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION; // establish the timelock
activeTimelock = type(uint256).max; // effectively never
However, proposedMainWallet was not set to address(0) when the proposal is rejected. There is no way to create a new proposal unless confirmationWallet confirm the old one.
Copy below codes to ManagedWallet.t.sol and run COVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url RPC_URL --match-test testProposeWalletsAfterPreviousProposalIsRejected
function testProposeWalletsAfterPreviousProposalIsRejected() public {
ManagedWallet managedWallet = new ManagedWallet(alice, address(this));
address proposedMainWallet = address(0x3333);
address proposedConfirmationWallet = address(0x4444);
managedWallet.proposeWallets(proposedMainWallet, proposedConfirmationWallet);
assertEq(managedWallet.proposedMainWallet(), proposedMainWallet, "proposedMainWallet not set correctly");
assertEq(managedWallet.proposedConfirmationWallet(), proposedConfirmationWallet, "proposedConfirmationWallet not set correctly");
//@audit-info reject the proposal
(bool success, ) = address(managedWallet).call{value: 0}("");
//@audit-info activeTimelock was changed to type(uint256).max
uint256 expectedTimelock = type(uint256).max;
assertEq(managedWallet.activeTimelock(), expectedTimelock, "activeTimelock should be type(uint256).max");
assertTrue(success, "Transaction should be successful");
//@audit-info proposedMainWallet & proposedConfirmationWallet were not reset to address(0)
assertEq(managedWallet.proposedMainWallet(), proposedMainWallet, "proposedMainWallet was cleaned");
assertEq(managedWallet.proposedConfirmationWallet(), proposedConfirmationWallet, "proposedConfirmationWallet was cleaned");
//@audit-info It is impossible to create a new proposal
vm.expectRevert("Cannot overwrite non-zero proposed mainWallet.");
managedWallet.proposeWallets(proposedMainWallet, proposedConfirmationWallet);
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Set proposedMainWallet to address(0) when rejecting the wallet proposal:
receive() external payable
require( msg.sender == confirmationWallet, "Invalid sender" );
// Confirm if .05 or more ether is sent and otherwise reject.
// Done this way in case custodial wallets are used as the confirmationWallet - which sometimes won't allow for smart contract calls.
if ( msg.value >= .05 ether )
activeTimelock = block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION; // establish the timelock
+ {
activeTimelock = type(uint256).max; // effectively never
+ proposedMainWallet = address(0);
+ }
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
There is no way to propose a new main wallet and confirmation wallet if the previous wallet proposal is rejected.
Proof of Concept
can propose a new main wallet and confirmation wallet:The
can confirm the proposal by sending a minimum of 0.05 ether toManagedWallet
; otherwise, it is rejected:However,
was not set toaddress(0)
when the proposal is rejected. There is no way to create a new proposal unlessconfirmationWallet
confirm the old one. Copy below codes to ManagedWallet.t.sol and runCOVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url RPC_URL --match-test testProposeWalletsAfterPreviousProposalIsRejected
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
when rejecting the wallet proposal:Assessed type