In the removeLiquidity function, we can see that there is a restriction to prevent the user from setting the liquidity to 0. However, only reserves.reserve0>PoolUtils.DUST is restricted, not reserves.reserve1
function removeLiquidity( IERC20 tokenA, IERC20 tokenB, uint256 liquidityToRemove, uint256 minReclaimedA, uint256 minReclaimedB, uint256 totalLiquidity ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 reclaimedA, uint256 reclaimedB)
// This is to ensure that ratios remain relatively constant even after a maximum withdrawal.
--> require((reserves.reserve0 >= PoolUtils.DUST) && (reserves.reserve0 >= PoolUtils.DUST), "Insufficient reserves after liquidity removal"); // Limit the balance after removal but only reserves.reserve0
function _addLiquidity( bytes32 poolID, uint256 maxAmount0, uint256 maxAmount1, uint256 totalLiquidity ) internal returns(uint256 addedAmount0, uint256 addedAmount1, uint256 addedLiquidity)
PoolReserves storage reserves = _poolReserves[poolID];
uint256 reserve0 = reserves.reserve0;
uint256 reserve1 = reserves.reserve1;
// If either reserve is zero then consider the pool to be empty and that the added liquidity will become the initial token ratio
--> if ( ( reserve0 == 0 ) || ( reserve1 == 0 ) ) // Redefine the ratio of the currency pair by making reserve1 = 0
// Update the reserves
reserves.reserve0 += uint128(maxAmount0);
reserves.reserve1 += uint128(maxAmount1);
// Default liquidity will be the addition of both maxAmounts in case one of them is much smaller (has smaller decimals)
return ( maxAmount0, maxAmount1, (maxAmount0 + maxAmount1) );
For example, define the original ratio of 1:1000 as 10:1. arbitrage is achieved by taking the reserve0 deposited by the previous transaction.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
Malicious users can redefine the ratio of pool
Proof of Concept
In the removeLiquidity function, we can see that there is a restriction to prevent the user from setting the liquidity to 0. However, only reserves.reserve0>PoolUtils.DUST is restricted, not reserves.reserve1
A malicious user can first deposit a certain amount of liquidity and then trade through the swap method to make reserve1 very close to PoolUtils.DUST, and then remove the liquidity to make reserves.reserve1=0. Then add liquidity to redefine the ratio of the currency pair.
For example, define the original ratio of 1:1000 as 10:1. arbitrage is achieved by taking the reserve0 deposited by the previous transaction.
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