code-423n4 / 2024-01-salty-findings

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Attackers can increase vote for ballot for free by unstaking and vote again #870

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 7 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 7 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Vulnerability detail

When cast vote on a open ballot, user's vote is calculated based on user's current share of salt:

  uint256 userVotingPower = staking.userShareForPool( msg.sender, PoolUtils.STAKED_SALT );

When user unstake and decrease shares, these voting power is not decreased, as there is no mechanism to do that:

function unstake( uint256 amountUnstaked, uint256 numWeeks ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 unstakeID)//@audit đánh giá sự thay đổi khi unstake -> update config -> xxx
    require( userShareForPool(msg.sender, PoolUtils.STAKED_SALT) >= amountUnstaked, "Cannot unstake more than the amount staked" );

    uint256 claimableSALT = calculateUnstake( amountUnstaked, numWeeks );
    uint256 completionTime = block.timestamp + numWeeks * ( 1 weeks );

    unstakeID = nextUnstakeID++;
    Unstake memory u = Unstake( UnstakeState.PENDING, msg.sender, amountUnstaked, claimableSALT, completionTime, unstakeID );

    _unstakesByID[unstakeID] = u;
    _userUnstakeIDs[msg.sender].push( unstakeID );

    // Decrease the user's staking share so that they will receive less future SALT rewards
    // This call will send any pending SALT rewards to msg.sender as well.
    // Note: _decreaseUserShare checks to make sure that the user has the specified staking share balance.
    _decreaseUserShare( msg.sender, PoolUtils.STAKED_SALT, amountUnstaked, false );//@auditz stake & unstake không dùng cooldown (nó có cooldown trên kia kìa)

    emit UnstakeInitiated(msg.sender, unstakeID, amountUnstaked, claimableSALT, numWeeks);

Attacker can abusing this to increase voting for free by keep voting, unstake, then vote again. This can be abused by attack to execute malicious actions. A way to execute malicious action is propose CALL_CONTRACT to malicious address that delegate call to multiple function that have onlyOwner function, like whitelistPools(), unwhitelistPool(), ....

Moreover, there is no expire for ballot, it will only check if ballot is executed before, passed minimum end time and it pass required quorum or not:

function canFinalizeBallot( uint256 ballotID ) external view returns (bool)
    Ballot memory ballot = ballots[ballotID];
    if ( ! ballot.ballotIsLive )
        return false;

    // Check that the minimum duration has passed
    if (block.timestamp < ballot.ballotMinimumEndTime )
        return false;

    // Check that the required quorum has been reached
    if ( totalVotesCastForBallot(ballotID) < requiredQuorumForBallotType( ballot.ballotType ))
        return false;

    return true;

Attack scenario:

This process can be extended for years, depend on number of vote attacker have and unstaking period. But when it is success, impact is very huge, since all functions that have onlyOwner can be delegate call from that malicious contract.


Attacker can freely edit configurations of many variable. But the most dangerous is, attacker can unwhitelist any token that restricted when calling proposeTokenUnwhitelisting() function, lead to protocol break. Moreover, attacker can whitelist multiple pools with their malicious token that only owned by them to steal salt rewards

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

There are multiple thing that need to fix:

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 7 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #746

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory