code-423n4 / 2024-02-ai-arena-findings

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Inconsistent change in gains and losses after increasing the stake #246

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 5 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


If a user staked NRN for a fighter, and lost a game, a part of their stake is sent to StakeAtRisk. If the user increases the stake, and plays another game, three outcomes are possible:

  1. Win - StakeAtRisk is restored
  2. Tie - no changes
  3. Loss - StakeAtRisk is increased again by bps * (staked + stakeAtRisk)

Therefore, increasing the stake has no benefits for users with 0-1 (or any wins - losses == -1) score, but has a downside that more NRN will become at risk.

Similarly, if a user with 1-0 (or any wins - losses == 1) score increases the stake and loses his next match, he will lose just the points he earned in the previous game (same as before he increased the stake). For the next game he could earn more, but lose the same amount.

Users can just choose to send 99% of their points to MergingPool, and when losing they will lose just the 1% that was left from their victory

Proof of Concept

(we will neglect elo factor for simplicity)

imagine Alice has 50% winrate, and she stakes 100e18 NRN before her first game

outcomes: won + won + 20 bps from the initiate stake
won + lost 0 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------
lost + won 0 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------
lost + lost - 20 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------

As 4 outcomes have equal probability, we can conclude that her ev is 0

Now imagine Bob with the same winrate and capital, but a better strategy: he stakes 1 wei, and increases his stake to 100e18 NRN only if he wins the first game;

outcomes: won + won + 20 bps from the initiate stake
won + lost 0 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------
lost + won 0 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------
lost + lost - 20 bps from the initiate stake
----------- ----------------------------------

Bob manages to secure positive ev for the same amount of games and the same stake

The root cause of this strategy is the contract logic that does not allow losing/gaining points and NRN for the same game.

This issue puts casual gamers at a disadvantage, as they will get significantly less rewards for the same capital.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. It should still be possible to get points for winning even if stakeAtRisk > 0
  2. It should be possible for losing to get stakeAtRisk even if points > 0

Assessed type


c4-bot-10 commented 5 months ago

Withdrawn by aslanbek