code-423n4 / 2024-02-ai-arena-findings

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Constraints of dailyAllowanceReplenishTime and allowanceRemaining during mint() can be bypassed by using alias accounts & safeTransferFrom() #43

Open c4-bot-5 opened 9 months ago

c4-bot-5 commented 9 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The mint() function in GameItems.sol constraints a user from minting more than 10 game items in 1 day. This constraint can easily be bypassed since a similar check is missing inside the safeTransferFrom() function:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  147:              function mint(uint256 tokenId, uint256 quantity) external {
  148:                  require(tokenId < _itemCount);
  149:                  uint256 price = allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemPrice * quantity;
  150:                  require(_neuronInstance.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= price, "Not enough NRN for purchase");
  151:                  require(
  152:                      allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply == false || 
  153:                      (
  154:                          allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply == true && 
  155:                          quantity <= allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemsRemaining
  156:                      )
  157:                  );
  158: @--->            require(
  159: @--->                dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[msg.sender][tokenId] <= block.timestamp || 
  160: @--->                quantity <= allowanceRemaining[msg.sender][tokenId]
  161:                  );
  163:                  _neuronInstance.approveSpender(msg.sender, price);
  164:                  bool success = _neuronInstance.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasuryAddress, price);
  165:                  if (success) {
  166:                      if (dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[msg.sender][tokenId] <= block.timestamp) {
  167:                          _replenishDailyAllowance(tokenId);
  168:                      }
  169:                      allowanceRemaining[msg.sender][tokenId] -= quantity;
  170:                      if (allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].finiteSupply) {
  171:                          allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].itemsRemaining -= quantity;
  172:                      }
  173:                      _mint(msg.sender, tokenId, quantity, bytes("random"));
  174:                      emit BoughtItem(msg.sender, tokenId, quantity);
  175:                  }
  176:              }

Missing check:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  291:              function safeTransferFrom(
  292:                  address from, 
  293:                  address to, 
  294:                  uint256 tokenId,
  295:                  uint256 amount,
  296:                  bytes memory data
  297:              ) 
  298:                  public 
  299:                  override(ERC1155)
  300:              {
  301:                  require(allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].transferable);
  302:                  super.safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, amount, data);
  303:              }

Note: This could also lead to a situation where a NRN whale having enough funds can buy the complete supply of the game items within minutes by using his multiple alias accounts.

Proof of Concept

Add the following inside test/GameItems.t.sol and run with forge test --mt test_MintGameItems_FromMultipleAccs_ThenTransfer -vv:

    function test_MintGameItems_FromMultipleAccs_ThenTransfer() public {
        // _ownerAddress's alternate account
        address aliasAccount1 = makeAddr("aliasAccount1");

        _fundUserWith4kNeuronByTreasury(_ownerAddress);, 10); //paying 10 $NRN for 10 batteries
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 10);

        // transfer some $NRN to alias Account
        _neuronContract.transfer(aliasAccount1, 10 * 10 ** 18);

        vm.startPrank(aliasAccount1);, 10); //paying 10 $NRN for 10 batteries
        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(aliasAccount1, 0), 10);

        // transfer these game items to _ownerAddress
        _gameItemsContract.safeTransferFrom(aliasAccount1, _ownerAddress, 0, 10, "");

        assertEq(_gameItemsContract.balanceOf(_ownerAddress, 0), 20);

Tools used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add the same check inside safeTransferFrom() too:

  File: src/GameItems.sol

  291:              function safeTransferFrom(
  292:                  address from, 
  293:                  address to, 
  294:                  uint256 tokenId,
  295:                  uint256 amount,
  296:                  bytes memory data
  297:              ) 
  298:                  public 
  299:                  override(ERC1155)
  300:              {
  301:                  require(allGameItemAttributes[tokenId].transferable);
+                       require(dailyAllowanceReplenishTime[to][tokenId] <= block.timestamp || amount <= allowanceRemaining[to][tokenId], "Cannot bypass constraints via alias accounts");  
  302:                  super.safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, amount, data);
  303:              }

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as insufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as primary issue

raymondfam commented 9 months ago

Intended design to alleviate other constraint e.g. no more than 10 fighters per address. Low QA.

HickupHH3 commented 9 months ago

agree with the issue, the main impact is about bypassing replenishing / minting limits for a specific account by minting batteries / redeeming passes with multiple accounts & transferring all to that 1 account for consumption || transferring fighter NFTs back and forth across multiple wallets

partial credit: only mentioning bypassing of limit with multiple accounts, without stating the transfer and consumption of batteries to 1 account

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as selected for report