code-423n4 / 2024-02-tapioca-findings

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The order of composed messages is reversed during the `depositYBLendSGLLockXchainTOLP()` function of MagnetarAssetXChainModule #162

Closed c4-bot-9 closed 3 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In the depositYBLendSGLLockXchainTOLP() function, after lending to Singularity, it attempts to send SGL tokens cross-chain and execute the lock action upon receiving by using a composed message. Therefore, this function decodes the passed compose message to change the lockData.fraction to the received token amount, and then encodes that message again afterward

(uint16 msgType_,, uint16 msgIndex_, bytes memory tapComposeMsg_, bytes memory nextMsg_) =

        LockAndParticipateData memory lockData = abi.decode(tapComposeMsg_, (LockAndParticipateData));
        lockData.fraction = toftAmount;

        data.lockAndParticipateSendParams.lzParams.sendParam.composeMsg =
            TapiocaOmnichainEngineCodec.encodeToeComposeMsg(abi.encode(lockData), msgType_, msgIndex_, nextMsg_);

The decodeToeComposeMsg() function decodes with the order from left to right, which means tapComposeMsg_ precedes nextMsg_ in the whole encoded messages.

function decodeToeComposeMsg(bytes memory _msg)
    returns (
        uint16 msgType_,
        uint16 msgLength_,
        uint16 msgIndex_,
        bytes memory tapComposeMsg_,
        bytes memory nextMsg_
    // TODO use bitwise operators?
    msgType_ = BytesLib.toUint16(BytesLib.slice(_msg, 0, 2), 0);
    msgLength_ = BytesLib.toUint16(BytesLib.slice(_msg, MSG_TYPE_OFFSET, 2), 0);

    msgIndex_ = BytesLib.toUint16(BytesLib.slice(_msg, MSG_LENGTH_OFFSET, 2), 0);
    tapComposeMsg_ = BytesLib.slice(_msg, MSG_INDEX_OFFSET, msgLength_);

    uint256 tapComposeOffset_ = MSG_INDEX_OFFSET + msgLength_;
    nextMsg_ = BytesLib.slice(_msg, tapComposeOffset_, _msg.length - (tapComposeOffset_));

However, encodeToeComposeMsg() function will move the next message to the beginning of the total composed message.

 function encodeToeComposeMsg(bytes memory _msg, uint16 _msgType, uint16 _msgIndex, bytes memory _tapComposedMsg)
    returns (bytes memory)
    return abi.encodePacked(_tapComposedMsg, _msgType, uint16(_msg.length), _msgIndex, _msg);

Therefore, the order of child messages will be changed in depositYBLendSGLLockXchainTOLP function.


Cross-chain execution of Layerzero v2 will compose with the wrong order of actions, leading to unexpected results of DOS.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Move _tapComposedMsg to the end of the encoded message in encodeToeComposeMsg as following:

 function encodeToeComposeMsg(bytes memory _msg, uint16 _msgType, uint16 _msgIndex, bytes memory _tapComposedMsg)
    returns (bytes memory)
    return abi.encodePacked(_msgType, uint16(_msg.length), _msgIndex, _msg, _tapComposedMsg);

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 3 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 3 months ago

0xRektora (sponsor) disputed

0xRektora commented 3 months ago

The encodeToeComposeMsg will be used to encode a message from last to end, so indexes MSG_3(MSG_2(MSG_1)). This is why _tapComposedMsg is the first packed var.

Those 2 functions are a bit ambiguous, see for more details.

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid