code-423n4 / 2024-02-tapioca-findings

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[H9] Missing check on helper contract allows arbitrary actions and theft of assets #179

Open c4-bot-5 opened 4 months ago

c4-bot-5 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The MagnetarOptionModule contract implements the exitPositionAndRemoveCollateral function which allows users to do a series of operations which is irrelevant to the issue. The user passes in the variable data, and later, data.externalData is used to extract out relevant contract addresses. These are then checked against a whitelist.

if (data.externalData.bigBang != address(0)) {
    if (!cluster.isWhitelisted(0, data.externalData.bigBang)) {
        revert Magnetar_TargetNotWhitelisted(data.externalData.bigBang);
if (data.externalData.singularity != address(0)) {
    if (!cluster.isWhitelisted(0, data.externalData.singularity)) {
        revert Magnetar_TargetNotWhitelisted(data.externalData.singularity);

The main issue is that the data.externalData also has a marketHelper field which is not checked against a whitelist and ends up being used.

(Module[] memory modules, bytes[] memory calls) = IMarketHelper(data.externalData.marketHelper).repay(
    address(this), data.user, false, data.removeAndRepayData.repayAmount
(bool[] memory successes, bytes[] memory results) = bigBang_.execute(modules, calls, true);

The helper contracts are used to construct the calldata for market operations. In the above snippet, the helper contract is passed in some data, and it is expected to create a calldata out of the passed in data. The expected output is the repay module and a call value which when executed, will repay for the data.user's account.

However, since the marketHelper contract is never checked against a whitelist, malicious user can pass in any address in that place. So the above call can return any data payload, and the bigBang_.execute will execute it without any checks. This means the malicious helper contract can return a borrow payload of some random user, and the contract will end up borrowing USDO against that user's position. The Magnetar contract is assumed to have approval for market operations, and thus the Magnetar's approval is essentially exploited by the attacker to perform arbitrary actions on any user's account.

This can be used by any user to steal collateral from other user's bigbang position, or borrow out usdo tokens on their position. Since this is direct theft, this is a high severity issue.

Proof of Concept

The absence of checks is evident from the code snippet. Assuming marketHelper contract is malicious, we see that is used in 2 places to create payloads, which must also be deemed malicious.

(Module[] memory modules, bytes[] memory calls) = IMarketHelper(data.externalData.marketHelper).repay(
    address(this), data.user, false, data.removeAndRepayData.repayAmount
(Module[] memory modules, bytes[] memory calls) = IMarketHelper(data.externalData.marketHelper)
    .removeCollateral(data.user, removeCollateralTo, collateralShare);

These are then executed, and the Magnetar is assumed to have approvals from users, so these are obviously malicious interactions.

In the other module contracts, the marketHelper is checked against a whitelist, but not in this module. This is a clear oversight. Below is the example from the MagnetarMintCommonModule.

if (!cluster.isWhitelisted(0, marketHelper)) {
    revert Magnetar_TargetNotWhitelisted(marketHelper);

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check the helper contract against a whitelist

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-sponsor commented 4 months ago

cryptotechmaker marked the issue as disagree with severity

cryptotechmaker commented 4 months ago

Low/Invalid; even if the market helper is not checked (and I agree it's ok to add that verification) the module which is going to be executed is checked on the BB/SGL side and the action that's being performed also checks the allowances

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid

dmvt commented 4 months ago

Agree with the sponsor on this one. Arguably this could be invalidated for overinflated severity. The check suggested is fair but I can't reasonably leave this in place when submitted as a high.

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as primary issue

JeffCX commented 3 months ago

Emm this report is one of the early report that marked as invalid,

but I think the severity is not inflated and the severity is high and the issue clearly leads to theft of fund.

  1. Magnatar is a like a router contract and help user compose multicall.
  2. user calls magnatar function -> delegate calls Option Module
 /// @dev Modules will not return result data.
            if ( == MagnetarAction.OptionModule) {
                continue; // skip the rest of the loop
  1. user needs to give a lot of approve for magnatar contract to allow magnater contract pull fund out of user's account to complete transaction.

  2. to prevent abuse of allowance, this check is made in-place

   function exitPositionAndRemoveCollateral(ExitPositionAndRemoveCollateralData memory data) public payable {
        // Check sender

which calls:

 function _checkSender(address _from) internal view {
        if (_from != msg.sender && !cluster.isWhitelisted(0, msg.sender)) {
            revert Magnetar_NotAuthorized(msg.sender, _from);

the from != msg.sender is super important, otherwise,

if user A gives allowance to magnetar contract, user B can set data.user to user A and steal fund from user A directly.

  1. lack of validation of market helper allows malicious actor executes arbitrary multicall

 (Module[] memory modules, bytes[] memory calls) = IMarketHelper(data.externalData.marketHelper).repay(
                address(this), data.user, false, data.removeAndRepayData.repayAmount
            (bool[] memory successes, bytes[] memory results) = bigBang_.execute(modules, calls, true);

As for sponsor comments:

the module which is going to be executed is checked on the BB/SGL side and the action that's being performed also checks the allowances

this is the code in BBCollateral module

bigBang_.execute multilcall to bigBang module and one of the module is BBCollateral module

   function removeCollateral(address from, address to, uint256 share)
        solvent(from, false)
        allowedBorrow(from, share)
        _removeCollateral(from, to, share);

the validation that sponsor mentions is in the modifier

 allowedBorrow(from, share)

which calls:

  function _allowedBorrow(address from, uint256 share) internal virtual override {
        if (from != msg.sender) {
            // TODO review risk of using this
            (uint256 pearlmitAllowed,) = penrose.pearlmit().allowance(from, msg.sender, address(yieldBox), collateralId);
            require(allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] >= share || pearlmitAllowed >= share, "Market: not approved");
            if (allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
                allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] -= share;

obviously "from" is not msg.sender but msg.sender is the magnatar contract that hold user's allowance.

  1. protocol fix the lack of market helper validation in the other part of the codebase,

the exact same issue should be fixed in Option module as well.

  1. other way to abuse pending allowance is marked as high severity

  1. abuse this issue is not fixed,

this type of exploit can occurs

  1. user approve spending allowance to sushi router
  2. fund sit idle in user wallet
  3. attacker trigger transferFrom from victim address to hacker address -> exploit

and in this case.

  1. user approve spending allowance to magnater
  2. fund sit idel in user wallet
  3. attacker bypass the _checkSender and construct multicall to remove collateral from user's account direclty

12 The information and comments I provided just paraphrase my original submission and my original report has technical detail to explain how a malicious call can be constructed.

carrotsmuggler commented 3 months ago

This should be valid. According to the sponsor, even if the market helper is not checked the module which is going to be executed is checked on the BB/SGL side.

This is true. However the bigbang/sgl markets do the check on msg.sender, which is the magnetar contract itself, which is expected to have allowance from the users. Checks are not done on the initiator of this transaction. This is highlighted below.

function _allowedBorrow(address from, uint256 share) internal virtual override {
        if (from != msg.sender) {
            if (share == 0) revert AllowanceNotValid();

            // TODO review risk of using this
            (uint256 pearlmitAllowed,) = penrose.pearlmit().allowance(from, msg.sender, address(yieldBox), collateralId);
            require(allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] >= share || pearlmitAllowed >= share, "Market: not approved");
            if (allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
                allowanceBorrow[from][msg.sender] -= share;

Magnetar is a privileged contract, and this function allows other users to abuse this privilege. This is basically approval hijacking, and so is high severity.

0xRektora commented 3 months ago

@dmvt this can be approved as a high risk. While we switched the model to use "atomic" approvals using Pearlmit, it's better to be safe than sorry. The reviewed code also still has an obsolete allowanceBorrow which could help initiate this attack.

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

dmvt removed the grade

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as selected for report

thebrittfactor commented 1 month ago

For transparency, the sponsor (0xWeiss) confirmed this finding outside of Github. C4 staff have added the applicable label on Tapioca's behalf.