code-423n4 / 2024-03-acala-findings

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Unvalidated input allows an attacker to gain disproportionate rewards unfairly. #70

Closed c4-bot-5 closed 5 months ago

c4-bot-5 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Due to insufficient validation of the amount parameter in the deposit_dex_share function.

Issue Description

The purpose of this is to allow users to stake their tokens and receive shares in the DEX pool.

T::Currency::transfer(lp_currency_id, who, &Self::account_id(), amount)?; <orml_rewards::Pallet>::add_share(who, &PoolId::Dex(lp_currency_id), amount.unique_saturated_into());

Self::deposit_event(Event::DepositDexShare { who: who.clone(), dex_share_type: lp_currency_id, deposit: amount, }); Ok(()) }

   - Should only accept valid `amount` values that correspond to the user's actual token balance.
   - It should enforce proper validation and checks to ensure that the staked `amount` is within a reasonable range and does not exceed the user's available tokens.

   - An attacker can potentially provide a large `amount` value to the `deposit_dex_share` function, even if they don't have sufficient tokens.
   - The function will proceed to calculate and update the user's shares based on the manipulated `amount`, resulting in the attacker gaining a disproportionate number of shares.
   - This behavior deviates from the expected outcome, as the attacker can obtain shares that are not proportional to their actual staked amount.

## Proof of Concept
> Lack of proper validation of the staked amount provided by the user during the staking process As a result, an attacker can manipulate the staked amount to gain a disproportionate number of shares in the DEX pool, leading to an unfair distribution of rewards.

Let's assume all the incentive modules and configure them with the necessary parameters, including the DEX pool and reward distribution rules.

Legitimate user stake their LP tokens by calling the `deposit_dex_share` function with a valid `amount` parameter that matches their actual token balance.

let legitimate_user = AccountId::from([1; 32]);
let lp_currency_id = CurrencyId::from([1; 32]);
let legitimate_stake_amount = 1000; // Assuming the user holds at least 1000 tokens

Pallet::<T>::deposit_dex_share(&legitimate_user, lp_currency_id, legitimate_stake_amount)?;
  1. Attacker Staking with Manipulated Amount: An attacker account calls the deposit_dex_share function with a manipulated amount parameter that exceeds their actual token balance.
let attacker = AccountId::from([2; 32]);
let manipulated_stake_amount = 1_000_000_000; // A large amount that exceeds the attacker's balance

Pallet::<T>::deposit_dex_share(&attacker, lp_currency_id, manipulated_stake_amount)?;

QQuery the Rewards module's storage to check the shares allocated to the legitimate user and the attacker. You should observe that the attacker has gained a disproportionate number of shares compared to the legitimate user, despite not actually staking the corresponding amount of tokens.

let legitimate_user_shares = <rewards::Pallet<T>>::shares(&PoolId::Dex(lp_currency_id), &legitimate_user);
let attacker_shares = <rewards::Pallet<T>>::shares(&PoolId::Dex(lp_currency_id), &attacker);

assert!(attacker_shares >> legitimate_user_shares);


This can lead to an unfair distribution of shares and rewards among users, favoring the attacker.

Tools Used

Manual Audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The function should ensure that the amount is within a valid range and does not exceed the user's available token balance.

         // Check if the user has sufficient balance
         ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(lp_currency_id, who) >= amount, Error::<T>::InsufficientBalance);

         // Validate the staked amount against a reasonable range
         ensure!(amount >= T::MinStakingAmount::get(), Error::<T>::AmountTooLow);
         ensure!(amount <= T::MaxStakingAmount::get(), Error::<T>::AmountTooHigh);

         T::Currency::transfer(lp_currency_id, who, &Self::account_id(), amount)?;

         <rewards::Pallet<T>>::add_share(who, &PoolId::Dex(lp_currency_id), amount.unique_saturated_into());

         Self::deposit_event(Event::DepositDexShare {
             who: who.clone(),
             dex_share_type: lp_currency_id,
             deposit: amount,

     // Check if the user has sufficient balance
     ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(lp_currency_id, who) >= amount, Error::<T>::InsufficientBalance);

     // Validate the staked amount against a reasonable range
     ensure!(amount >= T::MinStakingAmount::get(), Error::<T>::AmountTooLow);
     ensure!(amount <= T::MaxStakingAmount::get(), Error::<T>::AmountTooHigh);

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-pre-sort commented 5 months ago

DadeKuma marked the issue as insufficient quality report

DadeKuma commented 5 months ago


c4-judge commented 5 months ago

OpenCoreCH marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient quality