Judge has assessed an item in Issue #91 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
[L-04] More safety is advised when removing owners
function removeOwnerAtIndex(uint256 index) public virtual onlyOwner {
bytes memory owner = ownerAtIndex(index);
if (owner.length == 0) revert NoOwnerAtIndex(index);
It is recommended to not allow the user to remove himself
It is recommended to check if the system has at least only one owner to avoid the removal of all owners
Judge has assessed an item in Issue #91 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
[L-04] More safety is advised when removing owners Instances MultiOwnable.sol#102 function removeOwnerAtIndex(uint256 index) public virtual onlyOwner { bytes memory owner = ownerAtIndex(index); if (owner.length == 0) revert NoOwnerAtIndex(index);
Mitigation It is recommended to not allow the user to remove himself It is recommended to check if the system has at least only one owner to avoid the removal of all owners