code-423n4 / 2024-03-dittoeth-findings

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Orders may be matched based on stale prices, causing financial losses. #212

Closed c4-bot-9 closed 5 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


bidMatchAlgo and sellMatchAlgo, which are responsible for matching incoming orders with existing orders in the orderbook based on price.

The bidMatchAlgo and sellMatchAlgo functions are expected to match incoming orders with existing orders in the orderbook based on accurate and up-to-date price information. The hint system should optimize the order placement process without compromising the integrity of the matching logic.

The expected inputs are the asset being traded, the incomingBid or incomingAsk order, and the orderHintArray for efficient order placement.

The intended outcome is to fill the incoming order as much as possible by matching it with existing orders at prices that reflect the current market conditions, ensuring fair and accurate trading for all users.


function bidMatchAlgo(
    address asset,
    STypes.Order memory incomingBid,
    MTypes.OrderHint[] memory orderHintArray,
    MTypes.BidMatchAlgo memory b
) private returns (uint88 ethFilled, uint88 ercAmountLeft) {
    // ... code ...
    STypes.Order memory lowestSell = _getLowestSell(asset, b);
    if (incomingBid.price >= lowestSell.price) {
        // ... code ...
        LibOrders.updateOracleAndStartingShortViaThreshold(asset, LibOracle.getPrice(asset), incomingBid, shortHintArray);
        b.shortHintId = b.shortId = Asset.startingShortId;
        b.oraclePrice = LibOracle.getPrice(asset);
        return bidMatchAlgo(asset, incomingBid, orderHintArray, b);
    // ... code ...


function sellMatchAlgo(
    address asset,
    STypes.Order memory incomingAsk,
    MTypes.OrderHint[] memory orderHintArray,
    uint256 minAskEth
) internal {
    // ... code ...
    if (incomingAsk.price < oraclePrice) {
        LibOrders.addSellOrder(incomingAsk, asset, orderHintArray);
    } else {
        LibOrders.sellMatchAlgo(asset, incomingAsk, orderHintArray, minAskEth);

These functions use the cached oracle price and the provided order hints to match incoming orders with existing orders in the orderbook. The bidMatchAlgo function updates the oracle price and startingShortId if the price difference between the incoming bid and the cached oracle price exceeds a threshold. The sellMatchAlgo function adds the incoming ask order to the orderbook if its price is below the cached oracle price.

Vulnerability Details

The edge case arises from the combination of the 0.5% buffer, backwards matching logic, and the use of stale prices due to the 15-minute caching window.

The conditions that enable this

The codes responsible are:

The actual behavior of the system deviates from the expected behavior in the following ways:

These behaviors deviate from the intended fair and accurate matching of orders based on up-to-date price information.


Proof of Concept


  1. The current market price of the asset is $100.
  2. The cached oracle price for the asset is $100, which was updated 14 minutes ago.
  3. The orderbook has the following existing orders:
    • Sell orders:
      • 1000 tokens at $100.50
      • 500 tokens at $101
    • Buy orders:
      • 800 tokens at $99.50
      • 1200 tokens at $99
  4. The market price suddenly drops to $95 due to external factors.


  1. An attacker observes the market conditions and identifies an opportunity to exploit the vulnerability.

  2. The attacker places a buy order for 1500 tokens at $99.75, which is within the 0.5% buffer of the cached oracle price ($100).

    function placeBuyOrder(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 price) external {
       STypes.Order memory order = STypes.Order({
           addr: msg.sender,
           price: price,
           ercAmount: amount,
           id: nextOrderId,
           orderType: O.LimitBid,
           creationTime: block.timestamp
       MTypes.OrderHint[] memory orderHintArray;
       uint16[] memory shortHintArray;
       (uint88 ethFilled, uint88 ercAmountLeft) = bidMatchAlgo(asset, order, orderHintArray, shortHintArray);
       // Update user's balance and order state
       // ...
  3. The bidMatchAlgo function is called with the attacker's buy order.

    • The cached oracle price is still $100, as it hasn't been updated within the 15-minute window.
    • The _getLowestSell function returns the sell order with the price of $100.50 as the lowest sell order.
    • The condition if (incomingBid.price >= lowestSell.price) is satisfied since the attacker's buy price of $99.75 is within the 0.5% buffer of the sell order price.
    • The updateOracleAndStartingShortViaThreshold function is called, but since the price difference is within the threshold, no update occurs.
  4. The bidMatchAlgo function proceeds to match the attacker's buy order with the existing sell orders.

    • The sell order of 1000 tokens at $100.50 is matched with the attacker's buy order at the price of $100.50, even though the current market price has dropped to $95.
    • The remaining 500 tokens of the attacker's buy order are matched with the sell order of 500 tokens at $101, also at the stale price.
  5. The attacker successfully buys 1500 tokens at an average price of $100.67, which is significantly higher than the current market price of $95.

Potential Consequences:

Recommended Mititgation Steps

  1. Reduce the caching window:

    • Shorten the caching window to a smaller time frame (e.g., 5 minutes) to reduce the chances of using stale prices.
    • Regularly update the cached price to reflect the latest market conditions.
    function updateCachedPrice(address asset) internal {
       uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp;
       if (currentTime - lastPriceUpdateTime[asset] >= 5 minutes) {
           cachedPrice[asset] = fetchLatestPrice(asset);
           lastPriceUpdateTime[asset] = currentTime;
  2. Implement price deviation checks:

    • Compare the cached oracle price with the real-time market price obtained from reliable external sources.
    • If the price deviation exceeds a certain threshold (e.g., 1%), trigger a price update or halt the order matching process until the price is refreshed.
    function isValidPrice(address asset, uint256 price) internal view returns (bool) {
       uint256 cachedPrice = getCachedPrice(asset);
       uint256 realTimePrice = fetchRealTimePrice(asset);
       uint256 deviation = calculateDeviation(cachedPrice, realTimePrice);
       return deviation <= MAX_DEVIATION_THRESHOLD;
  3. Enhance the hint system:

    • Improve the hint system to take into account the potential price changes within the caching window.
    • Incorporate additional checks and validations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the hints provided by users.
    function validateHint(address asset, uint256 hintPrice) internal view returns (bool) {
       uint256 cachedPrice = getCachedPrice(asset);
       uint256 realTimePrice = fetchRealTimePrice(asset);
       uint256 deviation = calculateDeviation(hintPrice, realTimePrice);
       return deviation <= MAX_HINT_DEVIATION_THRESHOLD;
  4. Implement circuit breakers:

    • Set up circuit breakers that halt trading or limit order matching when significant price deviations or unusual market activities are detected.
    • Define thresholds for price movements or trading volumes that trigger the circuit breakers.
    function checkCircuitBreaker(address asset) internal view {
       uint256 priceDeviation = calculatePriceDeviation(asset);
       uint256 tradingVolume = calculateTradingVolume(asset);
       if (priceDeviation >= CIRCUIT_BREAKER_PRICE_THRESHOLD ||
           tradingVolume >= CIRCUIT_BREAKER_VOLUME_THRESHOLD) {
           // Halt trading or limit order matching
           // ...

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 5 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 5 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as duplicate of #114

raymondfam commented 5 months ago

Kind of unstructured in terms of POC when compared to that of #114 and #128.

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory