code-423n4 / 2024-03-dittoeth-findings

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Stale cached prices may misprice assets, delay liquidations, and increase risk. #224

Closed c4-bot-9 closed 5 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

If the market experiences significant price volatility within the 15-minute window, the cached price may diverge from the actual market price. This discrepancy can lead to several issues:

It's from the following: LibOracle.sol#L22

uint256 protocolPrice = getPrice(asset);
// ... Oracle price retrieval logic ...

The getPrice function retrieves the cached price, which may be stale if the cache duration has not expired.



getOraclePrice is responsible for retrieving the asset price from the oracle. It first attempts to fetch the price from the Chainlink oracle and falls back to a TWAP price from Uniswap if the Chainlink price is invalid or outdated.


function getOraclePrice(address asset) internal view returns (uint256) {
    AppStorage storage s = appStorage();
    AggregatorV3Interface baseOracle = AggregatorV3Interface(s.baseOracle);
    uint256 protocolPrice = getPrice(asset);        <---------@

    AggregatorV3Interface oracle = AggregatorV3Interface(s.asset[asset].oracle);           <---------@
    if (address(oracle) == address(0)) revert Errors.InvalidAsset();         <---------@

    try baseOracle.latestRoundData() returns (uint80 baseRoundID, int256 basePrice, uint256, uint256 baseTimeStamp, uint80) {  <---------@
        // ... Chainlink price retrieval and validation logic ...
    } catch {
        if (oracle == baseOracle) {
            return twapCircuitBreaker();
        } else {
            // ... Fallback to TWAP price ...

retrieves the cached price and the setPriceAndTime function updates the cached price and timestamp. Is expected to retrieve the most up-to-date and accurate price for an asset from the oracle. The retrieved price should reflect the current market conditions and be used for various calculations and checks within the protocol.


The 15-minute cache duration, the getOraclePrice function may deviate from the expected behavior. If the market price changes significantly within the 15-minute window, the cached price may not accurately represent the current market conditions.

This can lead to incorrect calculations, mispricing of assets, and delayed liquidations, as described in the vulnerability details section.

Proof of Concept

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario where the DittoETH protocol is used for trading a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar (e.g., USDC) against ETH. The protocol relies on the Chainlink ETH/USD price oracle to determine the current market price of ETH.

Assume the following initial conditions:

Then takes these steps:

  1. Bob observes that the cached ETH/USD price in the DittoETH protocol is stale and significantly higher than the actual market price. The protocol is still using the cached price of $2,000, while the market price has dropped to $1,500.

  2. Bob quickly opens a large short position on the ETH/USD pair, taking advantage of the stale cached price. Since the protocol calculates the collateral ratio based on the cached price, Bob's short position appears to be sufficiently collateralized.

  3. Bob then manipulates the market by placing a large sell order on an external exchange, driving the market price of ETH further down to $1,200.

  4. Alice's short position, which was initially above the liquidation threshold, is now undercollateralized based on the actual market price. However, since the DittoETH protocol is still using the stale cached price of $2,000, Alice's position appears to be adequately collateralized, and no liquidation is triggered.

  5. Bob waits for the cache duration to expire and the protocol to update the cached price to the current market price of $1,200. At this point, Alice's position becomes severely undercollateralized.

  6. Bob quickly buys back the ETH at the lower price, closing his short position at a significant profit. Meanwhile, Alice's position remains open and is at risk of liquidation.

  7. When the protocol finally updates the cached price and detects Alice's undercollateralized position, it triggers a liquidation. However, due to the delayed liquidation, the protocol may struggle to find sufficient liquidity to close Alice's position at the current market price, potentially leading to a cascade of liquidations and further price instability.


function getOraclePrice(address asset) internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 cachedPrice = getPrice(asset);
    uint256 cacheTimestamp = getPriceTimestamp(asset);

    if (block.timestamp - cacheTimestamp > 15 minutes) {
        // Cache duration expired, update the cached price
        uint256 currentPrice = fetchCurrentPrice(asset);
        setPrice(asset, currentPrice);
        setPriceTimestamp(asset, block.timestamp);
        return currentPrice;
    } else {
        // Use the cached price
        return cachedPrice;

If the cache duration has not expired (i.e., less than 15 minutes have passed since the last price update), the function returns the cached price (cachedPrice). However, if the market price has changed significantly during this period, the returned price may be stale and not reflect the current market conditions, leading to the issues described in the vulnerability details section.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider implementing the mitigation measures discussed earlier, such as reducing the cache duration, implementing price deviation checks, using multiple Oracle price feeds, and regularly updating the Oracle integration to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date prices are used for various calculations and decisions within the protocol.

The price deviation check can be implemented:

function getOraclePrice(address asset) internal view returns (uint256) {
    // ... Existing code ...

+   uint256 cachedPrice = getPrice(asset);
+   uint256 currentPrice = fetchCurrentPrice(asset); // Retrieve the current price from the oracle

+   if (cachedPrice > 0) {
+       uint256 deviation = (currentPrice > cachedPrice) ? currentPrice - cachedPrice : cachedPrice - currentPrice;
+       if (deviation * 100 / cachedPrice > 10) { // Check if deviation exceeds 10%
+           // Trigger an alert or emergency action
            // ...

    // ... Existing code ...

As can be seen, the getOraclePrice function compares the cached price with the current price fetched from the oracle. If the deviation between the two prices exceeds a threshold (e.g., 10%), an alert or emergency action can be triggered to handle the significant price movement.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 5 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 5 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as duplicate of #114

raymondfam commented 5 months ago

See #114.

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory