code-423n4 / 2024-03-revert-lend-findings

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No access control to check caller of leverage functions in LeverageTransformer contract is approved vault #513

Open c4-bot-4 opened 4 months ago

c4-bot-4 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The leverageUp and leverageDown functions in LeverageTransformer contract are expected to be called by V3Vault. However, there is no access control to check that the caller is an authorized V3Vault address.

Due to this, it is possible for any user owned contract to steal position tokens on tokenIds that are already pre-approved for isAuthorizedForToken calls in nonfungiblePositionManager contract. Additionally, the user-owned contract can steal tokens held in the LeverageTransformer using the routed swap calls in leverageUp and leverageDown functions

Proof of Concept


  1. ContractA calls leverageDown() with influenced params and callback returned values to set the asset token and LeverageDownParams params.
    function leverageDown(LeverageDownParams calldata params) external {
        address token = IVault(msg.sender).asset();
        (,, address token0, address token1,,,,,,,,) = nonfungiblePositionManager.positions(params.tokenId);
  2. Assume LeverageTransformer is already authorized to call nonfungiblePositionManager.decreaseLiquidity(), it receives the position tokens from the liquidity decrement and swaps

    INonfungiblePositionManager.DecreaseLiquidityParams memory decreaseLiquidityParams = INonfungiblePositionManager
            params.tokenId, params.liquidity, params.amountRemoveMin0, params.amountRemoveMin1, params.deadline
        (amount0, amount1) = nonfungiblePositionManager.decreaseLiquidity(decreaseLiquidityParams);
        INonfungiblePositionManager.CollectParams memory collectParams = INonfungiblePositionManager.CollectParams(
            params.feeAmount0 == type(uint128).max ? type(uint128).max : SafeCast.toUint128(amount0 + params.feeAmount0),
            params.feeAmount1 == type(uint128).max ? type(uint128).max : SafeCast.toUint128(amount1 + params.feeAmount1)
        (amount0, amount1) = nonfungiblePositionManager.collect(collectParams);

3. ContractA is sent swapped tokens

SafeERC20.safeApprove(IERC20(token), msg.sender, amount); IVault(msg.sender).repay(params.tokenId, amount, false);

    // send leftover tokens
    if (amount0 > 0 && token != token0) {
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(token0), params.recipient, amount0);
    if (amount1 > 0 && token != token1) {
        SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(token1), params.recipient, amount1);

## Tools Used

## Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check to ensure caller is approved vault address

## Assessed type

Access Control
c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

0xEVom marked the issue as duplicate of #366

c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

0xEVom marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

jhsagd76 changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

jhsagd76 commented 3 months ago


c4-judge commented 3 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as grade-a

kalinbas commented 3 months ago