code-423n4 / 2024-03-saltyio-mitigation-findings

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Missed Arbitrage Profits from Imbalanced Pools #101

Open c4-bot-9 opened 4 months ago

c4-bot-9 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Lines of code

C4 issue

M-16: Suboptimal arbitrage implementation


The issue addressed the protocol's potential to overlook profitable trades due to its search range limitations. The bisection search method employed by the protocol might miss profit opportunities when the pools are balanced and a user wants to swap an amount of one token for another. This is crucial since arbitrage is a key feature that should always be available to users for capitalizing on price differences across various liquidity pools.


The mitigation succesfully implemented the updated ArbitrageSearch algorithm to follow suit with the math and also the example code provided in the issue, but it additionally made sure the overflow risk is reduced since the math involves multiplications of multiple reserves(which could be substantial) primarily in the calculations of n1 and n0.

However upon further inspection, an edge case arises where if the pools were severely imbalanced, this scenario can occur:

  1. One of the reserves has a MSB more than 80.
  2. All reserves are shifted by "shift = maximumMSB - 80" to ensure none of them is more than 80 bits.
  3. However some reserves are too low, and shifting them by this magnitude sets them to equal 0.
  4. those reserves shifted to zero set n1 and n0 to 0.
  5. the check that n1 <= n0 is true and function returns 0, even though n1 could have been higher than n0 before the shift.


As with the original intention of the issue, there is potential for the algorithm to miss arbitrage profits, albeit due to a different reason and under a different circumstance, which applies here when the pools are imbalanced, and to how overflow is handled in the calculations.

Proof of Concept

    function testArbitrageMethods() public view {
        // Initial, roughly balanced pools
        // 18 ETH ~ 1 BTC ~ 40k TOKEN A
        // uint256 reservesA0 = 900 ether; // ETH
        // uint256 reservesA1 = 2000000 ether; // TOKEN A
        // uint256 reservesB0 = 4000000 ether; // TOKEN A
        // uint256 reservesB1 = 100 ether; // BTC
        // uint256 reservesC0 = 500 ether; // BTC
        // uint256 reservesC1 = 9000 ether; // ETH

        uint256 reservesA0 = 90000000; // ETH
        uint256 reservesA1 = 900000000; // TOKEN A
        uint256 reservesB0 = 900000000; // TOKEN A
        uint256 reservesB1 = 200000000100 ether; // TOKEN B
        uint256 reservesC0 = 1500000000; // TOKEN B
        uint256 reservesC1 = 1000 ether; // ETH

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {


            uint256 bestApproxProfit;
            uint256 auxReservesB1;
            uint256 auxReservesB0;

                // Swap BTC for TOKEN A
                uint256 swapAmountInValueInBTC = 1 ether * (i + 1);  // Arbitrary value for test
                console.log(i, "- swap", swapAmountInValueInBTC / 10 ** 18, "BTC for TOKEN A");
                auxReservesB1 = reservesB1 + swapAmountInValueInBTC;
                auxReservesB0 = reservesB0 - reservesB0 * swapAmountInValueInBTC / auxReservesB1;

                uint256 gas0 = gasleft();
                uint256 bestBrute = _bruteForceFindBestArbAmountIn(swapAmountInValueInBTC / 18, reservesA0, reservesA1, auxReservesB0, auxReservesB1, reservesC0, reservesC1);
                console.log( "BRUTE GAS: ", gas0 - gasleft() );

                console.log("Original brute arbitrage estimation: ", bestBrute);
                bestApproxProfit = getArbitrageProfit(bestBrute, reservesA0, reservesA1, auxReservesB0, auxReservesB1, reservesC0, reservesC1);
                console.log("Brute arbitrage profit: ", bestApproxProfit);

            uint256 bestExact;
                uint256 gas0 = gasleft();
                bestExact = _bestArbitrageIn(reservesA0, reservesA1, auxReservesB0, auxReservesB1, reservesC0, reservesC1);
                console.log( "BEST GAS: ", gas0 - gasleft() );

            console.log("Best arbitrage computation: ", bestExact);
            uint256 bestExactProfit = getArbitrageProfit(bestExact, reservesA0, reservesA1, auxReservesB0, auxReservesB1, reservesC0, reservesC1);
            console.log("Best arbitrage profit: ", bestExactProfit);

            // Assumes an ETH price of $2300
            if (bestExactProfit > bestApproxProfit)
            console.log("PROFIT IMPROVEMENT (in USD cents): ", 2300 * (bestExactProfit - bestApproxProfit) / 10 ** 16);
            if (bestApproxProfit > bestExactProfit)
            console.log("PROFIT DECREASE (in USD cents): ", 2300 * (bestApproxProfit - bestExactProfit) / 10 ** 16);

THe POC above has reserve values which simulate the imbalanced pools scenario. It also shows the missed arbitrage profits through using the new algorithm compared with the brute force method.


Explore ways to handle overflow that will not impact potential arbitrage profits.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

othernet-global commented 3 months ago

The maximum number of bits required for either a0b0c0 or a1b1c1 is now determined and then the required shift to keep either product within 240 bits is made.

Fixed within:

// Given that x, y and z will be multiplied: determine the bit shift necessary to keep the product contained in 240 bits
function _shiftRequired( uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 z ) internal pure returns (uint256)
        // Determine the maximum number of bits required without shifting
        uint256 requiredBits0 = _mostSignificantBit(x) + _mostSignificantBit(y) + _mostSignificantBit(z);

        // Already fits in 240?
        if ( requiredBits0 < 240 )
            return 0;

        // Each number will be shifted so we can divide the required difference by 3
        return Math.ceilDiv( requiredBits0 - 240, 3 );

// Determine the shift required to keep a0 * b0 * c0 and a1 * b1 * c1 within 240 bits
function _determineShift( uint256 a0, uint256 b0, uint256 c0, uint256 a1, uint256 b1, uint256 c1 ) internal pure returns (uint256)
    uint256 shift0 = _shiftRequired(a0, b0, c0);
    uint256 shift1 = _shiftRequired(a1, b1, c1);

    return shift0 > shift1 ? shift0 : shift1;
c4-sponsor commented 3 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) confirmed

Picodes commented 3 months ago

See the conversation on #119