code-423n4 / 2024-03-saltyio-mitigation-findings

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H-02 MitigationConfirmed #32

Open c4-bot-6 opened 6 months ago

c4-bot-6 commented 6 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


H-02 described how the lastUpkeepTime started counting from the moment the contract was deployed. By the time the ballot is finalized, significant rewards are accrued and can be claimed by the first liquidity provider. Suggested fix was to reset the timer just before the initial distribution.


performUpKeep() is now called by the protocol at the start, inside BootstrapBallot::finalizeBallot(). This resets the timer, ensuring that a very small amount of rewards is sent to the staking contract if called again.

    // Ensures that the completionTimestamp has been reached and then calls InitialDistribution.distributionApproved and DAO.initialGeoExclusion if the voters have approved the ballot.
    function finalizeBallot() external nonReentrant
        require( ! ballotFinalized, "Ballot has already been finalized" );
        require( block.timestamp >= completionTimestamp, "Ballot is not yet complete" );

        if ( startExchangeYes > startExchangeNo )
            // First call performUpkeep() to reset the emissions timers so the first liquidity rewards claimers don't claim a full days worth of the bootstrap rewards
            exchangeConfig.upkeep().performUpkeep();  <--------------- fix applied


            startExchangeApproved = true;

        emit BallotFinalized(startExchangeApproved);

        ballotFinalized = true;



c4-judge commented 6 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory