code-423n4 / 2024-03-saltyio-mitigation-findings

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`manuallyRemoveBallot()` doesn't check if the ballot can be finalized or has been removed before #82

Open c4-bot-1 opened 4 months ago

c4-bot-1 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In the original implementation, a ballot cannot be closed or canceled without meeting the required quorum, even if the ballotMinimumEndTime has passed.


commit 7583498 The mitigation introduced a variable ballotMaximumDuration for ballot and a function DAO#manuallyRemoveBallot(). Whenever a ballot is expired, it can be removed by any one.


Three new issues were produced due to missing status checks:

  1. Two or more living ballots with the same name can exist at the same time
  2. One eligible user can create multi ballots at the same time
  3. A ballot could be removed accidentally or intentionally even it has sufficient votes

Proof of Concept

POC of Issue 1 & 2: Copy below codes to DAO.t.sol and run COVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url RPC_URL --match-test testManualRemovalBallotIssue1And2&2

function testManualRemovalBallotIssue1And2() public
    // Alice stakes her SALT to get voting power
    salt.transfer(alice, 1000000 ether);                // for staking and voting
    salt.transfer(address(dao), 1000000 ether); // bootstrapping rewards

    staking.stakeSALT(500000 ether);

    IERC20 test = new TestERC20( "TEST", 18 );
    string memory ballotName = string.concat("whitelist:", Strings.toHexString(address(test)), "url", "description" );
    // Propose a whitelisting ballot
    proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");

    uint256 ballotID = 1;

    // Increase block time to finalize the ballot
    skip( daoConfig.ballotMaximumDuration() + 1);

    // Propose a whitelisting ballot
    vm.expectRevert( "Users can only have one active proposal at a time" );
    proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");

    assertEq(proposals.ballotForID(ballotID).ballotIsLive, false, "Ballot should have been removed");

    uint256 secondBallot = proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");
    //@audit-info a proposal named `ballotName` is created
    assertEq(proposals.openBallotsByName(ballotName), secondBallot);
    //@audit-info alice has active proposal
    assertEq(proposals.userHasActiveProposal(alice), true);

    uint256 thirdBallot;
    //@audit-info alice can not create another proposal because she has one active proposal
    vm.expectRevert( "Users can only have one active proposal at a time" );
    thirdBallot = proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");
    //@audit-info The closed ballot was removed again
    //@audit-info the proposal named `ballotName` was removed
    assertEq(proposals.openBallotsByName(ballotName), 0);
    //@audit-info alice doesn't have active proposal now
    assertEq(proposals.userHasActiveProposal(alice), false);
    //@audit-info salice created another proposal named `ballotName`
    thirdBallot = proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");
    //@audit-info the ballotId of `ballotName` was changed to thirdBallot
    assertEq(proposals.openBallotsByName(ballotName), thirdBallot);

POC of Issue 3: Copy below codes to DAO.t.sol and run COVERAGE="yes" NETWORK="sep" forge test -vv --rpc-url RPC_URL --match-test testManualRemovalBallotIssue3

    function testManualRemovalBallotIssue3() public
        // Alice stakes her SALT to get voting power
        salt.transfer(alice, 500000 ether);// for staking and voting
        salt.transfer(bob, 500000 ether);
        salt.transfer(address(dao), 1000000 ether); // bootstrapping rewards

        //@audit-info alice creates a token whitelisting proposal
        salt.approve(address(staking), type(uint256).max);
        staking.stakeSALT(500000 ether);
        IERC20 test = new TestERC20( "TEST", 18 );
        // Propose a whitelisting ballot
        proposals.proposeTokenWhitelisting(test, "url", "description");
        uint256 ballotID = 1;
        // Increase block time to finalize the ballot
        skip( daoConfig.ballotMaximumDuration() + 1);
        //@audit-info the proposal can not be finalized without enough votes
        assertEq(proposals.canFinalizeBallot(ballotID), false);
        //@audit-info bob votes on it
        salt.approve(address(staking), type(uint256).max);
        staking.stakeSALT(500000 ether);
        proposals.castVote(ballotID, Vote.YES);
        //@audit-info the proposal can be finalized 
        assertEq(proposals.canFinalizeBallot(ballotID), true);
        //@audit-info however it can be removed
        assertEq(proposals.ballotForID(ballotID).ballotIsLive, false, "Ballot should have been removed");

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check if the ballot is living before removing it:

function markBallotAsFinalized( uint256 ballotID ) external nonReentrant
    require( msg.sender == address(exchangeConfig.dao()), "Only the DAO can mark a ballot as finalized" );

    Ballot storage ballot = ballots[ballotID];
+   require(ballot.ballotIsLive, "The ballot has been finalized");
    // Remove finalized whitelist token ballots from the list of open whitelisting proposals
    if ( ballot.ballotType == BallotType.WHITELIST_TOKEN )
        _openBallotsForTokenWhitelisting.remove( ballotID );

    // Remove from the list of all open ballots
    _allOpenBallots.remove( ballotID );

    ballot.ballotIsLive = false;

    // Indicate that the user who posted the proposal no longer has an active proposal
    address userThatPostedBallot = _usersThatProposedBallots[ballotID];
    _userHasActiveProposal[userThatPostedBallot] = false;

    delete openBallotsByName[ballot.ballotName];

    emit BallotFinalized(ballotID);

Any ballot that can be finalized should not be removable:

function manuallyRemoveBallot( uint256 ballotID ) external nonReentrant
    Ballot memory ballot = proposals.ballotForID(ballotID);

+   require( !proposals.canFinalizeBallot(ballotID), "The ballot is able to be finalized" );
    require( block.timestamp >= ballot.ballotMaximumEndTime, "The ballot is not yet able to be manually removed" );

    // Mark the ballot as no longer votable and remove it from the list of open ballots

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

piken commented 4 months ago

Although these three issues are described together here, I want to remind that they should be listed as two different medium issues:

The root causes of them are different, and the consequences are also different

t0x1cC0de commented 4 months ago

It seems from sponsor's comments in #94 that issue 3 is to be considered invalid?

othernet-global commented 4 months ago

Checking that the ballot has not already been finalized is definitely important. Thank you!

Fixed in: bea938fb1c667be81ce4ea135b758626a756927c

Allowing ballots to be manually ended even if they could be approved is valid. In a governance attack there may be spammed ballots (like send SALT which can only be now executed once a week). It can be useful for those spammed ballots to be removed.

c4-sponsor commented 4 months ago

othernet-global (sponsor) confirmed

Picodes commented 4 months ago

@piken Yes indeed I consider point 3 to be invalid as discussed in #94