code-423n4 / 2024-04-ai-arena-mitigation-findings

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M-05B Unmitigated #18

Open c4-bot-6 opened 5 months ago

c4-bot-6 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Lines of code

Old lines of code

Mitigated lines of code

Vulnerability details

The issue was reported in #578 and #1017.

The vulnerability is inside FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool():


307      /// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
308      /// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
309      /// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
310      /// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
311      /// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
312      /// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
313      function mintFromMergingPool(
314          address to, 
315          string calldata modelHash, 
316          string calldata modelType, 
317          uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
318      ) 
319          public 
320      {
321          require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
322          _createNewFighter(
323              to, 
324              uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))), 
325              modelHash, 
326              modelType,
327              0,
328              0,
329              customAttributes
330          );
331      }

This function can be called only by the merging pool contract. This means that msg.sender must be _mergingPoolAddress. However, msg.sender is also used as dna parameter of _createNewFighter() (line L324).

Impact: Even if an attacker can't exploit this bad randomness to obtain better fighters, players could forecast the attributes of fighters that will be created in the future, due to the bad randomness caused by this issue.

Recommended Mitigation proposed by wardens

The mitigation proposal is to replace msg.sender in line L324 with the address to, that should represents the player who calls MergingPool.claimRewards():


/// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
/// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
/// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
/// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function mintFromMergingPool(
    address to, 
    string calldata modelHash, 
    string calldata modelType, 
    uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
    require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
-       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))),
+       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 

This solution was implemented by the Ai Arena team

Comment about the Mitigation Proposal

This finding belongs to a group of issues that reported the low randomness of dna. Two of the most important are #53 and #519. The root cause is that msg.sender can be a bad source of randomness because an attacker could create a malicious contract at the wanted address using, for example, Create2.

In the case above, before the mitigation, nobody could exploit the vulnerability, because the msg.sender value was always the _mergingPoolAddress. After the mitigation, the dna of the new fighter relies on the caller's address. So, the mitigation could introduce the possibility of manipulating the msg.sender address and obtaining wanted attributes.

Attack vector

Let's think that before the current round, fighters.length into FighterFarm.sol is 0. Eve locally tries many combinations and finds that the tuple (address_E, fighters.length=3) permits creating a very rare fighter: Eve can forecast this is because she can exploit the line FighterFarm.sol#214:


214                  uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))),

to obtain dna and then use its value to precompute the new fighter's physical attributes:


510          FighterOps.FighterPhysicalAttributes memory attrs = _aiArenaHelperInstance.createPhysicalAttributes(
511              newDna,
512              generation[fighterType],
513              iconsType,
514              dendroidBool
515          );

Now, Eve creates a new contract at address_E and tries to win the current round (for example using a new fighter redeemed with a mint pass). If she wins, she could call MergingPool.claimRewards() just after someone else has obtained the fighter number 3 (in other words, when fighters.length=3).

We know this attack vector could be hard to perform, but we have to report the consequences of mitigation. To solve the bad randomness introduced by this mitigation, we propose to implement something like FighterFarm.redeemMintPass() where the dna is obtained from an external source (for example, from a backend server) and cannot be manipulated by the caller.


In conclusion, the proposed mitigation solves the initial bad randomness due to too little dna combinations space. However, it doesn't solve the issue reported by #1017:

In this function a user can not manipulate the output hash, however, he can compute the hash for the upcoming fighters, 
because when a new fighter is created, the fighters.length will change along with the output hash. As a result, 
a user can claim the MergingPool reward to mint and NFT when the output hash will be benefitial for him.

The malicious user can still forecast the outcome fighter attributes and claim the MergingPool reward when it is more convenient for him/her. Furthermore, it introduces the possibility to manipulate the msg.sender value to obtain a wanted dna and, so, a fighter with wanted valuable and rare attributes. We are going to report this comment as "unmitigated" and the attack vector above as a "new finding".

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 5 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 5 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as confirmed for report

fnanni-0 commented 5 months ago

@jhsagd76 Issue M-05B very specifically targets the bug described in 578: the team meant to use the user's address for DNA generation but the code used the MergingPool address instead. This is not about randomness itself, it's simply about an implementation bug that deviates from what was planned. As report 578 points out in the Impact section: "This inconsistency may lead to unexpected behavior."

Discussions about DNA randomness belong to M-05A. Otherwise why would the issue be split in two? I think that M-05B is mitigated.

niser93 commented 5 months ago

The sentence in #578 says "This inconsistency may lead to unexpected behavior.", but it doesn't describe this behavior. The only unexpected behavior I saw was that dna combinations space was too little. The consequence is that if the dna combinations space is too little, it is easy to forecast it. According to this, the unexpected behaviors are the same as described in M-05A. I think the discussions were split because the root causes were different, but they both involve bad randomness and a malicious user who can exploit it.

liveactionllama commented 4 months ago

Per request from the judge @jhsagd76 here, updating the labels on this issue accordingly.

jhsagd76 commented 4 months ago

If possible, the best approach would be to include both #5 and #18 in the report. This is because #5 is the best among all reports related to M-MR-05, and #18 supplements it with details about the issue of random number prediction in the original contest