code-423n4 / 2024-04-ai-arena-mitigation-findings

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Players can exploit `mintFromMergingPool` dna calculation to mint rare fighter #68

Open c4-bot-1 opened 5 months ago

c4-bot-1 commented 5 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Players can exploit mintFromMergingPool dna calculation to mint rare fighter


This issue is strongly related to issue #1017 - Users can get benefited from DNA pseudorandomly calculation. It describes 4 impacts:

  1. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.reRoll(). It was mitigated in #16.
  2. DNA manipulation in FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool()
  3. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.redeemMintPass(). It was mitigated in #10.
  4. DNA malipulation in FighterFarm.claimFighters(). It was mitigated in #11.

We want to focus on 2. In [issue #1017] is reported:

In this case, the DNA is computed by the msg.sender (in this case will always be 
the _mergingPoolAddress so it is not manipulable) and the number of existing fighters.

In this function a user can not manipulate the output hash, however, he can compute the hash for the upcoming fighters, 
because when a new fighter will be created, the fighters.length will change along with the output hash. As a result, 
a user can claim the MergingPool reward to mint and NFT when the output hash will be benefitial for him.

So, before mitigation, a user can not manipulate the output hash, but can claim the MergingPool reward to mint and NFT when the output hash will be benefitial for him.

Attempted mitigation was made in #3:

@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ contract FighterFarm is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable {
        require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
-           uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, fighters.length))), 
+           uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 

We think that this mitigation doesn't solve the issue. Furthermore, it introduces a new vulnerability. Now, the user can manipulate the output hash, because it depends on the to address, which can be manipulated by the user.

Proof of Concept

The PoC of this issue is similar to the ones in #53 and #519.

After mitigation, the attributes of the fighter obtained using the FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool() depends on two parameters:

/// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
/// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
/// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
/// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function mintFromMergingPool(
    address to, 
    string calldata modelHash, 
    string calldata modelType, 
    uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
    require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
        uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 

The value passed to line L366 represents the dna. It depends on the to address and the fighters.length.

FighterFarm.mintFromMergingPool() can be called successfully just by the contract at _mergingPoolAddress, i.e., MergingPool.sol, using the MergingPool.claimRewards() method:

/// @notice Allows the user to batch claim rewards for multiple rounds.
/// @dev The user can only claim rewards once for each round.
/// @param modelURIs The array of model URIs corresponding to each round and winner address.
/// @param modelTypes The array of model types corresponding to each round and winner address.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function claimRewards(
    string[] calldata modelURIs, 
    string[] calldata modelTypes,
    uint256[2][] calldata customAttributes,
    uint32 totalRoundsToConsider
    external nonReentrant
    uint256 winnersLength;
    uint32 claimIndex = 0;
    uint32 lowerBound = numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender];
    require(lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider < roundId, "MergingPool: totalRoundsToConsider exceeds the limit");
    uint8 generation = _fighterFarmInstance.generation(0);
    for (uint32 currentRound = lowerBound; currentRound < lowerBound + totalRoundsToConsider; currentRound++) {
        numRoundsClaimed[msg.sender] += 1;
        winnersLength = winnerAddresses[currentRound].length;
        for (uint32 j = 0; j < winnersLength; j++) {
            require(customAttributes[j][0] < _fighterFarmInstance.numElements(generation), "MergingPool: element out of bounds");
            require(customAttributes[j][1] >= 65 && customAttributes[j][1] <= 95, "MergingPool: weight out of bounds");
            if (msg.sender == winnerAddresses[currentRound][j]) {
                claimIndex += 1;
    if (claimIndex > 0) {
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimIndex);

So, a player can mintFromMerginPool only when he/she claims a reward after he/she wins a battle.

Let's explain the attack vector. Before the next round, fighter.length = 0. Eve was able to forecast that a very rare fighter can be minted using a specific address, called address_E, and when fighter.length = 10. She can do that because she can precompute the dna value, and use AiArenaHelper.createPhysicalAttributes() to forecast the outcome attributes.

Using Create2, Eve can create a malicious contract at address address_E. Then Eve mints a new fighter using, for example, a mint pass and tries to win the current round. If she manages to do that, she can use the contract at address address_E to claim a reward at the current round.

Assuming that after this round, fighter.length = 0 still holds. The malicious contract could implement a call to MergingPool.claimRewards() that is called continuously and reverts until fighter.length = 10.

In this way, Eve is sure to claim a reward with address_E and fighter.length = 10, and thus obtain the fighter with wanted characteristics.

Tools Used

Visual inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The problem relies on the usage of an external controlled input by a pseudorandom algorithm. We suggest introducing an oracle to obtain random input numbers, or at least to use block.timestamp, to make harder to forecast when the fighter.length reaches the wanted value:

/// @notice Mints a new fighter from the merging pool.
/// @dev Only the merging pool contract address is authorized to call this function.
/// @param to The address that the new fighter will be assigned to.
/// @param modelHash The hash of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param modelType The type of the ML model associated with the fighter.
/// @param customAttributes Array with [element, weight] of the newly created fighter.
function mintFromMergingPool(
    address to, 
    string calldata modelHash, 
    string calldata modelType, 
    uint256[2] calldata customAttributes
    require(msg.sender == _mergingPoolAddress);
-       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length))), 
+       uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(to, fighters.length, block.timestamp))), 

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 5 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 5 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 5 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as primary issue

liveactionllama commented 4 months ago

Per request from the judge @jhsagd76 here, updating the labels on this issue accordingly.