code-423n4 / 2024-04-dyad-findings

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Errors and missing code in Deployment script leads to miscalculation in Kerosene value and DOS in adding Kerosene vault for Dnft Users #577

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 4 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The deployment script improperly configures KerosineManager by registering non-kerosene vaults (ethVault and wstEth) instead of the intended kerosene-related vaults (UnboundedKerosineVault and BoundedKerosineVault). This misconfiguration leads to multiple functional issues:

  1. Addition of Kerosene Vaults: The addKerosene function in VaultManagerV2, dependent on KerosineManager for licensing verification, fails because the necessary kerosene vaults are not correctly licensed. This prevents legitimate kerosene vault additions, essential for protocol operations.

  2. Asset Price Calculation: The BoundedKerosineVault is not properly configured to reference the UnboundedKerosineVault, causing its assetPrice() function, which depends on the unbounded vault, to fail due to an unset reference.

  3. Collateralization and Token Minting: Due to the flawed' KerosineManager' setup, the getKeroseneValue function erroneously includes values from non-kerosene vaults. This impacts the calculation of collateralization ratios and the proper minting of tokens, this would lead to users being able to mint DYAD based on wrong collateral ratio assumptions.

These issues compromise the protocol’s functionality and financial integrity and could lead to significant fund loss for the protocol and users alike.

Proof of Concept

To dive deeper, first we need to understand how the KerosineManager works:

Inside KerosineManager, we have:

uint public constant MAX_VAULTS = 10;
EnumerableSet.AddressSet private vaults;


    function getVaults() external view returns (address[] memory) {
        return vaults.values();

    function isLicensed(address vault) external view returns (bool) {
        return vaults.contains(vault);

Where vaults is the AddressSet of all the Kerosene assets (bounded and non-bounded), this is evident from the following two functions in VaultManagerV2.sol:

  1. addKerosine() : Link for reference
    • This method links a Kerosene Vault to a particular dNft.
  2. getKeroseneValue : Link for reference
    • This method returns the total USD value of Kerosene inside Bounded/unbounded vaults.

Both of these methods make an external call to KeroseneManager to check whether the kerosene vault is licensed via:


Given this context and no additional documentation/natspec for KeroseneManager stating otherwise, we can be sure that vaults contain kerosene vaults.

Now we have the following issues:

Alternate Assumption:

Even though I have provided sufficient proof via codebase implementation to assert why vaults in KerseneManager should contain Kerosene vaults. But let's assume that sponsors simply made a typo. Instead of checking keroseneManager.isLicensed(vault), they wanted to check vaultLicenser.isLicensed(vault) or maybe no check at all (which in itself will be a critical vulnerability).

In such a case, we would have the following scenario:

  1. KeroseneManager will contain a list of exogenous vaults, thus its assetPrice() will work because it will call the following method of Vault.sol, and it should work fine
    function assetPrice() public view returns (uint) {
    (, int256 answer, , uint256 updatedAt, ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
    if (block.timestamp > updatedAt + STALE_DATA_TIMEOUT)
        revert StaleData();
    return answer.toUint256();
  2. However, now the getKerosene method will fail, because we won't have any kerosene vaults in the keroseneManager
    function getKeroseneValue(uint id) public view returns (uint) {
    uint totalUsdValue;
    uint numberOfVaults = vaultsKerosene[id].length();
    for (uint i = 0; i < numberOfVaults; i++) {
        Vault vault = Vault(vaultsKerosene[id].at(i));
        uint usdValue;
        if (keroseneManager.isLicensed(address(vault))) { <<< @audit can't have any kerosene vault in keroseneManager
            usdValue = vault.getUsdValue(id);
        totalUsdValue += usdValue;
    return totalUsdValue;
  3. This would mean that getTotalUsdValue and collatRatio will also fail. If collatRatio fails, then withdraw will fail, and users' deposits will forever be stuck!


The misconfiguration leads to a denial of service (DoS) for functionalities that rely on adding kerosene vaults or calculating asset prices in BoundedKerosineVault. This could severely impact operational capabilities, financial calculations, and the overall reliability of the system.

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. Correct the KerosineManager Configuration:

    • Modify the deployment script to ensure that only kerosene-related vaults are managed by KerosineManager. Remove the lines where non-kerosene vaults are added and ensure the correct kerosene vaults are included:
  2. Configure BoundedKerosineVault Properly:

    • Update the deployment script to set the UnboundedKerosineVault for the BoundedKerosineVault immediately after both are instantiated:

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

JustDravee marked the issue as duplicate of #966

c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

JustDravee marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as duplicate of #1133

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as satisfactory