code-423n4 / 2024-04-panoptic-findings

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Discrepancies in in Token Conversion #522

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 4 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


this is can affect liquidity providers by misrepresenting the value of provided liquidity, and impact traders by calculating incorrect token amounts during swaps, and influence margin calculations for leveraged positions.

Root of the bug and summary

there is a logical flaw exists within the token conversion functions, convert0to1 and convert1to0, due to the handling of reduced precision at high sqrtPriceX96 values. The functions employ two different formulas to convert amounts between token0 and token1, the issue is arises in the convert0to1 and convert1to0 functions when handling conversions involving very high sqrtPriceX96 values.

  // above that tick, we are forced to reduce the amount of decimals in the final price by 2**64 to 2**128
            if (sqrtPriceX96 < type(uint128).max) {
                return Math.mulDiv192(amount, uint256(sqrtPriceX96) ** 2);
            } else {
                return Math.mulDiv128(amount, Math.mulDiv64(sqrtPriceX96, sqrtPriceX96));

the bug is cause is the conditional that use of different mathematical precision levels based on the sqrtPriceX96 value, and the reduced precision formula drastically alters the output for high sqrtPriceX96 values, resulting in conversions that diverge substantially from those calculated with normal precision.

Proof of Concept

let's say a scenario that we have

in full Precision Calculation the result is extremely small non-zero value close to zero but not zero and in Reduced Precision Calculation the result in a value that rounds down to zero due to the large negative exponent.

Tools Used

manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

need to ensures that the precision is only reduced when absolutely necessary and does so in a manner that lessens the impact on the final conversion outcome

Assessed type


Picodes commented 4 months ago

No loss of funds scenario is described, this doesn't fit High severity

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof