code-423n4 / 2024-04-panoptic-findings

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Missing Input Validation #580

Closed c4-bot-1 closed 2 months ago

c4-bot-1 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The input parameters token0, token1, and fee are not validated in the deployNewPool function within the PanopticFactory contract. This omission can potentially lead to unexpected behavior and effects when the contract interacts with the SemiFungiblePositionManager contract and the UniswapV3Factory contract.

In particular, if the token0, token1, and fee parameters lead to a v3Pool address that doesn't represent an existing and properly initialized Uniswap V3 pool, it could cause runtime errors or result in incorrect pool initialization.

Proof of Concept

function deployNewPool(
    address token0,
    address token1,
    uint24 fee,
    bytes32 salt
) external returns (PanopticPool newPoolContract) {
    (token0, token1) = token0 < token1 ? (token0, token1) : (token1, token0);
    // ... 
    IUniswapV3Pool v3Pool = IUniswapV3Pool(UNIV3_FACTORY.getPool(token0, token1, fee));
    if (address(v3Pool) == address(0)) revert Errors.UniswapPoolNotInitialized();

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Before invoking the UniswapV3Factory's getPool function and initializing the v3Pool reference, assert that token0, token1, and fee are valid. Consider defining and using a function that verifies token addresses and fee amounts per the business rules of your smart contract system. This will help ensure that all function inputs are sanitized, and it will prevent unexpected behavior in later execution. Note that sometimes, input validation is not possible if there's no way to predict all valid cases a priori (e.g., token address verification if any ERC20 token can be used). In such cases, ensure that other parts of the contract code are capable of properly handling any possible input.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

Picodes marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid

Picodes commented 2 months ago

Invalidating as there would be no impact aside from deploying a useless contract