code-423n4 / 2024-04-revert-mitigation-findings

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V3Vault::_deposit incorrectly validates the global lending limit and allows borrowing of assets above the limit #64

Open c4-bot-5 opened 2 months ago

c4-bot-5 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Vulnerability details

V3Vault applies a global limit on the total amount of assets that can be deposited for borrowing. This limit is enforced through the globalLendLimit state variable, set by the contract owner.

This is how the limit is applied in the _deposit() function:

  function _deposit(address receiver, uint256 amount, bool isShare, bytes memory permitData)
        returns (uint256 assets, uint256 shares)

        // check for global limit
        if (totalSupply() + shares > globalLendLimit) {
            revert GlobalLendLimit();

        // check for daily limit
        if (assets > dailyLendIncreaseLimitLeft) {
            revert DailyLendIncreaseLimit();


If you look closely you can see that globalLendLimit is compared against the total shares. This is wrong since globalLendLimit is measured in terms of assets, not shares. This can be further validated by looking at the maxDeposit() & maxMint() functions:

function maxMint(address) external view override returns (uint256) {
        uint256 value = _convertToAssets(totalSupply(), lendExchangeRateX96, Math.Rounding.Up);
        if (value >= globalLendLimit) { // <---- value is in assets
            return 0;

 function maxDeposit(address) external view override returns (uint256) {
        uint256 value = _convertToAssets(totalSupply(), lendExchangeRateX96, Math.Rounding.Up);
        if (value >= globalLendLimit) { // <---- value is in assets
            return 0;

In time as loan fees accrue the shares to assets ratio will increase, which means that fewer shares would equal greater amount of assets. As a result the global limit will be evaluated against a smaller amount (shares) than it actually should (assets)


Comparing global debt limit against shares leads to more assets being deposited for borrowing than it should be allowed, breaking important protocol invariant.

Recommended Mitigation

Compare the global lend limit in _deposit against the assets, not the shares:

if (totalAssets() + assets > globalLendLimit) {
     revert GlobalLendLimit();

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-sponsor commented 2 months ago

kalinbas (sponsor) confirmed

jhsagd76 commented 2 months ago

After referring to the original issue , I am more inclined to label it as unmitigated rather than a mitigation error, therefore I am changing this issue to unmitigated.

Because their root causes are similar.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as unmitigated

jhsagd76 commented 2 months ago

Pls add the MR-M-12 label.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as satisfactory

thebrittfactor commented 2 months ago

Label added at request of judge.