code-423n4 / 2024-05-bakerfi-findings

3 stars 3 forks source link

QA Report #45

Open c4-bot-9 opened 1 month ago

c4-bot-9 commented 1 month ago

See the markdown file with the details of this report here.

hvasconcelos commented 1 month ago

[L-01] Not returning excess ETH when updating price of Pyth Oracles - Confirmed [L-02] Not enough Sanity checks to validate the data pulled from the Pyth Oracle - Acknowledged [L-03] Privileged functions on the StrategyLeverageSettings contract are callable only by the Governor instead of the Owner - Acknowledged [L-04] Price updates made on the last not-stale block would be threated as if the price would already be stale, causign calls to revert because of priceOutdated. Confirmed [L-05] Unnecessary approval of steth to uniRouter in the StrategyAAVEv3WSTETH contract. Confirmed [L-06] Contracts are incompatible with ERC20 on-fee transfer tokens Acknowledged [L-07] Incorrect operator causes tx to revert when validating the value of loanToValue in calculateLeverageRatio() function - Confirmed [L-08] Not allowed to prevent liquidations by rebalancing the vault while vault is paused - Disputed - We have the pause function to prevent any agent to interact with the protocol

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as grade-a

ickas commented 4 weeks ago

[L-01] fixed →

ickas commented 3 weeks ago

[L-02] fixed →

ickas commented 3 weeks ago

[L-04] fixed →

ickas commented 3 weeks ago

[L-05] fixed →

ickas commented 3 weeks ago

[L-07] fixed →

thebrittfactor commented 3 weeks ago

For awarding purposes, C4 staff have marked as 2nd place.