code-423n4 / 2024-05-gondi-mitigation-findings

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M-12 Unmitigated #30

Open c4-bot-7 opened 3 months ago

c4-bot-7 commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details This PR adds getMaxExtension to address the issue of auction times being indefinitely postponed.

The maximum time is: block.timestamp + _liquidationAuctionDuration + getMaxExtension

However, _liquidationAuctionDuration can be modified, with the current constraint being _liquidationAuctionDuration < MAX_AUCTION_DURATION (7 days)

    function updateLiquidationAuctionDuration(uint48 _newDuration) external override onlyOwner {
@>      if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        _liquidationAuctionDuration = _newDuration;

        emit LiquidationAuctionDurationUpdated(_newDuration);

Therefore, it's still possible that: block.timestamp + _liquidationAuctionDuration + getMaxExtension could exceed 7 Days

Recommended Mitigation

It is recommended to restrict _liquidationAuctionDuration + ILoanLiquidator(liquidator).getMaxExtension < MAX_AUCTION_DURATION

    function updateLiquidationAuctionDuration(uint48 _newDuration) external override onlyOwner {
-       if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {
+       if (_newDuration < MIN_AUCTION_DURATION || _newDuration + ILoanLiquidator(liquidator).getMaxExtension  > MAX_AUCTION_DURATION) {    
            revert InvalidDurationError();
        _liquidationAuctionDuration = _newDuration;

        emit LiquidationAuctionDurationUpdated(_newDuration);

Assessed type


alex-ppg commented 3 months ago

The Warden specifies that M-12 has not been sufficiently mitigated as the vulnerability can still resurface after a reconfiguration of the contract due to inadequate limitations in the LiquidationHandler::updateLiquidationAuctionDuration function. I consider the rationale sufficiently elaborated and confirm that M-12 remains unmitigated as it can resurface via future reconfigurations of the system that should be prohibited by the code itself.

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as confirmed for report