code-423n4 / 2024-05-gondi-mitigation-findings

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H-17 Unmitigated #95

Open c4-bot-7 opened 3 months ago

c4-bot-7 commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In an edge case, the same struct renegotiationOffer and renegotiaionOffer signature can still be used interchangeably between refinanceFull() and addNewTranche().

Original Issue/ Current fix:

C4 Issue: H-17: refinanceFull/addNewTranche reusing a lender's signature leads to unintended behavior

Original vulnerabilities: refinanceFull and addNewTranche both require RenegotiationOffer’s signature check, but allows the same renegotiationOffer struct and same signature to pass.

Original impacts: This encourages the attack vector of front-running to use the signature for malicious operations. In this case, an attacker can use the renegotiationOffer input and signature that was meant for refinanceFull() in addNewTranche().

Mitigation: Fix:

    function refinanceFull(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer(_renegotiationOffer, _loan.tranche.length);

    function addNewTranche(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        Loan memory _loan,
        bytes calldata _renegotiationOfferSignature
    ) external nonReentrant returns (uint256, Loan memory) {
        _checkAddNewTrancheOffer(_renegotiationOffer, _loan.tranche.length);

    function _checkAddNewTrancheOffer(RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer, uint256 _totalTranches)
|>       if (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != 1 || _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] != _totalTranches) {
            revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

    function _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        uint256 _totalTranches
    ) private pure {
 |>     if (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != _totalTranches) {
            revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

The current fix is to add additional checks on struct renegotiationOffer. In refinanceFull(), checks are added to ensure that _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != _totalTranches . In addNewTranche(), a different check is in place to make sure tranchIndex.length ==1 && trancheIndex[0]== _totalTranches (the only trancheIndex would be the next tranche index).

Proof of concept

The problem is an edge case will still allow struct renegotiationOffer and renegotiaionOffer signature to be used interchangeably between refinanceFull() and addNewTranche().

Edge Case: A loan only has 1 tranche, and _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] == 1.

When a loan has 1 tranche, _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length == _totalTranches will be true. And as long as the _renegotiationOffer's trancheIndex[0] is _totalTranches/1, the _renegotiationOffer will pass both _checkAddNewTrancheOffer() and _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer().

Note: in refinanceFull() flow, _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] is not used and not checked. So the value of _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] will not make a difference in refinanceFull().

    function _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer(
        RenegotiationOffer calldata _renegotiationOffer,
        uint256 _totalTranches
    ) private pure {
        //@audit when there is only one tranche in the loan, _renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length == _totalTranches == 1
 |>     if (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex.length != _totalTranches) {
            revert InvalidRenegotiationOfferError();

Impact: The lender’s renegotiationOffer for refinanceFull can still be used for addNewTranche(); And vice versa. (1) When a borrower wants to add a new tranche and receive the additional principal amount, instead, the lender might use the offer to refinanceFull() to avoid transferring the principal. (2) Or when a lender refinanceFull() for a loan with only 1 tranche and with input (_renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] as 1). A malicious borrower can receive 100% more principal with existing NFT collateral - borrower's position will be significantly under-collateralized. Borrower might earn a profit even by giving up their NFT.


In _checkRefinanceFullRenegotiationOffer(), add check to ensure renegotiationOffer.trancheIndex[0] != _totalTranches.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 3 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory