code-423n4 / 2024-05-loop-findings

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Upgraded Q -> 3 from #117 [1718034766745] #137

Closed c4-judge closed 3 months ago

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

Judge has assessed an item in Issue #117 as 3 risk. The relevant finding follows:

  1. Users being able to donate to ETH or lpETH before conversion one of protocol's main invariant Links to affected code *

Impact From the readme, there's a main invariant -

Users that deposit ETH/WETH get the correct amount of lpETH on claim (1 to 1 conversion)

This 1 to 1 invariant can be easily broken through donations, before the convertAllETH function is called. The function queries the balance of ETH before conerting all to lpETH, and queries the contract's lpETH balance to set the totalLpETH parameter. The conversion rate is 1 to 1.

function convertAllETH() external onlyAuthorized onlyBeforeDate(startClaimDate) {
    if (block.timestamp - loopActivation <= TIMELOCK) {
        revert LoopNotActivated();

    // deposits all the ETH to lpETH contract. Receives lpETH back
    uint256 totalBalance = address(this).balance;
    lpETH.deposit{value: totalBalance}(address(this));

    totalLpETH = lpETH.balanceOf(address(this));

    // Claims of lpETH can start immediately after conversion.
    startClaimDate = uint32(block.timestamp);

    emit Converted(totalBalance, totalLpETH);

Note the totalSupply tracks ETH deposits only through the _processLock function, meaning it isn't affected by donations. So if tokens had been donated, they'll be converted to lpETH without actually changing the totalSupply.

When claiming, the claimed amount a user is entitled to is calculated as userStake * totalLpETH/totalSupply. And as it has been established that totalLpETH was a 1 to 1 exchange, this means that it will be more than totalSupply (since donations had increased address(this).balance but didn't affect totalSupply). As totalLpETH is more than totalSupply, a user's claimed amount will not be in a 1 to 1 ratio with his staked amount, but rather more.

function _claim(address _token, address _receiver, uint8 _percentage, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data)
    returns (uint256 claimedAmount)
    uint256 userStake = balances[msg.sender][_token];
    if (userStake == 0) {
        revert NothingToClaim();
    if (_token == ETH) {
        claimedAmount = userStake.mulDiv(totalLpETH, totalSupply);
        balances[msg.sender][_token] = 0;
        lpETH.safeTransfer(_receiver, claimedAmount);

The same also applies if lpETH is donated to the contract before ETH is converted, due to the use of lpETH.balanceOf(address(this)); to set totalLpETH.

Important to note that this doesn't affect ERC20 stakers, so these donations introduce a disbalance in expected exchange rate of lpETH to ETH and actual exchange rate.

Recommended Mitigation Steps Best way to fix it is to convert only totalSupply of ETH, and setting totalLpETH to totalSupply. That way, the 1 to 1 ratio will be protected. Donations will not be taken into consideration.

function convertAllETH() external onlyAuthorized onlyBeforeDate(startClaimDate) {
    if (block.timestamp - loopActivation <= TIMELOCK) {
        revert LoopNotActivated();

    // deposits all the ETH to lpETH contract. Receives lpETH back
    lpETH.deposit{value: totalSupply}(address(this)); //++++

    totalLpETH = totalSupply; //++++ 

    // Claims of lpETH can start immediately after conversion.
    startClaimDate = uint32(block.timestamp);

    emit Converted(totalBalance, totalLpETH);
c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as duplicate of #33

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as partial-50

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

koolexcrypto marked the issue as partial-25