code-423n4 / 2024-05-munchables-validation

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`lockedToken.remainder` can get corrupted depending on when `lock()` is called #563

Open c4-bot-7 opened 6 months ago

c4-bot-7 commented 6 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Currently the value of lockedToken.remainder will be updated if lock() gets called during a lockdrop. However, the lockedToken.remainder will be reset to zero if lock() gets called during a non lockdrop period.

Proof of Concept

Assume a period of lockdrops and no lockdrops.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//  lockdrop_1 | no_lockdrop_1 | lockdrop_2 | no_lockdrop_2 | lockdrop_3

Also assume

Scenario A

  1. Bob calls lock() during lockdrop_1, resulting in quantity = 7e18, remainder = 7e18 and numberNFTs = 0.
  2. Bob calls lock() during lockdrop_2, resulting in quantity = 15e18, remainder = 7e18 and numberNFTs = 1.
  3. Bob calls lock() during lockdrop_3, resulting in quantity = 15e18, remainder = 7e18 and numberNFTs = 1.

Scenario B

  1. Same as 1.a above.
  2. Bob calls lock() during no_lockdrop_2, resulting in quantity = 15e18, remainder = 0 (branch for lockdrop not called).
  3. Bob calls lock() during lockdrop_3, resulting in quantity = 7e18, remainder = 7e18 and numberNFTs = 0.

Effectively, the issue is that if it's not a lockdrop period, the state variable lockedToken.remainder will have the value of the local remainder variable, which will still be zero since the branch for lockdrop will not be executed.


If the poc example, we can see the value of numberNFTs will be different during lockdrop_3 depending if he called lock() during lockdrop_2 or no_lockdrop_2.

Therefore, the nftOverloard.addReveal() can have a smaller number of NFTs if the user previously called lock() during a non lockdrop period, since the remainder is not carried over.

It's also possible for a mallicious user to call lockOnBehalf during a non lockdrop period for another user with 1 wei to forcefully reset his remainder.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

One approach can be to move lockedToken.remainder = remainder inside the lockdrop conditional branch so it only gets updated during lockdrop periods.

diff --git a/LockManager.sol b/LockManager.updated.sol
--- a/LockManager.sol
+++ b/LockManager.updated.sol
@@ -367,6 +367,8 @@ contract LockManager is BaseBlastManager, ILockManager, ReentrancyGuard {

                 // Tell nftOverlord that the player has new unopened Munchables
                 nftOverlord.addReveal(_lockRecipient, uint16(numberNFTs));
+                lockedToken.remainder = remainder;

@@ -376,7 +378,6 @@ contract LockManager is BaseBlastManager, ILockManager, ReentrancyGuard {
             token.transferFrom(_tokenOwner, address(this), _quantity);

-        lockedToken.remainder = remainder;
         lockedToken.quantity += _quantity;
         lockedToken.lastLockTime = uint32(block.timestamp);

Assessed type
