If during an epoch, the total weight is zero, then the staking incentives related to that epoch will be lost, while it is expected that they will be refunded to tokenomics inflation.
Proof of Concept
During claiming the staking incentives through claimStakingIncentives, the function calculateStakingIncentives is called to calculate the totalStakingIncentive and totalReturnAmount which means the total staking incentives that should be distributed to staking instances and total incentives that should be refunded to tokenomics inflation.
In this function, the staking weight and total weight for each epoch is calculated. If available staking incentives is higher than total weight, then the extra part (diff) will be refunded to tokenomics inflation.
The issue is that if the total weight for an epoch is equal to zero, no staking incentives will be refunded to tokenomics inflation. While, it is expected that unused/extra staking incentives be returned to tokenomics inflation. The reason is that when totalWeightSum is zero (obviously the stakingWeight will be zero either), the following if-clause will be executed.
if (stakingWeight < uint256(stakingPoint.minStakingWeight) * 1e14) {
// If vote weighting staking weight is lower than the defined threshold - return the staking incentive
returnAmount = ((stakingDiff + availableStakingAmount) * stakingWeight) / 1e18;
} else {
Since stakingWeight is zero, the returnAmount would be zero either. As a result returnAmount = 0, no incentives related to this epoch will be refunded to tokenomics inflation, and they will be lost.
Test1 (simple case):
In the following test case, a nominee is added, but no one has voted for it. So, the total weight in epoch 2 is zero. After the checkpoint (epoch 2 is ended, and now we are in epoch 3), the function calculateStakingIncentives is called to calculate the amount of incentives related to epoch 2 that are assigned to this nominee, as well as the amount of incentives that are extra and should be refunded. It returns totalStakingIncentive = 0 as expected (because no one had voted for it), but totalReturnAmount = 0 which is not expected. By calling (await tokenomics.mapEpochStakingPoints(2)).stakingIncentive, it shows that the available staking incentives in epoch 2 was equal to 259644210229512049587306, so there are incentives available in this epoch, but they are not refunded to tokenomics inflation, thus they are lost.
it("loss of incentives if the total weight sum is zero", async () => {
// Take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();
// Set staking fraction to 100%
await tokenomics.changeIncentiveFractions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);
// Changing staking parameters
await tokenomics.changeStakingParams(50, 10);
// Checkpoint to apply changes
await helpers.time.increase(epochLen);
await tokenomics.checkpoint();
// Unpause the dispenser
await dispenser.setPauseState(0);
// Add a staking instance as a nominee
await vw.addNominee(stakingInstance.address, chainId);
// Checkpoint to apply changes
await helpers.time.increase(epochLen);
await tokenomics.checkpoint();
const stakingTarget = convertAddressToBytes32(stakingInstance.address);
// Calculate staking incentives
const stakingIncentives = await dispenser.callStatic.calculateStakingIncentives(numClaimedEpochs, chainId,
stakingTarget, bridgingDecimals);
// this shows the total staking incentives and return amount in epoch 2
console.log("total staking incentive: ", await stakingIncentives.totalStakingIncentive);
console.log("total return amount: ", await stakingIncentives.totalReturnAmount);
// 2 is the epoch that the total weight sum is zero
console.log("available staking amount: ", (await tokenomics.mapEpochStakingPoints(2)).stakingIncentive);
// Restore to the state of the snapshot
await snapshot.restore();
Output is:
Staking incentives
total staking incentive: BigNumber { value: "0" }
total return amount: BigNumber { value: "0" }
available staking amount: BigNumber { value: "259644210229512049587306" }
✓ loss of incentives if the total weight sum is zero
Test2 (more realistic case):
In the following test case, a nominee is added and 1 vote is allocated to it at epoch 2. So, at week 2844, the nominee's weight is nonzero.
Then, one epoch length (equal to 10 days) is passed, and the checkpoint is called. Then, 0 vote is allocated to the nominee, so the nominee's weight will be zero at week 2845.
Again, one epoch is passed, and the checkpoint is called (now we are at epoch 4). Then, checkpointNominee is called to update the nominee's weight and total sum. It shows that the nominee's relative weight at week 2844 is %100, and its relative weight at week 2845 is %0, as expected.
Then, calculateStakingIncentives is called to calculate the nominees incentives at epochs 2 and 3. It shows that totalStakingIncentive allocated to the nominee is equal to 50, and totalReturnAmount is equal to 86548378823584027017230. While, available staking incentives in epoch 2 and 3 are 86548378823584027017280 and 86548178481042039748640, respectively.
It was expected that totalStakingIncentive + totalReturnAmount be equal to sum of available staking incentives at epoch 2 and 3, but it shows that it is equal to staking incentives at epoch 2 only. In other words, since the total weight at epoch 3 is zero, the staking incentives available at that epoch is neither allocated to the nominee nor returned to the tokenomics inflation. So, they are lost.
/*global describe, context, beforeEach, it*/
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
const helpers = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers");
const { hrtime } = require("process");
describe("PoC", function () {
const AddressZero = ethers.constants.AddressZero;
const initialMint = "1000000000000000000000000"; // 1_000_000
const epochLen = 10 * 24 * 60 * 60;
const retainer = "0x" + "0".repeat(24) + "5".repeat(40);
const maxNumClaimingEpochs = 10;
const maxNumStakingTargets = 100;
const chainId = 31337;
const maxVoteWeight = 10000;
const defaultWeight = 1000;
const oneOLASBalance = ethers.utils.parseEther("1");
const oneYear = 365 * 86400;
const oneWeek = 7 * 86400;
const numClaimedEpochs = 1;
const bridgingDecimals = 18;
let olas;
let ve;
let vw;
let signers;
let deployer;
let treasury;
let dispenser;
function convertAddressToBytes32(account) {
return ("0x" + "0".repeat(24) + account.slice(2)).toLowerCase();
function getWeek(ts) {
return Math.floor(ts / oneWeek);
beforeEach(async function () {
const OLAS = await ethers.getContractFactory("OLAS");
olas = await OLAS.deploy();
await olas.deployed();
signers = await ethers.getSigners();
deployer = signers[0];
await olas.mint(deployer.address, initialMint);
const VE = await ethers.getContractFactory("veOLAS");
ve = await VE.deploy(olas.address, "Voting Escrow OLAS", "veOLAS");
await ve.deployed();
const VoteWeighting = await ethers.getContractFactory("VoteWeighting");
vw = await VoteWeighting.deploy(ve.address);
await vw.deployed();
const MockStakingProxy = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockStakingProxy");
stakingInstance = await MockStakingProxy.deploy(olas.address);
await stakingInstance.deployed();
const MockStakingFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockStakingFactory");
stakingProxyFactory = await MockStakingFactory.deploy();
await stakingProxyFactory.deployed();
// Add a default implementation mocked as a proxy address itself
await stakingProxyFactory.addImplementation(stakingInstance.address, stakingInstance.address);
const Dispenser = await ethers.getContractFactory("Dispenser");
dispenser = await Dispenser.deploy(olas.address, deployer.address, deployer.address, deployer.address,
retainer, maxNumClaimingEpochs, maxNumStakingTargets);
await dispenser.deployed();
await vw.changeDispenser(dispenser.address);
const Treasury = await ethers.getContractFactory("Treasury");
treasury = await Treasury.deploy(olas.address, deployer.address, deployer.address, dispenser.address);
await treasury.deployed();
// Update for the correct treasury contract
await dispenser.changeManagers(AddressZero, treasury.address, AddressZero);
const tokenomicsFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Tokenomics");
// Deploy master tokenomics contract
const tokenomicsMaster = await tokenomicsFactory.deploy();
await tokenomicsMaster.deployed();
const proxyData = tokenomicsMaster.interface.encodeFunctionData("initializeTokenomics",
[olas.address, treasury.address, deployer.address, dispenser.address, deployer.address, epochLen,
deployer.address, deployer.address, deployer.address, AddressZero]);
// Deploy tokenomics proxy based on the needed tokenomics initialization
const TokenomicsProxy = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenomicsProxy");
const tokenomicsProxy = await TokenomicsProxy.deploy(tokenomicsMaster.address, proxyData);
await tokenomicsProxy.deployed();
// Get the tokenomics proxy contract
tokenomics = await ethers.getContractAt("Tokenomics", tokenomicsProxy.address);
// Change the tokenomics and treasury addresses in the dispenser to correct ones
await dispenser.changeManagers(tokenomics.address, treasury.address, vw.address);
// Update tokenomics address in treasury
await treasury.changeManagers(tokenomics.address, AddressZero, AddressZero);
// Give treasury the minter role
await olas.changeMinter(treasury.address);
it("Loss of incentives", async () => {
// Take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();
// Lock one OLAS into veOLAS
await olas.approve(ve.address, oneOLASBalance);
await ve.createLock(oneOLASBalance, oneYear);
// Set staking fraction to 100%
await tokenomics.changeIncentiveFractions(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);
// Changing staking parameters
await tokenomics.changeStakingParams(50, 10);
// Checkpoint to apply changes
await helpers.time.increase(epochLen);
await tokenomics.checkpoint();
console.log("Nominee added and 1 vote is allocated at epoch: ", await tokenomics.epochCounter()); // 2
// Unpause the dispenser
await dispenser.setPauseState(0);
// Add a staking instance as a nominee
await vw.addNomineeEVM(stakingInstance.address, chainId);
const stakingTarget = convertAddressToBytes32(stakingInstance.address);
const nomineeHash = await vw.getNomineeHash(stakingTarget, chainId);
// Vote for the nominee
await vw.voteForNomineeWeights(stakingTarget, chainId, 1); // 1 vote is allocated
const timeWeightWhenVotedNonzero = getWeek(await vw.timeWeight(nomineeHash));
console.log("nominee time weight in week when 1 vote is allocated: ", timeWeightWhenVotedNonzero);
// Checkpoint to apply changes
await helpers.time.increase(epochLen);
await tokenomics.checkpoint();
console.log("Zero vote is allocated to the nominee at epoch: ", await tokenomics.epochCounter()); // 3
await vw.voteForNomineeWeights(stakingTarget, chainId, 0); // zero vote is allocated
console.log("nominee time weight in week when zero vote is allocated: ", getWeek(await vw.timeWeight(nomineeHash)));
await helpers.time.increase(epochLen);
await tokenomics.checkpoint();
await vw.checkpointNominee(stakingTarget, chainId); // to update the nominee's relative weight and total sum
console.log("Relative weight and total sum at week 2844: ", (await vw.nomineeRelativeWeight(stakingTarget, chainId, timeWeightWhenVotedNonzero * oneWeek)));
console.log("Relative weight and total sum at week 2845: ", (await vw.nomineeRelativeWeight(stakingTarget, chainId, (timeWeightWhenVotedNonzero + 1) * oneWeek)));
// Calculate staking incentives
const stakingIncentives = await dispenser.callStatic.calculateStakingIncentives(10, chainId,
stakingTarget, bridgingDecimals);
console.log("total staking incentive: ", await stakingIncentives.totalStakingIncentive);
console.log("total return amount: ", await stakingIncentives.totalReturnAmount);
console.log("available staking incentives at epoch 2: ", (await tokenomics.mapEpochStakingPoints(2)).stakingIncentive);
console.log("available staking incentives at epoch 3: ", (await tokenomics.mapEpochStakingPoints(3)).stakingIncentive);
// Restore to the state of the snapshot
await snapshot.restore();
The result is:
Nominee added and 1 vote is allocated at epoch: 2
nominee time weight in week when 1 vote is allocated: 2844
Zero vote is allocated to the nominee at epoch: 3
nominee time weight in week when zero vote is allocated: 2845
Relative weight and total sum at week 2844: [
BigNumber { value: "1000000000000000000" },
BigNumber { value: "23493126988800" },
relativeWeight: BigNumber { value: "1000000000000000000" },
totalSum: BigNumber { value: "23493126988800" }
Relative weight and total sum at week 2845: [
BigNumber { value: "0" },
BigNumber { value: "0" },
relativeWeight: BigNumber { value: "0" },
totalSum: BigNumber { value: "0" }
total staking incentive: BigNumber { value: "50" }
total return amount: BigNumber { value: "86548378823584027017230" }
available staking incentives at epoch 2: BigNumber { value: "86548378823584027017280" }
available staking incentives at epoch 3: BigNumber { value: "86548178481042039748640" }
✓ Loss of incentives
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
It is recommended to handle the case when total weight is zero. Moreover, it is necessary to record which epoch had zero total weight, so if its staking incentives are refunded, it should not be refunded again.
mapping(uint256 => bool) public zeroWeighEpochRefunded;
function calculateStakingIncentives(
uint256 numClaimedEpochs,
uint256 chainId,
bytes32 stakingTarget,
uint256 bridgingDecimals
) public returns (
uint256 totalStakingIncentive,
uint256 totalReturnAmount,
uint256 lastClaimedEpoch,
bytes32 nomineeHash
) {
for (uint256 j = firstClaimedEpoch; j < lastClaimedEpoch; ++j) {
// this epoch has zero total weight and all its staking incentives are already refunded to tokenomics inflation
if (totalWeightSum == 0) {
returnAmount = stakingPoint.stakingIncentive;
zeroWeighEpochRefunded[j] = true;
} else if (stakingWeight < uint256(stakingPoint.minStakingWeight) * 1e14) {
} else {
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
If during an epoch, the total weight is zero, then the staking incentives related to that epoch will be lost, while it is expected that they will be refunded to tokenomics inflation.
Proof of Concept
During claiming the staking incentives through
, the functioncalculateStakingIncentives
is called to calculate thetotalStakingIncentive
which means the total staking incentives that should be distributed to staking instances and total incentives that should be refunded to tokenomics inflation.https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/main/tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol#L953
In this function, the staking weight and total weight for each epoch is calculated. If available staking incentives is higher than total weight, then the extra part (
) will be refunded to tokenomics inflation.https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/main/tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol#L903
Then, the rest of the available staking incentives will be distributed to the staking instance based on the staking weight assigned to it.
The issue is that if the total weight for an epoch is equal to zero, no staking incentives will be refunded to tokenomics inflation. While, it is expected that unused/extra staking incentives be returned to tokenomics inflation. The reason is that when
is zero (obviously thestakingWeight
will be zero either), the following if-clause will be executed.https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/main/tokenomics/contracts/Dispenser.sol#L911
is zero, thereturnAmount
would be zero either. As a resultreturnAmount = 0
, no incentives related to this epoch will be refunded to tokenomics inflation, and they will be lost.Tests
Test1 (simple case):
In the following test case, a nominee is added, but no one has voted for it. So, the total weight in epoch 2 is zero. After the checkpoint (epoch 2 is ended, and now we are in epoch 3), the function
is called to calculate the amount of incentives related to epoch 2 that are assigned to this nominee, as well as the amount of incentives that are extra and should be refunded. It returnstotalStakingIncentive = 0
as expected (because no one had voted for it), buttotalReturnAmount = 0
which is not expected. By calling(await tokenomics.mapEpochStakingPoints(2)).stakingIncentive
, it shows that the available staking incentives in epoch 2 was equal to259644210229512049587306
, so there are incentives available in this epoch, but they are not refunded to tokenomics inflation, thus they are lost.Output is:
Test2 (more realistic case):
In the following test case, a nominee is added and 1 vote is allocated to it at epoch 2. So, at week 2844, the nominee's weight is nonzero.
Then, one epoch length (equal to 10 days) is passed, and the checkpoint is called. Then, 0 vote is allocated to the nominee, so the nominee's weight will be zero at week 2845.
Again, one epoch is passed, and the checkpoint is called (now we are at epoch 4). Then,
is called to update the nominee's weight and total sum. It shows that the nominee's relative weight at week 2844 is %100, and its relative weight at week 2845 is %0, as expected.Then,
is called to calculate the nominees incentives at epochs 2 and 3. It shows thattotalStakingIncentive
allocated to the nominee is equal to50
, andtotalReturnAmount
is equal to86548378823584027017230
. While, available staking incentives in epoch 2 and 3 are86548378823584027017280
, respectively.It was expected that
totalStakingIncentive + totalReturnAmount
be equal to sum of available staking incentives at epoch 2 and 3, but it shows that it is equal to staking incentives at epoch 2 only. In other words, since the total weight at epoch 3 is zero, the staking incentives available at that epoch is neither allocated to the nominee nor returned to the tokenomics inflation. So, they are lost.The result is:
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
It is recommended to handle the case when total weight is zero. Moreover, it is necessary to record which epoch had zero total weight, so if its staking incentives are refunded, it should not be refunded again.
Assessed type