Excess native tokens sent when sending messages on various depositProcessors and targetDispensers is not refunded to the sender leading to loss of funds.
Proof of Concept
Looking through the various _sendMessage functions
In WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal override {
// Check that provided msg.value is enough to cover the cost
if (cost > msg.value) {
revert LowerThan(msg.value, cost);
// Send the message to L1
uint64 sequence = IBridge(l2MessageRelayer).sendPayloadToEvm{value: cost}(uint16(l1SourceChainId),
l1DepositProcessor, abi.encode(amount), 0, gasLimitMessage, uint16(l1SourceChainId), refundAccount);
emit MessagePosted(sequence, msg.sender, l1DepositProcessor, amount);
In ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
function _sendMessage(
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory stakingIncentives,
bytes memory bridgePayload,
uint256 transferAmount
) internal override returns (uint256 sequence) {
// Get the total cost
uint256 totalCost = cost[0] + cost[1];
// Check fot msg.value to cover the total cost
if (totalCost > msg.value) {
revert LowerThan(msg.value, totalCost);
if (transferAmount > 0) {
// Approve tokens for the bridge contract
IToken(olas).approve(l1ERC20Gateway, transferAmount);
// Construct the data for IBridge consisting of 2 pieces:
// uint256 maxSubmissionCost: Max gas deducted from user's L2 balance to cover base submission fee
// bytes memory extraData: empty data
bytes memory submissionCostData = abi.encode(maxSubmissionCostToken, "");
// Transfer OLAS to the staking dispenser contract across the bridge
IBridge(l1TokenRelayer).outboundTransferCustomRefund{value: cost[0]}(olas, refundAccount,
l2TargetDispenser, transferAmount, TOKEN_GAS_LIMIT, gasPriceBid, submissionCostData);
// Assemble message data payload
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(targets, stakingIncentives));
// Send a message to the staking dispenser contract on L2 to reflect the transferred OLAS amount
sequence = IBridge(l1MessageRelayer).createRetryableTicket{value: cost[1]}(l2TargetDispenser, 0,
maxSubmissionCostMessage, refundAccount, refundAccount, gasLimitMessage, gasPriceBid, data);
In OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
function _sendMessage(
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory stakingIncentives,
bytes memory bridgePayload,
uint256 transferAmount
) internal override returns (uint256 sequence) {
// Check that provided msg.value is enough to cover the cost
if (cost > msg.value) {
revert LowerThan(msg.value, cost);
// Assemble data payload
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(targets, stakingIncentives));
// Send message to L2
// Reference: https://docs.optimism.io/builders/app-developers/bridging/messaging#for-l1-to-l2-transactions-1
IBridge(l1MessageRelayer).sendMessage{value: cost}(l2TargetDispenser, data, uint32(gasLimitMessage));
// Since there is no returned message sequence, use the staking batch nonce
sequence = stakingBatchNonce;
In OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
function _sendMessage(uint256 amount, bytes memory bridgePayload) internal override {
. .....
// Check that provided msg.value is enough to cover the cost
if (cost > msg.value) {
revert LowerThan(msg.value, cost);
// Check the gas limit values for both ends
if (gasLimitMessage < GAS_LIMIT) {
gasLimitMessage = GAS_LIMIT;
if (gasLimitMessage > MAX_GAS_LIMIT) {
gasLimitMessage = MAX_GAS_LIMIT;
// Assemble data payload
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, abi.encode(amount));
// Send the message to L1 deposit processor
// Reference: https://docs.optimism.io/builders/app-developers/bridging/messaging#for-l1-to-l2-transactions-1
IBridge(l2MessageRelayer).sendMessage{value: cost}(l1DepositProcessor, data, uint32(gasLimitMessage));
emit MessagePosted(0, msg.sender, l1DepositProcessor, amount);
None of them refund the excess ETH back to the sender leading to loss of funds.
Tools Used
Manual code review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider introducing a function to send back the msg.value minus cost to the sender.
Lines of code
https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/3ce502ec8b475885b90668e617f3983cea3ae29f/tokenomics/contracts/staking/WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol#L115-L117 https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/3ce502ec8b475885b90668e617f3983cea3ae29f/tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol#L71-L74 https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/3ce502ec8b475885b90668e617f3983cea3ae29f/tokenomics/contracts/staking/OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol#L131-L133 https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-05-olas/blob/3ce502ec8b475885b90668e617f3983cea3ae29f/tokenomics/contracts/staking/ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol#L168-L170
Vulnerability details
Excess native tokens sent when sending messages on various depositProcessors and targetDispensers is not refunded to the sender leading to loss of funds.
Proof of Concept
Looking through the various
functionsIn WormholeTargetDispenserL2.sol
In ArbitrumDepositProcessorL1.sol
In OptimismDepositProcessorL1.sol
In OptimismTargetDispenserL2.sol
None of them refund the excess ETH back to the sender leading to loss of funds.
Tools Used
Manual code review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider introducing a function to send back the msg.value minus cost to the sender.
Assessed type