code-423n4 / 2024-05-predy-findings

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Liquidators can bypass remaining negative margin check and leave the loss to the protocol #189

Open howlbot-integration[bot] opened 3 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


This mechanism exists to protect against protocol insolvency in the case that vault's margin cannot cover the loss from vault's position.

Liquidation incentives

Liquidators close vault's position, settle the trade and profit from slippage tolerance, set by the pool's owner.
For instance, if the slippage tolerance is set at 5% and let's say liquidator is closing this long position

amountBase: 1 ETH
amountQuote: -3,000 USDC
entryValue: 3,000 USDC
currentPrice: 2,500 USDC

Liquidator will get 1 ETH to sell for 2,500 USDC and have to return only 2500*0.95=2,375 USDC. The remaining short USDC will be deducted from vault's margin, in this case, 3000-2375=625 USDC

Considering this mechanism, liquidators will always profit from the slippage.


If we take a look at the snippet of the code responsible for the aforementioned protection mechanism.

if (!hasPosition) {
    int256 remainingMargin = vault.margin;

    if (remainingMargin > 0) {
        if (vault.recipient != address(0)) {
            // Send the remaining margin to the recipient.
            vault.margin = 0;

            sentMarginAmount = uint256(remainingMargin);

            ERC20(pairStatus.quotePool.token).safeTransfer(vault.recipient, sentMarginAmount);
    } else if (remainingMargin < 0) {
        vault.margin = 0;

        // To prevent the liquidator from unfairly profiting through arbitrage trades in the AMM and passing losses onto the protocol,
        // any losses that cannot be covered by the vault must be compensated by the liquidator
        ERC20(pairStatus.quotePool.token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), uint256(-remainingMargin));

liquidation function only checks for negative margin if and only if the position is fully closed from liquidation.

Therefore, if the position is not fully closed (99.99% closed), and left with negative margin, liquidators don't have to compensate for the loss.

Considering the case where liquidation of a full position would result in negative margin, liquidators should only be incentivized to partially close a position to the point that vault's margin becomes zero because that would be their maximum profit.

However, with the logic flaw mentioned, liquidators can increase their profit by closing nearly full position (99.99% closed), effectively leave the loss to the protocol.

Tools Used


This test demonstrates that liquidating nearly full position can bypass the negative margin check and leave the loss to the protocol.


Assessed type


c4-judge commented 2 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

alex-ppg changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

alex-ppg commented 2 months ago

The Warden has demonstrated how the stop-loss mechanism of the protocol is improperly applied only when a vault is closed in its entirety, permitting liquidators to close a vault whilst leaving a minuscule remainder within it to bypass the mechanism and thus profit at the expense of the protocol.

I believe a high severity rating is appropriate given that the vulnerability can be reliably exploited and will further deteriorate a negative market event with tangible monetary impact.