code-423n4 / 2024-05-predy-findings

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Use of Potentially Stale Price Data from Pyth Oracle #265

Closed howlbot-integration[bot] closed 2 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The PriceFeed contract's reliance on the getPriceNoOlderThan function from the Pyth oracle introduces a risk where not necessarily the most current price data is used, but instead, the most recent within a permissible oldness (VALID_TIME_PERIOD). This setup could lead to significant financial impact due to potential price manipulation. An attacker could exploit this by executing transactions using stale prices, benefiting from anticipated price movements within the same block, particularly in volatile markets. This might allow entering and exiting liquidity positions at non-current prices, leading to unfair gains or losses.

Proof of Concept

function getSqrtPrice() external view returns (uint256 sqrtPrice) {
    (, int256 quoteAnswer,,,) = AggregatorV3Interface(_quotePriceFeed).latestRoundData();
    IPyth.Price memory basePrice = IPyth(_pyth).getPriceNoOlderThan(_priceId, VALID_TIME_PERIOD);
    require(basePrice.expo == -8, "INVALID_EXP");
    require(quoteAnswer > 0 && basePrice.price > 0);
    uint256 price = uint256(int256(basePrice.price)) * Constants.Q96 / uint256(quoteAnswer);
    price = price * Constants.Q96 / _decimalsDiff;
    sqrtPrice = FixedPointMathLib.sqrt(price);

Demonstration of Issue:

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Dynamically adjust the VALID_TIME_PERIOD based on observed market volatility. In more volatile periods, reduce the time period to ensure fresher data.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 2 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid