code-423n4 / 2024-05-predy-validation

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Risk of Incorrect Price Feeds Due to Chainlink Oracle Circuit Breaker Activation #642

Open c4-bot-10 opened 3 months ago

c4-bot-10 commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The getSqrtPrice function in the PriceFeed contract is vulnerable to returning incorrect prices if the Chainlink oracle's circuit breaker mechanism is triggered. This can lead to users Trade the market against assets at incorrect prices, potentially causing significant financial losses and instability in the protocol. This scenario occurred on Venus on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) during the collapse of LUNA.

Proof of Concept

When using the latestRoundData() the price of an asset deviates significantly from a predefined price range, Chainlink aggregators activate a circuit breaker mechanism. This mechanism causes the oracle to consistently return the minimum price instead of the actual price of the asset.

Consequently, users can continue to Trade the asset, but at an incorrect price.

For instance, consider TokenA with a minPrice set at $1. If the price of TokenA drops to $0.10, the aggregator still reports $1. This scenario enables users to Trade significant amounts of token, potentially leading to bankruptcy for the protocol.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

getSqrtPrice() should check the returned answer against the minPrice/maxPrice and revert if the answer is outside of the bounds:

(, int256 quoteAnswer,,,) = AggregatorV3Interface(_quotePriceFeed).latestRoundData()

++ if (quoteAnswer >= maxPrice or quoteAnswer <= minPrice) revert();

Assessed type
