code-423n4 / 2024-06-krystal-defi-findings

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The signatures are replayable #27

Open c4-bot-6 opened 2 months ago

c4-bot-6 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


User signed orders can be replayed

Proof of Concept

All orders managed by the Krystal team are signed by the user, executed by the operator and the signature is verified on-chain:

    function execute(ExecuteParams calldata params) public payable onlyRole(OPERATOR_ROLE) whenNotPaused() {
        address positionOwner = params.nfpm.ownerOf(params.tokenId);
@>      _validateOrder(params.userOrder, params.orderSignature, positionOwner);
        _execute(params, positionOwner);
    function _validateOrder(StructHash.Order memory order, bytes memory orderSignature, address actor) internal view {
@>      address userAddress = recover(order, orderSignature);
@>      require(userAddress == actor);
    function recover(StructHash.Order memory order, bytes memory signature) internal view returns (address) {
@>      bytes32 digest = _hashTypedDataV4(StructHash._hash(order));
@>      return ECDSA.recover(digest, signature);

However, there is no nonce field in the StructHash.Order. That means that the same hashed order can be reused multiple times. What's also important is that the order is used only to verify if it was signed by the user, however it's not checked if the order that user signed is the same as the params passed by the operator, because ExecuteParams sent to V3Automation.execute() use other set of params to indicate the action to perform:

    struct ExecuteParams {
        Action action;
        Protocol protocol;
        INonfungiblePositionManager nfpm;

        uint256 tokenId;
        uint128 liquidity; // liquidity the calculations are based on

        // target token for swaps (if this is address(0) no swaps are executed)
        address targetToken;

        uint256 amountIn0;
        // if token0 needs to be swapped to targetToken - set values
        uint256 amountOut0Min;
        bytes swapData0;
        // user signed config
        StructHash.Order userOrder;
        bytes orderSignature;

And later in the function, params.userOrder is not used, only the params prepared by the operator:

@>      if (params.action == Action.AUTO_ADJUST) {
            require(state.tickLower != params.newTickLower || state.tickUpper != params.newTickUpper);
            SwapAndMintResult memory result;
@>          if (params.targetToken == state.token0) {
@>              result = _swapAndMint(SwapAndMintParams(params.protocol, params.nfpm, IERC20(state.token0), IERC20(state.token1), state.fee, params.newTickLower, params.newTickUpper, 0, state.amount0, state.amount1, 0, positionOwner, params.deadline, IERC20(state.token1), params.amountIn1, params.amountOut1Min, params.swapData1, 0, 0, bytes(""), params.amountAddMin0, params.amountAddMin1), false);
            } else if (params.targetToken == state.token1) {
@>              result = _swapAndMint(SwapAndMintParams(params.protocol, params.nfpm, IERC20(state.token0), IERC20(state.token1), state.fee, params.newTickLower, params.newTickUpper, 0, state.amount0, state.amount1, 0, positionOwner, params.deadline, IERC20(state.token0), 0, 0, bytes(""), params.amountIn0, params.amountOut0Min, params.swapData0, params.amountAddMin0, params.amountAddMin1), false);
            } else {
                // Rebalance without swap
@>              result = _swapAndMint(SwapAndMintParams(params.protocol, params.nfpm, IERC20(state.token0), IERC20(state.token1), state.fee, params.newTickLower, params.newTickUpper, 0, state.amount0, state.amount1, 0, positionOwner, params.deadline, IERC20(address(0)), 0, 0, bytes(""), 0, 0, bytes(""), params.amountAddMin0, params.amountAddMin1), false);

Actually, this behavior is shown in test/integration/V3Automation.t.sol:

@>  StructHash.Order emptyUserConfig; // todo: remove this when we fill user configuration

    function setUp() external {

    function testAutoAdjustRange() external {
        // add liquidity to existing (empty) position (add 1 DAI / 0 USDC)
        (address userAddress, uint256 privateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("positionOwnerAddress");

        NPM.safeTransferFrom(TEST_NFT_ACCOUNT, userAddress, TEST_NFT);

@>      bytes memory signature = _signOrder(emptyUserConfig, privateKey);

        uint256 countBefore = NPM.balanceOf(userAddress);

        (, , , , , , , uint128 liquidityBefore, , , , ) = NPM.positions(

        V3Automation.ExecuteParams memory params = V3Automation.ExecuteParams(
            184467440737095520, // 0.01 * 2^64

        // using approve / execute pattern
        NPM.setApprovalForAll(address(v3automation), true);



        // now we have 2 NFTs (1 empty)
        uint256 countAfter = NPM.balanceOf(userAddress);
        assertGt(countAfter, countBefore);

        (, , , , , , , uint128 liquidityAfter, , , , ) = NPM.positions(
        assertEq(liquidityAfter, 0);

In the test above, emptyUserConfig - being really empty, i.e. consisting of only 0s, because it's not being set - is being signed and the order successfully executes, even though the action adds liquidity. That means that the deadline, liquidity to get, recipient of the funds, amount , etc. - basically all parameters that the user signs are independent from what is being sent on-chain.

To summarize, there are multiple occasions, where no nonce and actually no verification of execute params conformity to under signed order can be exploited:

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Introduce nonce and verification that operator parameters are the same that the user signed.

Assessed type


3docSec commented 2 months ago

The report is of sufficient quality

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec marked the issue as selected for report

3docSec commented 2 months ago

Confirming as Med. There is the concrete possibility of fund loss, however, the onlyRole(OPERATOR_ROLE) privilege required to exploit it mitigates the risk.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec marked the issue as primary issue

d3e4 commented 2 months ago

@3docSec Since the Operator is a trusted role, and only the Operator can replay the the signature, is the risk not to be considered completely mitigated (at least at the Med level)?

0xSorryNotSorry commented 1 month ago

Hey @d3e4 ,

Thank you for your comment.

However, we definitely submitted a broader issue in terms of securing off-chain components. So the view that you brought in your comment is only a possibility but does not represent the main issue of securing automated executions as stated in our submission.

Please consider all the cases we brought up: both purposeful and unintentional.

3docSec commented 1 month ago

Hi @d3e4 yes the operator's trusted role has been considered for judging. If it wasn't for it, I certainly would've upgraded it to High.

I opted to keep it as M because relying on off-chain security (the operator's private keys storage & its software correctness) to secure the user's funds from misuse of their own signature is not something a user would normally expect, and goes fundamentally against what is in commonsense expected from signed messages in the first place: "I am signing X for you, and the contract ensures that X is all you can do with my signature".